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Snow Frostflame

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About Snow Frostflame

  • Birthday 1997-06-18


  • Title
    The Master of Ice

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    Arizona (United States)
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    Nothing is Impossible

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  1. Lot of hate towards Fallout 76, to the point where its becoming a meme. Gonna go have a look for myself and see if this game is really that bad... or if its a case of Battlefront syndrome where people whine about a game being different for views and likes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Literally Snails

      Literally Snails

      No one plays battelfront games for lore, graphics don't matter at all, and I completely disagree about the fun gameplay. The servers were constantly unstable, there was no way for you to make a difference in battles because the team sizes were too large, and the progression was completely unbalanced (Because it was designed for lootboxes).

    3. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      Ah nope, progression was perfectly fine before people started complaining. Lootboxes were removed before launch, but people still kept bashing the game. We had a system where you bought lootboxes with in game currency and would have a chance at gear you like, or you could scrap that shit and save up to buy the gear you like. I loved this system because it rewarded those who dedicated hours into getting good at the game. Now because people kept complaining everyone gets everything by level 30, and everyone has epic quality characters, which is bullshit.

      As for servers, I've been playing since launch, and even beta... never had I experienced any problems with the server. And I play on Xbox One, which is suppose to be the worst of the consoles.

      Also about making a difference, yeah one person can make a difference if skilled enough. I can recall two times I once held the entire enemy team at bay single handedly, in the first Battlefront. But that's the point of a team battle, everyone has to work together as a team, there is little room for a single hero.

    4. Literally Snails

      Literally Snails

      We'll have to agree to disagree, because I don't think it would be productive for me to argue those points.

      Anyway, Pad is waiting for you to reply when you're available, but that fight doesnt really have a time limit.

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