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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Double Rainboom: Despite having by far the best animation of the group of three, it ended up being my least favorite simply because it's animation was so similar to the show that I was having uncanny valley effects from it and it proved hurtful for it as I didn't like the way the characters were portrayed, some of the voice acting was mediocre, the inclusion and use of memes and the powerpuff girls was pointless and just insulting, and finally one of the worse uses of deus ex machina I've seen recently. That's not including all the controversy the team behind Double Rainboom caused to make this one feel worse in hindsight. Dusk's Dawn: Despite being the worse out of the bunch in terms of quality, but it was so bad that it managed to hit the 'so bad it's good' type of comedy where I would laugh at just how badly done it was in animation (so stiff and awkward), thick accent voice acting, bad comedy, and bad characters. Only the inclusion of Mando's song offered any sort of noted quality even if I'm not a big fan of him. Snowdrop: The best out of three for it's animation was good but not too good like Double Rainboom was as you still know it was fan made, and it's story was pretty decent even if it tried too hard with it's heavy use of cliches to make me feel sorry for Snowdrop. I've heard of how rude the folks at silly filly studios are, but to C&D a fellow plushie maker just because they were going to make a profit off of their OC and then notify to Hasbro and Disney about them? That's not being a dick, that's just being petty and selfish in a deluded manner. Kinda makes me pleased to see they lost some favor with the fandom after how bad Fall of the Crystal Empire was. As for the newest kickstarter for a pony animation, I agree with your sentiments about it.
  2. Just a question, do you need the I7 for multiple app stuff like video editing and art stuff?
  3. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15541-fim-twilight-time-episode-review-redux/ My review for Twilight Time redux is finished. Come and offer what you guys thought about this episode and if agree or disagree with it for a myraid of good reasons.
  4. I thought Twilight Time is a solid episode made better by the display of character developments from the CMC's expanding their interests past getting their cutie marks, Twilight's growth as a princess.

    1. theonenamedDJ


      Y'know I think I like this episode more for showcasing the development of the CMC than for the actual plot.

    2. Nuke87654


      Pretty much. The plot was safe but the developmets for the CMC's and Twilight were good


  5. http://madacon.deviantart.com/art/Stitchy-pie-518696951 A cute Pinkie Pie comic for those to see
    1. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      I'm very jelly of that comic hand. :P


      It's a very-very-very-very cute comic! *Huggles* X3

    2. Megas
  6. True, even with those mentioned flaws prior, at least the older comics were good in general quality and you can tell good effort was put into the writing from Katie.
  7. Frankly, it's as if as soon as Katie received her first negative backlash to her comic writing in the reflections arc, it's as if she decided to stop caring and just do whatever she wanted to do writing the comics. I mean, it's rather sad that once upon a time, alot of people had thought Katie was better then most of the DHX's writer staff. Now she's become one of the biggest problems with the comics as she's written several bad main issues that just seems to be getting worse and worse with how we're expected to root for the deer race against the evil corporation despite the deer wrecking Ponyville and the comic doesn't call them out on it really. All to serve an environmentalist message that I'm tired of reading and hearing this cliche this comic follows to the letter.
  8. Does this mean in the next tv series we can expect Celestia to show up at some point and this time be the awesome leader we were told she was?
  9. I agree. I feel one of the series's problems as of late is that for being princesses, we don't actually see them doing what their job is supposed to be, leading their people. This is especially a problem with Celestia as she's supposed to be that figure and leader but yet we actually really don't see her doing that outside of mentions. One thing I liked from the Luna Micro was that it actually showed of how difficult it is leading Equestria where Luna became exhausted by it at the end of the day while Celestia was doing the job a thousand years on her own. I'd like an episode dedicated to showing nuances of how Equestrian government runs so that way we can actually see Celestia and how she does in her day to day activity and of course show some issues like some border dispute and other matters that require her attention and her quickly resolving it. Show us that Celestia is a good leader, don't say she is but not really show it to us.
  10. Because alot of people like to imagine their favorite character free of flaws so they can idolize and adore. It's not a thing unfamiliar before this, many other characters had this as well.
  11. I can probably answer along these lines: A. Nostalgia Goggles. Alot of people fondly remembered Sonic Rainboom as being one of the best episodes they've seen. More critical eyes such as mine and what I found find it to be a good but very flawed Rainbow Dash episode. B. The preferential treatment for Fluttershy. Due to how immensely popular Fluttershy because of her reserved nature, alot of people have this idealistic view on Fluttershy and thus tend to avoid the bad and negative stuff Fluttershy committed in the series such as causing the conflict of the episode by mentioning it to Rainbow Dash's bullies that she's still having issues doing the Sonic Rainboom.
  12. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15511-fim-filli-vanilli-episode-review-redux/ My review for Filli Vanilli is up. Please come and discuss what you guys thought about my points and if you agree or disagree with them.
  13. What's your favorite book?
  14. So the almighty lord smooze returns!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Understood, I would like their return as well if given the chance.

    3. Metemponychosis


      Wait! What? Where?!

    4. Nuke87654


      Can be found on EQD, or any pony news site in general

  15. Season 5 will air on April 4th

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Steelstallion


      I got that now. :D thanks any way!

    3. theonenamedDJ
    4. theonenamedDJ


      Secondly, I really hope they air all through the summer, with no long break. Summer could use some pony.

  16. Why does my C&C ultimate collection not work! Seriously First Decade didn't caused so much issues.

    1. Jon C

      Jon C

      EA being EA. I can't get many games to launch from it either.

    2. Nuke87654


      Ah, looks like I'll have to wait till the C&C community comes up with some ultimate fix or so. Seriously Origin wouldn't be so hated if at least half their games aren't broke.

  17. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15492-fim-simple-ways-episode-review/ My review for SImple Ways is up. Come and discuss if you believe my score for the episode is justified.
  18. Simple ways is a fun rarijack episode that caused too many self inflicting issues for it

  19. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15463-fim-pinkie-pride-episode-review/ My review for Pinkie Pride is up. I especially would like to hear if you guys think this is Pinkie Pie's best episode in the series, or Party of One is better.
  20. Okay when did Smash became Guilty Gear?
  21. Sounds like a bit of effort was put in but they didn't had the resources, dedication, and talent Nintendo has. I would like to and encourage you to do more reviews as you're good at being concise and getting your points across.
  22. Pinkie Pride remains a great Pinkie Pie episode that honestly I'm wondering if it is perhaps Pinkie Pie's best episode in the series. What do you guys think?

    1. Megas


      Best Pinkie Episode

    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      It's a coin toss between that and Party of One. I have Party of One better, but by only a hair.

    3. Nuke87654


      @Megas I think so.

      @DQ I agree that it's between those two. My belief Pinkie Pride is slightly better goes more into that Pinkie Pride took a much bigger risk, is larger in scope, part of an arc, it explored Pinkie's character in a good way as well, had a special guest in it, and it was damn brilliant in all of it even if Pinkie Pride had a couple more flaws then Party of one..

  23. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1573/entry-15428-legend-of-zelda-wind-waker-hd-review/ My video game review for wind waker hd is up. Please come and discuss upon the merits of my review and if you whole heartily agree or disagree with them.
  24. http://www.gog.com/promo/weekend_promo_herzlich_willkommen_260215 GOG is having a sale with Deponia 97% off for 49 american cents. Probably the best deal for it outside of a free giveaway you'll ever get.
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