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Everything posted by KokuraiNoSenshi

  1. Last I checked Chrysalis was winning D: Also, it has come to my attention that someone on these forums is married to the Queen (much like ghostie is too Rarity). We need to find them! Anyways, moving on. Got some music! Also, as anyone who has known me for a decent amount of time knows, I love League o' Legends. This is apparently what happens when you take a giant praying mantis & mix it with Chrysalis. All I am going to say is, never screw with the Queen.
  2. Quite an aggressive fellow aren't you? Maybe you should learn to calm down a bit. The question mark is only looking out for your health you know
  3. Yeah, the server issues are a problem. However as long as things are updating, I can deal with it. At the end of the day, the moderators & admins, as well as the staff, are only doing this to keep the servers running strong & safe for us. In fact, most of you are lucky. I keep getting 504 connection errors instead of lag But yeah, at the end of the day, I think we can all agree Lavo's work, while annoying for now, will be for the best later on
  4. I swear that I had more notifications before the latest shutdown... If I am missing someone's reply or anything, terribly sorry

  5. I'll join! I don't think I would be any good but I would be more than happy to join up!
  6. Lol thing is though, speaking as an anime buff, anime usually has more centered topics than this page does
  7. Everytime I wake up & peek into this topic everyone has gone insane...
  8. Just because on the outside you say thank you, doesn't mean you can't be happy on the inside about it! But anyways, this one looks really good. Extremely good with the details on such an extravagant piece. I can't wait to see the Luna one, she is my favorite ^^
  9. It doesn't make meteors any less incredibly painful ;~; ...Wat... I don't... Romantic? Wat... @_@ How are... No, no no no. I am going to finish my music & go to sleep. It is half past 2 in the morning, too tired. Just not going to question it, & accept it, before I get a dragon rage to the face *eye twitch*
  10. Can you please stahp you are kind of killing everyone in this room. Meteors aren't exactly fun to get hit by you know *Gets hit in the back of the head with a small one* OW! Yeah, like that @_@
  11. Suggest things that cannot be said in the forum thread? Get called cute! ...I hate female logic.
  12. While that is pretty awesome, beating all of Pokemon Black with a hacked in Zorua (set up all the starters so they would be level 5 Zoruas instead of the regular starters ), leveled it up painfully to a level 100 Zoroark, & beat the entire Elite 4 & Champion, TWICE, without letting it faint once, is still the most amazing thing I have ever seen happen in a Pokemon game
  13. Nothing personal but I have had 2 people already tell me that they were going to draw my OC, never did... But hey, it was fun talking to you!
  14. Aw don't worry you are still my pet ^^ If that didn't sound like the beginning of a horror story I would be extremely flattered
  15. I am not an actual part of the LGBT, to be honest, but I have full support of this thread! I have always felt everyone deserves equal rights, regardless of what your interests are or your outside appearance
  16. Ah ok. I haven't gotten enough time in Skyrim lately to jog my memory on everyone
  17. ...Can't tell if I should go "aw..." because no more real ponydragon or "squee" because of plushie...
  18. I give up ;~; I just tried to show my little bro & one of my closer friends a Fighting is Magic video & tried to subtly hint that I thought it was cool... All they could focus on was the fact it was bloody MLP... I think I am just going to stay in my brony closet for... Well define "forever" and there you go

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash

      @Pinkamena I don't like recommending he do that. I've recommended that folks just come out in the past and get it over with, but if someone is actually concerned about losing friends and family over it, is it worth it? Everyone's situation is different. I honestly didn't care, I live by myself and have a nice job, I can afford to lose some friends, some people don't want to risk that.

    3. KokuraiNoSenshi


      I know there is a way to make a multi-person conversation in PM's. How do I do that?

    4. Rainblow H. Ash

      Rainblow H. Ash

      Click on the envelope at the top, got to Compose New, and you should be able to add multiple recipients.

  19. BUCK THE PLUSHIE I GOTS A REAL PONYDRAGON *Scoops up mystery & coddles him*
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