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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. Ocarina of Time's water temple, heck any water level for me is annoying to play against in the Zelda games.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Pinkie, Vinyl, Derpy, Sunset..... Pinkie is my dream-mare, but I will not deny that the other three are attractive too... :P

    3. Nuke87654


      @Bright, Twilight would not be pleased.

      @Huggle, they're all attractive ponies really.

    4. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      True. (P.S. Pinkie wasn't an option, I voted Twilight.)

  2. I can only imagine all you Greenbay fans are right now furious at your defense. Now I just hope my team New England defeats Indianapolis.
  3. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1519/entry-14753-fim-season-3-review/ My Season 3 review is up. What do you guys think about it?
  4. Now i just realize in horror that Wind Chaser was banned :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nuke87654


      No idea, I may try and ask him.

    3. theonenamedDJ


      What... what the hell, MLPforums?! His analysis was one of the best.

    4. Nuke87654


      I know, and I'm sad for it :(

  5. You mean in the upcoming new arc or a friends forever issue?
  6. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-14693-fim-magical-mystery-cure-episode-review/ My review for Magical Mystery Cure is up. Please come and discuss what you guys thought about my review, episode, and offer your thoughts about either one.
  7. Freakazoid stomps considering he's a major toon force user. Toon force users are pretty much reality benders in scope of power. Their preview for Gaara is up.
  8. Yay, I'm happy to see you back to reviewing stuff.
  9. I want the villains to be as over the top in power as possible just because I love overpowered crap.
  10. Windows 7 professional 64 bit on both of my computers. IOS 8.1 for my Ipad.
  11. I can't enjoy the season 3 finale as it held so many flaws in pacing, narrative, and some especially terrible implications.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Becoming a princess was Twilight's destiny. Celestia saw that when she was just a filly. That's why she was her pupil for so long. She was steering her in the right direction.

    3. Nuke87654


      For being able to do a powerful feat of magic, why not a mage as she herself thought she would be in the comics. I'm not hating alicorn twilight, in fact I support it and view it as a good change of pace for the show, but I can't say her inception was done well.

    4. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      [ and some especially terrible implications. ]


      When I wrote my MMC review two years ago, implications were never on my mind. Looking forward to the review. ^^

  12. Most likely Celestia as Big Mac looked like he was struggling mightily while Celestia looked bored in comparison.
  13. Try casually pulling a full house behind him without much issue: He's probably the only one that can compete with her physical strength wise (I should mince my words there), though he lacks the destructive feats she's shown in comparison.
  14. Oh definitely, personally if you take out the Top tiers of MLP for strength, she's probably the strongest pony in the FIM series.
  15. At least island strength if what that calc Shimmer has for filly RD and of how she achieved something similar to RD's Sonic Rainboom with that tidal wave feat.
  16. Regardless, they're valid so long as we don't get any indication of Pinkie Pie being weaker from the other ponies, which the AJ book by GM Berrow confirmed it to not be the case as AJ remarked of how her and Pinkie Pie are strong because they're earth ponies and of course Pinkie Pie's past life as a rock farmer has to leave her with plenty of strength if what her sister Maud has anything to say about it.
  17. Just to simply know, what's Pinkie Pie's strength feat please.
  18. He wanted to be a hero and return one for a td, but new englands special teams quickly dashed whatever hope he had and made him waste more seconds for it.
  19. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-14643-fim-games-ponies-play-episode-review/ My review for Games Ponies Play is up. Please come and discuss what you thought about my review both good and bad.
  20. Games ponies play is a weak episode with a contrived story and a copout ending just meet the equestria games arc's requirement. Still better than just for sidekicks however.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nuke87654


      That's fine, though I would like to hear your view on those episodes to satiate my curiosity

    3. Megas


      Just for Sidekicks - I've heard people call it a Spike Torture Porn, but I felt that he brought it on himself. He told the mane 6 that he was gonna take care of their pets, but I didn't expect him to follow through, so I felt that most of his misfortunes were his fault

    4. Megas


      As for Games Ponies Play - I didn't see much to hate about it, I was laughing most of the time, it had a nice scene from Rainbow Dash('cause I'm biased like that). Really I just couldn't hate it

  21. Or Terra as Toph's opponent unless Terra was really underpowered in the Teen Titans cartoon.
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