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Everything posted by Nuke87654

  1. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-14623-fim-just-for-sidekicks-episode-review/ My review for Just for Sidekicks is up. Please come and offer what your thoughts are about the episode and my review for it.
  2. Ah, that would help her a bit, but Gaara still has many major advantages over her in abilities, feats, strength, speed, and other factors.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4SNKcKcaHM&feature=em-uploademail Their latest episode between Ragna the Bloodedge vs. Sol Badguy is up. Now for a bit of spoilers:
  4. This is what I could say about "Just for Sidekicks", in the simplest terms. Spike torture porn episode.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      The biggest reason why I *hate* that episode.

    3. theonenamedDJ


      I.. actually don't mind that episode.

    4. Metemponychosis
  5. So apparantly, if Screwattack is able to pick this up, Ragna's ability to absorb and destroy souls will be useless to Sol Badguy with this ability Cypher found: Sol can use the Soul Sinker Chord Incantation to manipulate his soul and create a backup copy should anything happen to him. And that's before That Man gave him a rather permanent enchantment to protect himself from the effects of the Backyard, something that would just crush you body and soul if you even step into that extradimensional realm. Something that Sol seemed to remember since he was willing to re-kill Justice and the Conclave in the Backyard in Xrd. What do you guys think?
  6. Pretty much, they took who pretty much was the original archetype of evil sorceress and made her into...some fairy who was mistreated by the bad humans.
  7. Cause I don't care for college football, sorry.
  8. And, why can't offer my own two cents :comeatus:
  9. While I respect Baltimore and they have shown they can win against NE at Gillette in the playoffs (hence why I've found the home winning streak they had going weird), however there's one factor I believe New England will win. New England lost against Buffalo, when was the last time you've remembered New England going on a consecutive game losing streak? As well as a needed bye, I believe New England will win. While I believe the Panthers will give Seattle fits early, Seattle's suffocating defense will prove key. This is my upset of the week as while Greenbay is scary at home, Rodgers is wounded with his hip injury and Dallas is on the road, this years best road warriors. Dallas in an upset. Denver fans are going to take a note from New England and rely on CJ anderson to run down the indy's defense and minimize Andy luck's chances. Denver wins.
  10. Indeed, which is nice considering where I' am, if the Redskins aren't doing well, they're all converted to steelers fans. Was kind of laughing at how empty the Heinz Field was at the 4th quarter btw.
  11. Congrats on your team's win over the Steelers. Also, good luck against my fav team in New England on Saturday.
  12. All I can say this, if only Rodney just effing puched that ball!
  13. Just shows of how fortunate Ted was working with such a permissive environment as IDW.
  14. So the panthers pretty much showed that despite their weak division, they belong in the playoffs with the win over the cardinals.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      The Giants in 2007 were expected to lose out to the top seeds and especially to my pats. How'd that turned out?

    3. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      They're the Giants. You can't predict anything with them except when they're having a bad year.

    4. Nuke87654
  15. Trying to finish Mass Effect 3 for a complete as best as I can review for the Mass Effect triology.

  16. Why would they send her to a place noted to be dangerous just for asking questions? They're not that cruel to essentially place someone's life in jeopardy. If anyone can compile a list of reasons for Nyx not being well liked when she turns to Nightmare Moon would be greatly appreciated by me.
  17. Can anyone explain just how bad Nyx was when she became something else other than a Filly?
  18. Maybe, but I feel they got alot of hate for it was because many debaters were upset at a blatant attempt by Screwattack to bring the brony audience to their side by giving Rainbow Dash the victory despite numerous evidences supporting that G1 Starscream stomps her. I feel there probably would be less hate if another pony beating another character was explained reasonably well and not depending upon a dubious source that I've found for their calcs.
  19. The force in the EU was ridiculous as you had palpatine who was a capable of creating planetary life wiping force storms, Nihilus who was able to life wipe planets with a few words, Luke being able to send a telepathic message to all Jedis across the galaxy about his coronation as Grand Master, attack a sith lord with telekinesis who was a solar system or so away, FTL level pre-cog, and loads of other abilities that would make it vastly superior to Harry Potter magic.
  20. Hmm, I did tried a paid version of malwarebytes but their version kinda of soured after it gave me firewall issues (wouldn't stop deactivating my internet) and how slow the scanner was. Currently, I'm looking at Webroot, Vipre, and esst32.
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