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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by -Inactive-

  1. while i am ill again i can watch more of season 2 but just have a bigger headache

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. -Inactive-


      tells everyone she thinks fluttershy is a tree

    3. AppleGearRising


      Ha ha, they made an entire fan-song out of that one scene XD

    4. -Inactive-


      gonna have to find that

  2. whenever i saw someone today i would say "welcome to appleoosa" and just make references to that episode because no-one understood what i meant

  3. time to spend the day EXPLORING EQUESTRIA on minecraft

  4. for me the most awkward moment was when i was at a party and there was this one guy who kept getting insulted for being a brony (i was only intrested in mlp then I never watched it) and i just stood there feeling like i shouldn't try out the show but now i have found that guy and we are talking about mlp but i didn't know if i should join in then or i would seem like i liked it too but today i was playing mine little pony on minecraft and then my brother walks over and says "brony!" in an insulting way and i felt like saying "yeah i am a brony , got a problem with that?" but i thought i would let him find out through a t-shirt but the reason it was awkward was because i had recently downloaded my little foundation containment is magic so i think he is getting suspicious :okiedokielokie:
  5. i think this makes me hate people from churches a bit more :okiedokielokie: why should they need to send stuff like this? but you have argued and thank something that isn't god that the church doesn't have as much power as they did 400 years ago or the church would probably make you hated through out you community .They shouldn't be able to do this it is wrong and just making people feel ashamed of what they are , well your church is not the best church around i avoid church most of the time , i don't like mine but yours is still worse i don't really go most of the time because i am still trying to decide if i believe in god or not so i just worship in private
  6. welcome to the forums!!! i hope you enjoy your stay and maybe we can talk sometime
  7. i don't know what to think about season 2 episode 8

  8. I saw this and just wanted to write a letter to the school about how they are being so stupid and not punishing the bullies , I got might just go do that . I hope this is only this school and not other schools
  9. Maybe I should start season 2 on Wednesday ?

  10. better get my homework done so all i will do this week it mlp!!!

  11. damn firewall it stopped me getting on here for an hour

    1. AppleGearRising
    2. -Inactive-


      i did crash the laptop twice when i had 30 pages of pictures of mlp t-shirts up

    3. AppleGearRising


      :o Yeah that'll do it...
  12. why is it so hard to choose which mlp t-shirt to get ?

  13. yay i can start season 2 tonight!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yeet
    3. -Inactive-


      i don't even know what the projects about

    4. yeet


      Science. Make a potato clock.

  14. i don't think i will be able stand not watching any mlp tonight

    1. AppleGearRising


      Then watch sum moar! :P

    2. -Inactive-


      Don't want to have got to the end by 3 weeks

    3. AppleGearRising


      Watch fan stuff instead then :3

      Maybe my fave piece of fan music can tide you over ^_^

  15. well trying to finish season 1 failed i just woke up with mlp paused and i was on episode 21 or i just started

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -Inactive-


      I haven't started season two yet and I am trying not to till Sunday but I might start early

    3. Bojo


      Can't get enough MLP for a day eh? xD

    4. -Inactive-


      maybe i will rewatch season 1

  16. anyone wanna talk about mlp tonight ?

    1. Bojo


      yeah! why not! where do you want to talk?

  17. ah gotta order some rainbow dash and fluttershy shirts

    1. Oblivion


      Daw, Dashie and Flutter's! That's AWESOME man! XD

  18. I liked this episode and liked rarity in this episode and made me like her more but i just didn't like it as much as the others,,maybe because of the diamond dogs or not having all the characters as involved?
  19. Welcome to the forum and hope you enjoy the role play and have fun
  20. I loved this episode because my favourite character is rainbow dash and I had been looking for a rainbow dash episode when I first saw rainbow ,this one was awesome it finally showed off the sonic rainboom too and she got to meet the wonderbolts
  21. Hey another blank flank out there well welcome and have fun
  22. Also i am looking for people to discuss mlp fim without the spoilers so message me if you wanna talk
  23. How i started:I have been a brony for 4 days and it all started last Sunday.i was playing some scp containment breach on Saturday and heard about the my little foundation containment is magic mod and watched some videos and got really interested in mlp fim so it was 3:00am on Sunday and I was trying to find something to do and I looked why people like mlp fim so much and I read a page on it and thought maybe I should try this stuff out .one hour later I started watching the first two episodes and really really enjoyed it so all of Sunday I sat around watching mlp fim . By Tuesday I had realised my life as just school , wasting time then mlp fim and I was really nervous about being a brony for the day and then I decided I am a brony and I used too hate everyday until the Monday because I would just be so excited to go watch mlp. I am currently on season 1 episode 18 and found myself really needing some people to talk to mlp about so I joined and here I am , another blank flank Favourite ponies: rainbow dash and pinkie pie
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