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Everything posted by RainbowGlass

  1. Very cool! I've been looking at getting some card myself and a pin pack to put on my bags, hats, etc!
  2. Hello~ and welcome! Message me if you have any questions about this site or want to talk about anything! Plenty of nice people in these forums, enjoy your stay!
  3. Welcome! You will have a great time here in the MLP forums. Plenty of nice folks. Message if you need any info!
  4. I went away for the weekend out of town. During my travels I found a surprising amount of "Pony Merch" in many various stores! Pins, plush toys, a Rainbow Dash Backpack, Rainbow Dash Hoodie, Key Chains, etc. I had never seen this much Pony Merch before, ever. It's apparent to me that the Bronie world is expanding and obviously places of business are catching on. This is great news for every Bronie!
  5. @PsychedelicPony The Bill Nye / Ken Ham debate was awesome! I love Bill Nye.
  6. Hello MLP community! I have spectated in some forums for a time and there is a matter at hand that perhaps with the help of each and every one of us, can wrap up. It is not an easy fix but it surly is possible. The issue is this: we need to respect one another. Why should this matter? Why shouldn't it. As many who spend time on the internet know, individuals conflict with one another over many an issue. In comments, forums and blogs. As members of a forum site based from a show where the main idea is friendship, why does one see such conflicts here? Every individual has the basic fundamental rights of being entitled to his or her opinion. However, if there is an opinion that you may not agree with, no matter how radical or subtle it is, you do not need to confront that opinion. Leave it be, report it if necessary but do not challenge it, even if it goes against every fiber in your being. Such as if you believe (A) and another believes (D) and challenges your belief in (A), respond in kindness, no anger or sarcasm, kindness and move on if you absolutely must reply. Otherwise ignore it. If you have indeed watched the show, you should know how to go about these types of situations. The main idea here is to be friends, to respect each other and embrace our differences because frankly we are all different from the next. As a favor, not for me but for those who come into the Welcoming Plaza, for those who watch the show and understand its values and come seeking this community: continue to set a good example for them. I was so attracted to this community more than any other because of how kind, understanding and accepting its members are, its fans. Let us keep it that way, so that there is a kind and wonderful community down the road that future Bronies can be a part of. Thank you all. :-)
  7. I do not like country music or loud bass music, not to mention scream music. I would rather listen to a tool cabinet falling down an endless flight of stairs. Too many people are uneducated in the United States. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice. I am tired of people of different faiths fighting each other, it's mundane. There, my opinions!
  8. That is the P-39 Airacobra. WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Dessert Storm, and on and on; any conflict counts my friend. All veterans count. A thank you to your Grandfather for serving in Korea! Korea was a tough one, as the allies almost lost it and South Korea wouldn't exist if it wasn't for men like your Grandfather. The Navy played a very important role in that war. Thank you for sharing!
  9. It is not a historical day today nor does it have to be. Let us remember and honor the veterans of WWII! As is the case with most of us here, that would be our Grandfathers. Whatever the case may be, if you have a Grandparent or relative that served in the last World War tell the world a little bit about them! Where did they serve, what did they do, etc. There are not many veterans from that war left now and personally I am trying in every way that I can to honor them, tell their stories, who they are and were so that we may never forget them and what they did. Here is a little bit about my Grandfathers- Both of my Grandfathers served during World War 2. My Grandfather Albert served in the Pacific theater, though I do not have any idea what he did (due to family history complications) and he passed while I was very young. I do not think he saw combat, I could be wrong. My Grandfather Vanderlaan was a fighter pilot over the Aleutian Islands of Alaska in the Pacific theater, the only place where American soil was invaded and fought upon (during Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was not a state yet. That occurs in 1959.). He flew a few aircraft including the P-38 and says his favorite was the P-39 also known as the P-400 as it went 400 mph. He stated this specifically as the speed was crucial during most dogfights. He is still alive at 92 years of age and though he doesn't recall certain aspects of his life very well now, when he talks of his service in WWII it is crystal clear as is the case with most veterans. He battled in multiple dogfights, engaged in strafing runs and attacked a Japanese Aircraft Carrier. Please share your stories if you would like to about your Grandparents. Thank you.
  10. This year on the 28th of July will mark the 100th year since the beginning of World War I.

  11. Pencil and paper are wonderful instruments of imagination.

    1. Delernil


      Yes. Pencil and paper is one of the best things ever.

  12. I cannot tell you how neat it is to hear of so many other experiences from you guys! It really gives you an idea of how odd and varied other peoples dreams can be.
  13. I wasn't on any medications but those surly can effect things! Either way dreams are quite odd, yet enjoyable.
  14. I like to record my dreams in a log (granted its a dream I can remember) and from time to time you dream something quite realistic lets say. Understand I have "died" in dreams before in many various ways, however upon my "death" I would typically awake immediately. Not this time. This one dream of mine was very unusual. It occured a few months back now and I'll spare the details unless somepony wants the scoop. Upon my death (spoiler) my body disintegrated but I felt the whole process. The loss of feeling and that bizare moment when I knew my body was no more but my conciousness lingered for a second or two before also slipping away. Immediately, everything went white as snow and though my body was gone, a feeling came over me like a warm blanket. I knew I died and that is something I have never thought before in a dream. This white scene lasted for a while and it was as though everything flashed before me, not just my life but literally everything. Weird I know. With that said, has anyone experienced "death" in a dream before to this extent?
  15. Welcome FlutterZ93! You have spoken some fine words, nothing shy of a gentleman and an all around good guy. What you aim to do is very noble if you will and that makes me happy to see another guy doing so. I know many other bronies I will come to appreciate you as a friend. :-) I hope you enjoy your time here!
  16. Welcome! I am fairly new myself, glad to meet you Glyph. Hope to see you around! Everyone here is very nice and fun to talk to. Feel free to message!
  17. Of course those count! Not to mention they are good ones at that. :-)
  18. Aside from the realm of MLP which all of us know and love, who has another reality, fantasy, world, etc that they have felt strongly about? Fell in love with? Wanted to be a part of? This ranges from books, video games, films and more! How did you come to like this alternate reality, why is it important to you and why does it appeal to you?
  19. I enjoy looking at the night sky. When I do, I tend to think of, well, many things! Most of which concern the universe. How big is the Universe, does a planet exist around that star that hosts life, how exactly did life begin on Earth? What do you think of when you look at the night sky?
  20. Take the time to appreciate the smaller things in life.

  21. Welcome friend! Enjoy your stay!
  22. I play War Thunder as the German Luftwaffe. My Steam name is faith08nnc if you'd like a wingman!
  23. There certainly is a good question here! Time is in a sense a fabric that is "malleable" and is throughout the Universe. So we can consider time a thing to put it into lamer terms because it can be effected by other entity's gravity. As far as the photon is concerned, there is nothing within one to suggest that it can perceive anything. However, I could be wrong for there is no positive way of testing this. Perception, as far as we have known is a biological occurrence and it can be argued AI can "perceive" the world around them as well if advanced enough. Like the android David from the film Prometheus. A photon is neither biological nor an AI of some sort, it is a form of energy. Who knows, but I will guess that a photon cannot perceive time. I hope this helps your thoughts! FUN FACT! A photon will bounce around the interior of our Sun for well over a million years before exiting, traveling to Earth and shining ( or impacting) on your face.
  24. Hello everyone! I love classical music/ instrumental music a lot, is there anypony else that enjoys it like I do? Also, I have been thinking what a violin and a chello combined to a My Little Pony tune would sound like, possibly sound beautifuly inspirational? In any case, a score composed from the classical instruments to MLP would be neat, what do you think?
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