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Everything posted by QuickTime

  1. QuickTime

    movies/tv Worst anime ending.

    if you want an open ending make it more of a after credits scene deal. like marvel movies because even if there isnt more theres always an open door
  2. i can understand being tired much of the time. the best way to deal with it is to just keep moving (not literally of course) if you keep yourself busy it might help and now i feel as if i have accused you of killing animals. that was an unforseen point i overlooked. congrats! you deserve a double pat attack macack.....thought finding out what that is to do it will be a problem
  3. then get yourself an ice pack back pat, itll kill two birds with one....okay no dont kill birds please they didnt even do anything!
  4. no no no you arent. youre discussing on the topic just like the rest of us. but my statement stands with if you make a choice only with your heart it doesnt usually end well. especially when it comes to harbored feelings from years ago. i speak from experience feelings that fester inside you only end up turning into something that isnt what they originally were. be it love or otherwise.
  5. and heres hoping this point brings you to where you want to go, and remember if you know your destination maybe the path you take doesnt matter if it still gets you there
  6. im happy because happiness is a point of view, and my view is off the beaches of friendship.
  7. i will not let this thread die without a friendly brohoof!
  8. i see where you come from but this isnt one of those situations. this is a given reason with a straight line of reasoning. i wasnt saying what i said as a blanket statement. i was saying that if you make a promise and then go "oh nah im good" then you put yourself there and are the only one to blame. "emotional choice" isnt the same as making a choice factoring on your feelings and what is right. its making a choice only with your heart and not your mind. emotional choice is what leads people to do crazy things, but emotions arent bad and arent the cause its the weakness of a person that causes emotion to be stronger than the person that feels it. am i off topic? i cant remember. im not trying to argue either x.x im just saying that there are always effects from the choices we make and we cant change what is real.
  9. but in the end if following your minute long feelings means you screw up repeatedly maybe you ( im saying this not to you directly but as a statement) should rethink how you should feel. i can understand following your heart. but when you do it you should understand that doesnt make you immune to the aftermath of that choice. and going AWOL in the eyes of the law is serious. deadly serious.
  10. exactly "rose tinted glasses" as i stated in my op i see a big amount of people jumping on the train of philosphy because a game said something that made them think but they dont think it through and dont look past the surface of an idea or story. i could talk for years about these kinds of things i have so much fun with discussion. and yes when you make a promise to protect someone or a "flag" thats the moment you can no longer think of your personal feelings you have to keep that promise or recieve the punishment for failing to uphold your promise.
  11. im all for following love and what you believe, but if youre the type to change what you believe on a dime then you shouldnt follow it. because youll run in a circle until you die. truthfully i scorn the idea of feelings can overcome anything because in reality feelings are what cause people who have them to act not the other way around. feelings dont make your stronger they only solidify your ideas or actions. hmmm my last sentence wasnt really clear. all im getting at is feelings arent something that can overcome reality you have to back up those feelings with actions and words. and even still you wont overcome some things.
  12. that game seemed to me to just be a big pandering for gay/lesbian/bi loves. i mean im straight and i played it and it was okay. but like you said its really just a story about a person being stupid because chemicals caused a reaction and they didnt try to see logic. and about my first statement i dont mean its just for them i mean the story elements they used were there for a reason as are all story elements and the story would have worked with just about any other combination. if something is interchangable its as your said beaten to death.
  13. okay before i begin i just want to give you a heads up this topic is about games and how they seem to say or do something amazing but in reality just state bland lines or make up twists that have no cohesion with the plot, the biggest one to me being the whole andrew ryan speech about a man chooses a slave obeys, the first time i heard this i thought it was a very true and solid statement. i have now thought about it and see that it is a very skewed and black and white way of looking at things. i mean what if a man chooses to obey? what is a slave is given a choice? what if in reality everyone chooses but a man fights and gets the choices he wants? i want to discuss your feelings on these kinds of philosophy and what games you think had a good messege until you saw it without the rose tinted glasses.
  14. in my opinion you cannot make a real religion from something created by man. by that i mean a business a show or anything along those lines. when you worship something created by the hands of man i usually just call it an obsession. because its right in front of you its not all powerful it has no mind or feelings of its own. im not saying you are wrong im saying that you shouldnt take something someone created for money and childrens toys and make it greater than the sum of its parts.
  15. QuickTime

    movies/tv Worst anime ending.

    the worst ending in general is one that isnt an ending but a open letter for a continuation that will never happen. its so apparent and yet they feel they might come back to it or someone might finish it. tenjou tenge was one. the last episode was literally the cast getting ready for the thing the entire show has built up to and it having a line like "lets do this" freeze frame and end.
  16. thats one of the things about people. they have so many double standards its idiotic. they say being a virgin is bad and that having sex makes you a slut and or playboy. if someone says something to you or even hints towards making fun of you for what you are, just say well at least im comfortable with who i am rather than acting like a big dick to seem strong and or cool. seriously most people that are dicks do it to seem like a big man/woman, so they can feel better about their meaningless life. i mean im not saying they are meaningless im saying thats what doing this makes their life. in the end it comes down to you not caring about people and their skewed opinions and views with obviousl flaws in logic. and im a virgin and fuck all if im ashamed. i see it as a hey at least im not a 20 year old father because i was stupid in high school.
  17. i just remembered due to shock treatment people who play moba's are amazingly dickish just so they can say "cry more" my frist thought is im sorry i dont think enough of your existence to see it as anything more than a bother.

  18. headaches are bad. especially when i just woke up x.x

  19. time to go get wolfenstein im pretty excited.

  20. well i guess im doing nothing but going to where im going and home tomorrow. never got an answer

  21. wanting to know if my friend wants to hang out tomorrow because ill be in her direction x.x no response

  22. havent done much this week. mostly due to not knowing how a friend is.

  23. just got home after being with a sick friend today, my blood sugar dropped so i feel like i was a dick for a little bit until i ate something but its all good.

  24. Playing some dark souls and being a sir.

  25. havent slept. playing too many games. need.....doritos

    1. Moonbacon


      Drink some Monster m8

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