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Everything posted by AppleLover

  1. Level 29 Nord. I mostly like using my Elven Mace to beat the shit out of people, plus it has a nice little bonus of soul trap on it, so that's good. I own two houses, Whiterun and Riften. I am the Thane of Whiterun and Morthal, and about to become the thane of Windhelm when I get 12000 gold. I am the Harbinger of the Companions, just became Listener to the Dark Brotherhood, and I am trying to do those Theves Guild missions, but I don't like sneaking around. Damn good at Archery, Blocking, One-Handed weapons, and Heavy armor. Pretty good at speach, and I'm working on Lockpicking. I married Aela the Huntress, killed two dragon priests, I don't even know how many dragons I killed, I killed Alduin, got a quite a few dragon shouts, and am about to storm Solitude. Wow, I basically told just about everything about my character. Except that I wear an Ebony shield, blade armor, Otar the Mad's mask thing, and a specila Amulet that let's me have 30 extra points to Health, Stamina, and Magic.
  2. Must... Stay... Awake... Must... Fight.... Sleep!

  3. "Man, I don't even know how to even respond to that, so how about we get on the road alright? I enjoy nature, but I don't feel as safe as as I'd like to with dragons on the loose, so let's go." he said, walking a little ways a head and stopping, making his point that he wanted to get going.
  4. Lucifer Effect by Hopsin and Swizzz. It really is a pretty dope song really. I like Swizzz's voice.
  5. (I kinda came up with this when I read The Rainbow Factory. I might put a bunch of my stories on this little thread thingie. Just tell me what you think.) Hello… I want to know something before we start. Are your lights off? Is it dark outside? I ask because I want to set the mood. It’s required for the moment. Don’t worry, you can turn the light’s on when I’m done. But you have to wait till then. Do you remember that story on the news? The one from three weeks ago. No? Well, let me remind you. Three people went missing three weeks ago. All males, all 36, and all had nothing but age and gender in common. One of them showed up today. I know because I found him. He was hanging from a branch, with a noose around his neck. Two knives were stuck into him, with a note taped to his forehead. The note says this. ‘I found him, can you find me?’. You might want to know how I know, well, like I said, I found him. And I found you. Go on, you know I’m here. I see you. You’re at your little computer, typing away on that little My Little Pony Forums thing. I don’t know what it’s about. But I don’t really care. I found someone to take his place, and I want you. Go ahead, try to look outside your windows, close your blinds and lock your doors, they won’t help. I just have to ask you something else. One more thing, then it’s all be over. I want you to go over to your door. Any door, it doesn’t matter. Put your ear to it, and listen. You can hear me breathing, can’t you? You can hear me scraping the blood off of your present can’t you? I know you can, And I know you can smell the blood. I know you, you know. I know where you live, obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t be here. I know you think that other’s will see me, or that they’ll know you’re gone. But you know what, I don’t think that matters. So come on, back away from the door, I’m about to break it down. You don’t have to worry though, your death will be quick. Maybe you can come to my party. Ton’s of people will be there. But so far, only he other two people are there. My axe is raised, are you ready? I’m coming in. (So tell me what you think. I don't expect to scare anyone to be honest. It's just something I wipped up. But seriously, tell me what you think!)
  6. Welcome to the forums! Hope you have fun. Twilight used to be my favorite, but Apple Jack is now. Anyway, have fun!
  7. As long as you like what your doing than you should keep doing it. Personally, I enjoy lyric video's because I sometimes want to sing along or because I actually want to hear the video instead of having to watch an official music video buffer.
  8. Ah yea, Cry is awesome. I watched his The Walking Dead game play, and he did awesome at it. He had me laughing and crying and everything. He da bomb!
  9. Little Wind watched as Re and Midnight stopped ahead. Re had run ahead, and Midnight followed on hoof. Why he didn't fly was a mystery, but he wasn't one to question why somepony did or didn't do something. He wandered over to them, and heard the last bit of their conversation. "... called Midnight." he wondered if he should ask, but the whole scene looked a little personal, so he left it at that. "Hey, you two good? Don't want no one to get lost out here. Might not find each other what with the shear size of these woods." he said
  10. Whoops, messed up. But when I'm asleep, and you're trying to wake me up, eventually, you'll hear 'Leave me the f@ck alone.

