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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/02/06/rice-admits-to-illegal-use-of-stickum/ So Jerry Rice admits to using Stickum and yet he goes and calls the pats cheaters for supposedly deflating footballs. Wow, what a hypocrite.
  2. Other than making a super hero parody of the mane 6, what was the point of Power Ponies existance?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      But the lesson was so blantant and heavy handed, not to mention he only succeeded because they didn't treated him like a threat and everbody was paying attention to something else while everything fell into place for Spike to the rescue. The Crystal Empire did a better job at setting him up to be the hero as he carried the crystal heart while a dark lord was chasing after him thus he was treated as a threat to Sombra and thus making Spike's effort more impressive in comparison.

    3. duidamasterXD


      Yep, I don't think it succeeded in what it was trying to accomplish very well (Equestria Games did much better on this end), largely because I think the concept of having them as superheroes probably came before their having it mean anything.

    4. Nuke87654


      Perhaps that was the case.

  3. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15045-fim-flight-to-the-finish-episode-review/ My review for Flight to the Finish is up. Please come and discuss what you think of this episode and if you agree or disagree for my thoughts.
  4. While I prefer red letter media and especially their Mr. Plinkett's style of review and humor, Nostalgia critic is fine even if I think he should stop doing his over the top and large humor skits and focus more on the reviews themselves.
  5. Flight to the finish is easily the best episode so far in my season 4 review, though it repeats the bully tropes to cause a conflict for the cmc's once more

    1. theonenamedDJ


      Not to mention the conflict doesn't start until halfway through the episode.

  6. http://www.screwattack.com/news/uncharted-4-no-longer-expected-be-60-frames-second What is this disgusting piece of news on Uncharted 4!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      So much of next gen experience on consoles. They can't even run at 60 fps that's considered a minimal standard for years in pc gaming.

    3. long gone

      long gone

      This generation ain't gonna last 8 years at this rate.

    4. Nuke87654


      Looks like Nintendo's strat to release their new console earlier then expected may actually be a good choice.

  7. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-15028-fim-daring-dont-episode-review/ In this review, I want as many people to come and argue with my points as I want to be challenged for my current view for Daring Don't please.
    1. long gone
    2. Nuke87654


      Don't hesitate to critique me please!

  8. I did not liked Daring Don't for many reasons, mainly on how Daring Do being made a real character was written in the series.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Hmm, perhaps, ah I'll need to view it tommorow with a more positive reception for her. Seems like Daring Don't is another like it or hate it type of episode.

    3. Nuke87654
    4. ghostfacekiller39


      It seems to be the case, but regardless, it gets a pass in my book xP My opinions generally stray from the general consensus, though xD

  9. http://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2015/2/3/7973091/falcons-owner-arthur-blank-fake-crowd-noise-investigation So the Falcons admit to cheating by pumping in fake crowd noise. Since it's not the patriots, nobody will care.
    1. Frostgage


      At this point, I like being the team everyone hates. :D

    2. Nuke87654


      True, honestly the more and more I see how people react to Deflation gate and their behavior towards our pats, I can understand a bit of how deeply bitter everyone is at Patriot's success.

    3. Frostgage


      Yep. There's a reason no one hates the Bills, Vikings or Browns. :P

  10. One of the most creative and brilliantly skilled animator to ever grace across the internet. The talent he had in spades will be a major loss to the internet populace. May we all pay a moment of tribute to him and all of the great work and talent that he made and surely more that would've come but will never appear.
  11. As much as we're poking fun at Richard Sherman crying, this is one iconic photo of him being classy https://mobile.twitter.com/JonHeathNFL/status/562100311922589696

    1. ghostfacekiller39


      Richard Sherman being classy? Who would've thought? xP


      Kudos to him, though.

    2. Nuke87654


      Indeed, and my respect for him went up for that. At least he's a classy guy in defeat.

  12. Good game Seattle fans. That was one thrilling game! I'm soo happy right now!
  13. NEW ENGLAND WON! 28-24! Malcom Butler I freaking love you man!

