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Everything posted by NinjaPomeranian

  1. I'm sorry what happened to you!Nobody deserves that I'm a bi and well,so far I just got pass a group of Christians and got to talk to them,they asked about my sexual orientation and I answered...and yeah,they we're literally scared and literally claimed I'm the daughter of Satan or something
  2. Found my FireRed game ;u;. My shiny Charmeleon will evolve soon ;u;

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Radiance64


      I got a shiny Charmander myself through random chance while egg hatching in Pokémon X! Ain't they awesome? ^_^

    3. NinjaPomeranian


      they are <3. I already have a Charizard(Charmander was my starter so) but when I saw a shiny charmander I couldn't help but catch it <3.

  3. ...well,not much of a difference with G4 actually *cough* Equestria Girls *cough* *cough* the rainbow-evolution-thing from the S4 finale *cough* It didn't got a villain(at least from what I know).Everything was perfect and the plots we're basically them having a tea party.Yeah.
  4. I will get hate from the bronies there,however I like G3's theme song better and I like Toola-Roola(I dont know exactly her name but she has the drawing pony.Honestly I could love to see her back in G4) Apart from G4 my fav. generation is G1....G2 didn't got a cartoon and not a huge fan on G3(is ok)...and G3.5....G3.5 is nightmare fuel.
  5. in all honestly,G3.5 is my least favorite generation.Is not the fact they are chibified...is the fact they are in a creepy way.Like really,things like Cupcakes,Rainbow Factory,Little Miss Rarity,Smile HD and etc didn't scare me at all....however G3.5. Scootaloo creeps me greatly
  6. . And well,is nice to see a fan of G1 on there,I love that Generation . Who is your favorite pony from G1?
  7. Tales did have toy and they didnt sell in the US,I know that.I'm pretty sure that Tales is G1,the MLP documentary state that MLP G2 didn't got a TV show I meant G1.5,my bad .Sorry in advance^^;.
  8. I think you're naming the My Little Pony 'n Friends series.That was G1 as well http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Little_Pony_(TV_series) maybe this will help ^^
  9. Honestly,G3 had the best theme song in my opinion. I prefer G3 over G3.5...dunno.I just like it more and G3.5 Scootaloo scares me
  10. Tales is G1,not G2.G2 didn't got a TV show,it was focused more on toys. Just mentioning since some do the confusion,hope you dont mind ^^
  11. It's raining...I will enjoy it as I can since on Monday there will be about 40 grades in my country ;u;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NinjaPomeranian


      Romania.Bucharest to be more exact

    3. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      ah. i have couple of friends from there

    4. NinjaPomeranian


      that's nice^^. So far Summer was more rainy days though.So yeah,in a way is nice that we will get the summer-ish weather.

  12. that's exactly what I I mean ^^. I like some characters(and dislike others) too but I don't bully people for liking/not liking them
  13. Welcome to the forums . Hope you will enjoy your stay here
  14. that's...ironic.Well,at least he does in a troll way and doesnt mean personal hate...so,yeah.
  15. I'm very scared since I hear sounds from my room and I dont know from what they are and until my dad comes home I will live a horror movie.

    1. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      Its me trying to get into your house.

    2. NinjaPomeranian


      Well you better dont make sounds since I'm terrified there ok.;u;

  16. I see what you mean.Not all brony haters bully the ones who like the show,they just hate the show itself. however when you see those bronies who bully people for liking/not liking a character....yeah,the fandom can be very annoying
  17. Welcome to the forums . Is nice to tell people that you're a brony however sometimes they overreact(not there though). The (mostly) of people are nice and supportive,you will make new friends in no time at all ^^ Hope you will enjoy you stay
  18. Because if seen by some as a little girls show it doesnt mean you must not draw/write gore and adult themes.Is their choice what they want to draw/write/etc. Is not the fandoms fault that the parents of that little girl are irresponsible and don't watch over what their daughter sees(either by direct checking or using special softwares) And really,just because she/he draw/write/etc something that is not innocent doesnt make him/her a asshole
  19. I so agree with you.And yes,some of the gore/clop/whatnot things related just,Are made by really talented people and you have to give them credit at least for that. And true about the parental control.I have internet since I was like 8 and my dad always checked what I do(I did pretty nothing but to play some dress-up games honestly,but still).
  20. Sometimes.There is a side of it which is sexual,however,a furry is basically a animal with human characteristics..I cant really explain,however you may find a better explanation if you google it.
  21. I understand what you mean,and well,people are free to like this show for various reasons.You may find that the innocence is perfect,but other fans of the show may not think the same.And is freedom for them to draw/animate/write/whatnot stuff like that if they want to.And the "what about the children" well,you see,mostly of the children don't know how to handle the internet and therefore they need a parent to watch over what they do(useless the children is 12-13 years old or can handle it on his/her own,which is rare).And let's face it,Hasbro had put adult-like jokes in the show,so yeah.
  22. Welcome to the forums .Hope you have a nice time on there . Mostly of the people are nice,so you will make new friends in no time ^^.If you want to chat or have a question pop a PM(I will try to help as much as I can)
  23. I don't think we have to worry about.After all,it seems it applies just to Youtube.Hence,on Dailymotion you can find any episodes,if the rumor could be true I'm pretty sure it could effect every single website And I'm pretty sure you can't own a person.And well,for being a brony to become illegal there should be a law pass.And I'm pretty sure Hasbro isn't stupid enough,because if that become illegal....yeah,one of their "main" things will have no fans(useless you heck the police )
  24. Anypony there wanting to talk?I need help with something ;u;

    1. yeet


      Depends what it is really, I can try and help you if you want though.

    2. NinjaPomeranian


      Thanks for offering to help

    3. Crystal Edge

      Crystal Edge

      Whats up champ?

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