  11. Apparently, when I'm asleep and you

  12. That same thing happened to me. Plus I accidentally called male teacher 'dad'. Let's say I didn't hear the end of it for a good two months.
  13. "I'll go with you. I don't feel like waiting here." he said. "Whenever you guys are ready, I guess we'll head out right." he looked around. The camp wasn't much, just a fire,a bed of leaves and flowers, and that dead rabbit. "Meh, I guess I can leave the rabbit. Won't get much anyway I guess."
  14. Good job man. That's some pretty good work there. It's good to think that when comes to, fans will help other fans in their time of need. Good job.
  15. "Well, seeing as how only about two of us have weapons, and Re's trying to make his own, I was thinking that We could use the horns as little daggers til we get to a town, then we can buy some real weapons." Little Wind explained. He grabbed the horns, said thanks, and went off to sharpen the horns. He needed to find a nice, flat rock so he can sharpen the points of the horns. When he found one, he spent ten minutes on each horn, sharpening the horns to a decent point. When he was done with that, he found some more rock and made little indents in them with his sword, and fit the horns into them, making a makeshift dagger. Finally, he ties some small-ish sticks at the point of where the horns and the rocks meet. He tied them on, and marveled in his craftsmanship. It wasn't much, but it was something. He walked over to Shadow and handed it over. He did the same with Midnight. He than found a tree and sat against it, glad to observe the scenery and appreciate nature.
  16. "If it's poison, than why are you still eating it?" he asked Re. He shook his head and wondered what to do. Midnight was here, but maybe the forest wasn't that good of a spot to tell them. When they get to the town, and they got a room at an inn, than he would tell them. He walked over to Drakk's poisons and took one of them, coating his sword in the liquid. "Thanks man." he said. "Anypony think that we should go to the town? I kinda want to go and get a drink of mead or wine. Maybe even get a nice bed." he said, a grin on his face for thinking of that stuff. Maybe they'll have some of that Black-Briar Mead that everyponies always talking about. I sure want to try one of those, he thought. He shook his head and walked over to Drakk's deer. "Mind if I take the horns? I don't think that we'll be able to eat those." he asked Drakk.
  17. Little Wind's eyes shot open, surprise the only emotion visible. "H-how did you know?" he asked, amazed. Drakk just shrugged his shoulders. "-sigh- I'll tell you when we're all here. And not a moment sooner alright." Drakk noded and trotted off towards the deer, probably to skin it. Little Wind looked at the potions given to him. 7 health and 5 Stamina. Ok, so if their's 5 of us, than the five stamina potions can easily be split between us. The question is what am I gonna do with the two extra potions. Midnight might need them for his cut, so he'll get two. And I guess because Drakk made them, he should get the other one. Alright, it's set, he thought. He walked around and handed out the potions. Re, Shadow, himself, and Drakk got their potions. Now all he had to do was wait for Midnight and he could both give him his potions, and tell the rest about his Dream.
  18. Little Wind noticed Drakk enter camp with a huge deer. "Hey, big buck. Nice. That hide should get a few bits our way. And where'd you get the boots?" he said, but than he noticed the dagger, which had some blood on it. "Ah I see. So you loot it or find it. You know what, it don't matter. You got a kill, and your damn lucky. I haven't killed anything but a rabbit, and I have a sword." Little Wind said. "Hey, have you seen Midnight? It's been a bit since he left and I think we should all be here to figure out where we're gonna go." Little Wind also wanted to talk about his dreams and if they wanted to come with him, but that would wait till everypony was here. Until than, he would keep it a secret.
  19. Hey just add me on PS3 so we can play later. I'll tell you now that I tend to sleep all day and play all night so expect me on late. Depending where you are of course.
  20. Little Wind was picking his through the forest, heading towards the sound of water. His sword was strapped onto his back, and he had his head low to the ground in thought. What had the dream meant. It began coming to him when he was in Cyrodiil on mercenary work. The client was paying a heavy sum to eliminate a so called 'corrupt' leader. 10,000 gold. A pretty sum that would have helped him get that house he always wanted, and more than enough to fully furnish it. Why the Dark Brotherhood was not contacted, he didn't know. The job didn't go so smoothly, and he was imprisoned for three years, voiding the contract that he was given. But when he was in prison, he began dreaming about his family crypt. It was strange, but he couldn't ponder it no longer, because he had reached a river stream. He went into it and washed his body. And by that he sat in the water til he felt he was clean. satisfied, he trotted back to camp. It didn't take as long and he sat by the fire, which was still burning. He wondered where Drakk went, but he figured he would be back later. For now, he had to think.
  21. Oh wait your making one? I thought you were just wondering what other people thought of t=other ones like Facebook and stuff. No I like the way that you did the Globacial one. The design looks pretty and attractive from the screenshots you put.
  22. I don't like it. Mostly because random people who I never have seen and occasionally never wish to meet send me friend requests, and I never go on it because I am a gamer and people on 'Facebook' never give a shit about what I do or if I'm so happy that i post my little gaming exploits. And when I do post them, they just say things like gamer and nerd and geek. It's so annoying that I never go on it. I don't really care if they call me a gamer, but sometimes there's that one asshole that's like 'how bout you go get a life faggot'. So playing games=faggot. Way to go man. Now how bout you go outside with your 'swag' and bite me asshole. That's what i tell them most of the time.
  23. Hey I can get on later. My PSN is zombie_gun12345.
  24. Little Wind woke up to the sound of rocks hitting trees. He lifted his weary head, and saw the source. Shadow was throwing rocks at a tree. Drakk looked like he was asking her something, and everypony else was asleep. "So, I;m gonna take a stab and say that the tree insulted your mother?" he said sarcastically. He tried to lay back down and sleep, but the noise increased, making him get up. "I think I'm gonna try to find a stream and wash myself. Cause I don't know about any of you, but I can only tolerate being covered in blood, ash, and dirt for so long." he said, trotting away to find his stream.
  25. Hey, Ninja yourself out of here please. I got stuff that I have to ignore.
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