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Everything posted by AppleLover

  1. I used to think that if you spilled some sugar and left it there than ants would grow out of it.
  2. "Yeah here. And actually, I'm gonna come with you. Never know what might be up there, and all we got is each other right now." He threw the dagger up to Drakk, and walked over to the stairs, keeping at least three steps in between him and Drakk. He took a look at the other three, and headed up the stairs with Drakk.
  3. Little Wind looked around the stone building. Their was a dead Imperial in the corner. He walked over to him and searched his body. He didn't find anything besides a potion of healing and an iron dagger. He pocketed the dagger and tossed the healing potion to Shadow Dust. "Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think we should stay here until that thing goes away. Or try to make a break for it when it's not looking. Cause the way we are now, running or hiding are our two best options." he said.
  4. Pinkie Pie kissed me? Awesome! But now I have to get streamers out of my mouth.
  5. Hey! Welcome to the forums, hope you have fun here. Nice OC's, They look like bad asses, both of them! And don't worry, if you're looking for friends, you've come to the right place!
  6. Every Black Ops 2 zombies trophy, kill the Ender Dragon, and Enter the End on PS3. It's all very annoying
  7. Personally I'd rather listen to Tupac or Dr. Dre, but it's your music. And I listen to Justin every so often. Besides, most people think it's weird that men watch a childrens show. So be free to listen to Justin! We all will respect your decisions!
  8. 'The forums are not Facebook!' Yeah but the forums are better

  9. I don't know what a few of you are saying. I watched all of Season 4 in one night on Netflix. Call it not having a life. Anyway, I think that Derpy will or should come back. Since she apparently got changed from the lovable messed up eyed pegasus to the normal eyed pegasus we see every time we see the show. Seriously, when did that happen. I saw a 'Save Derpy' video on youtube and it made me sad.
  10. (I know this doesn't have anything to do with the RP, but what the heck! No one's done anything! Please start the story, cause I'll feel like a dick if I do it. And now I have to wait till I have 200 hundred characters in order to post this little message thinge!)
  11. Neil kicked ass on that one. but my favorites are Adolf Hitler vs. Darth Vader 1 & 2 cause their just so ferocious on them! The third was terrible. Should have left it at two.
  12. Hello! Welcome to the forums! Hope you have fun here! Personally I think Luna is the best princess, but we all have our own opinions. If you'r a fan of Pinkie and Celestia, check out the fan clubs for them! I think you'll like them!
  13. Dang, that sucks. I would hate to live in a place with no rain. It's be unthinkable!
  14. Yeah, I'd hate to live in a place where rain rarely happens. It's be terrible! Unthinkable even!
  15. Because Apple Jack is best pony and Princess Lunais best Princess in mine eyes!
  16. Skyrim is my favorites game ever!
  17. Welcome Derpy! Have fun here! When you do get to go to the Roleplay stuff, remember, the Equestrian Empire needs to approve your character in order to participate in any Equestrian Empire roleplay threads! Until then, use the Roleplay World thread above it! Yeah! Rob Zombie's on! Gotta Split!
  18. Oops, accidentally forgot that I already posted my opinion. Sorry!
  19. I enjoyed the movie. I thought it was creative. I did think that Sunset could have done more than just ruin Prom, like destroy the school. oh wait she did do that. And she tried to take control of every one. But maybe she could have done more in the beginning of the film, but I enjoyed it overall.
  20. I used to be afraid of thunder and lightning, until I got outside in a storm and looked up. I saw the bolts arcing through the air, and I thought 'That's beautiful' Now I have to stand outside just to watch every storm for at least 5 bolts. Than I choose to go inside because I don't want to get a cold.
  21. Wait, so if I give a brief description, than I could join? SO this would be good? Little Wind Earth Pony Male 21 years Black and blue hair and dark brown coat Single child put through orphanage Trying to cope with mother's death Cutie Mark: Celtic Tree of Life. (I'll leave a pic of that one)
  22. Holy crap a Ninja! So stoked! Have fun at the forums bro! XD
  23. I don't know why, but I'm angry. Ever have that? Where your angry for no reason and you accidentally lash out? I haven't lashed, but I normally do. I hate that about myself

    1. Clarity


      I'm kind of angry right now, too, but for an extremely childish reason.

  24. Yeah, I'll admit it does look interesting to see those types of photos. Especially when it's hitting a face or something. I think that looks pretty cool!
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