Hello MLP community! I have spectated in some forums for a time and there is a matter at hand that perhaps with the help of each and every one of us, can wrap up. It is not an easy fix but it surly is possible.
The issue is this: we need to respect one another.
Why should this matter? Why shouldn't it. As many who spend time on the internet know, individuals conflict with one another over many an issue. In comments, forums and blogs. As members of a forum site based from a show where the main idea is friendship, why does one see such conflicts here?
Every individual has the basic fundamental rights of being entitled to his or her opinion. However, if there is an opinion that you may not agree with, no matter how radical or subtle it is, you do not need to confront that opinion. Leave it be, report it if necessary but do not challenge it, even if it goes against every fiber in your being. Such as if you believe (A) and another believes (D) and challenges your belief in (A), respond in kindness, no anger or sarcasm, kindness and move on if you absolutely must reply. Otherwise ignore it. If you have indeed watched the show, you should know how to go about these types of situations.
The main idea here is to be friends, to respect each other and embrace our differences because frankly we are all different from the next.
As a favor, not for me but for those who come into the Welcoming Plaza, for those who watch the show and understand its values and come seeking this community: continue to set a good example for them. I was so attracted to this community more than any other because of how kind, understanding and accepting its members are, its fans.
Let us keep it that way, so that there is a kind and wonderful community down the road that future Bronies can be a part of.
Thank you all.