  14. Please do not collapse like this New England.

  15. Yep, and the voice for Jaden Yugi in the Yugioh Abridged Series.
  16. I actually liked Rainbow Dash's conflict in the episode, it was the remaining five's behavior I didn't liked in this episode. If RD fans were upset about her behavior, then I can't imagine how they liked her in May the Best Pet Win and a couple others in Season 4.
  17. http://www.patspulpit.com/2015/2/1/7959597/deflategate-only-one-football-was-2-psi-below-limit So apparantly only one football was within the two psi below while the rest were either within one psi or just below the minimum. So what happens if that 2 psi football happens to be the ball the colts picked off, do you think the investigation should focus on the Colts in possibly manufacturing a story to frame the pats.
  18. So what Horse News had reported on the thing was actually real. Wow, what a bunch of arrogant asshats of not putting up their end of the deal for your sake and the money you gave to the charity for it. This blog and it's contents needs to be known more.
  19. Already knew but excellent job posting this as word needs to be spread about all these classic Star Wars games and of how awesome GOG is. To add as well, Republic Commando is on there too.
  20. http://roosterteeth.com/members/journal/entry.php?id=3301055 For those who care for Rooster Teeth and especially with RWBY, Monty Oum is currently in intensive care and it's unknown if he'll pull through.
  21. My list of underrated episodes thus far: 1. Green isn't your Color: With how well Rarity and Fluttershy meshed in this episode, giving a unique take on Fluttershy's character in the series, an underrated villain in Photo Finish, and a good written jealously episode that outdid the later on in 'Owl's Well That Ends Well', I'm surprised at how little this episode has received in love. With their connection in fashion and how well the timid Fluttershy and the over the top but caring Rarity connect, I would like to see more Flarity episodes in the series. 2. Family Appreciation Day: This is one of the most important episodes in terms of world building in the series with how it gave us lore for how Ponyville came to be and even characterization on Grannie Smith. Kind of surprised not many people give credit to this episode for it. 3. Mysterious Mare Do Well: Honestly I feel this episode is overrhated to the point of being underrated as alot of people hated it for RD's performance when it was this episode that started RD's character development to becoming a more humble pony (and she was much worse in May the Best Pet Win). You want to hate anyone in that episode, hate the remaining five's hypocritical behavior. 4. The Last Roundup: A very solid AJ episode as Citrus King said that unfortunately got overshadowed by controversy with Derpy Hooves. 5. Sleepless in Ponyville: A popular episode to receive backlash after how bad Corey Powell was after this episode. It's still one of Season 3's best episodes and as Q mentioned about Rarity's behavior it was justifiable. 6. Apple Family Reunion: A great AJ episode that really showed a good side to how far she's willing to go to make a reunion the best one for the sake of pleasing her mind knowing her parents won't be there to celebrate it as AJ gets her first dib managing it. Wished more people would give it it's due. 7. Castle mane-ia: A nice slice of life episode that while not exactly original held many good humor and characterization for the majority of the cast in the episode. It also is the episode that started the whole Friendship Journal thing Season 4 and possibly future seasons will use. My most overrated episodes thus far: 1. Sonic Rainboom: I don't understand why this episode is considered among the top ten episodes in the series by many. Perhaps in the top twenty or thirty but with how it made Rarity into an unlikable character in the episode and struck everybody with Plot induced stupidity for the sake of making Rainbow Dash's conflict in the episode work as intended, I'm just wondering why it's being considered as such. 2. Luna Eclipsed: Biggest proof that all you need to make Bronies to declare an episode best ever is to put Princess Luna in it. It's not a bad episode but like Sonic Rainboom I wouldn't put it near my top ten list like so many do. 3. A Canterlot Wedding: This was considered the best episode in the series by many. Now I view it as one of the episodes that started some of FIM's later problems in how it overemphasized Twilight above the remaining five and made her look all the better for being the opposing voice while everybody else was proven wrong for doubting her, and many narrative and continuity issues it caused. 4. Magical Mystery Cure: With how a poll on EQD rated this as one of the best episodes in the series, I'm left agaped by it. Look, I know alot of those voters probably felt guilty for how they or others behaved towards the DHX staff for the whole Twilicorn and EQG drama, but to rate this as one of the best episodes in the series? It has a better case to be among the worst episodes in the series for how frantic it's pacing was and not so noble motives from Celestia and her plan for Twilight in the episode. (I will add more to it as I continue my season 4 review).
  22. So Ouya recieved a 10 million dollar investment from Alibaba if what Twitter says is true.

    1. Megas


      Who'd waste their money on that

    2. Nuke87654


      I wonder if Alibaba is interested in actually acquiring them as they can easily sway the creators with cash if they wanted too.

  23. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-14961-fim-castle-mane-ia-episode-review/ My latest review is up. Come all and find if the episode review is to your liking and discuss whether you believe it be good or bad for your own reasons.
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