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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Hey folks, I'm wondering what is the best antivirus protection available right now as I want to get the best for my pc and tablet's sake.
  2. Brady gave ne 24 million more caproom money!
  3. When did Nvidia decided to adopt AMD's pricing strategy now?
  4. Watt was probably the biggest reason why the texans were even in consideration for a playoff berth considering they've lost many QB's this year and among other things. Without him and his presence to scare offense gameplans around him, the Texans would be much worse and they would be in an even worse spot. There is a reason he's the only player to record 2 20 sack seasons on his resume and he's what, less than a five year veteran? Russell Wilson, Marshawyn Lynch is far more valuable to the Seahawk's offense then Russel Wilson is. There was a reason why the seahawks offense improved when they started to depend less on Wilson to carry the offense and more on Lynch. Lynch is easily one of the best running backs in the NFL. The other three you mentioned are worthy of consideration however.
  5. Nuke87654

    gaming DEATH BATTLE

    I just hope Screwattack isn't going to make a big deal out of Ragna's soul stealing attacks when Sol Badguy is very resistant to soul attacks due to the fact he's a gear and was able to survive just fine in the Backyard 'a place noted to attack you in physical, mentally, and spiritually'. Also, I'm kind of worried they'll make a big deal out of Makoto's moon busting feat that I feel is an outlier or at least remember Sol is able to hang with Slayer, aka guy who can punch you off planet and Sol was able to affect the Planet's Gravity as well. Just kind of worried about it is all.
  6. Don't smoke it yet as anything can happen. For all we know in two weeks, both the pats and seahawks get knocked out of the playoffs. I really believe JJ Watt should be the league MVP, but I feel Rodgers and murmurings for Tony Romo, Murray, Peyton, and that Steelers Running Back will get it.
  7. Not to mention that bottom Twilight pony art is very reminiscent of that one fandom artist (dm29).
  8. Yes he is, DJ-Shy-3. I love all of my funko figurines.
  9. http://www.gog.com/ GOG is giving away a free game for those interested. Also, they're having a sale on Square Enix titles available over there, notably with the Hitman and Deus Ex series.
  10. I'm the kind of gamer who has so many games from pc sales that I can't purchase games unless there's some sales atached to it as I want maximze the amount of games I can profit.
  11. Happy biryhday envy.

  12. I may not know much about the Doctor and his timey whimy nonsense, but I do recognize the impact he has upon the sci-fi culture. Have a merry christmas folks!
  13. Here's to the stoic, quiet, and firm pony we all know and care for, Big Macintosh. Let us enjoy this splendid holiday season!
  14. Now if anybody would so kindly as to point me to where the Vinyl Scratch, Doctor Whooves, Spitfire, Big Macintosh, and Daring Do fanclubs are I would appreciate it very much :)

  15. I can't wait to see those figurines!
  16. Venerate the immortal Queen of ponykind. The one who has protected and watched over her beloved kingdom and it's inhabitants with continued vigilance and love. Merry Christmas!
  17. Here's to the very ponies whose strong bonds of friendship keep us all here together. We shall enjoy these wonderful holiday seasons as one!
  18. Ah nothing more than to see the reactions in peoples faces, both good and bad upon this tumultuous holiday season. The spirit of Chaos in Discord will love this!
  19. Hail to the Princess of the night. Let us sleep comfortably knowing the guardian of the night watches over our sleep with diligence and love for all of us tonight upon these holidays.
  20. To the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle, we bow before thee upon this wonderful time of the year! Merry Christmas!
  21. ...Um, let's cheer for the cute shy pegasus pony. Though not too loudly on Christmas please.
  22. Here's to our favorite party pony in Pinkie Pie. Party like you mean it on this wonderful day of Christmas.
  23. Here's to the beautiful fashionista pony in Rarity. Have a happy holidays upon this day!
  24. Here's to our favorite human obsessed pony in Lyra Heartstrings. May we all have a wonderful holiday season.
  25. Here's to Bon Bon or Sweetie Drops upon this wonderful holiday season!
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