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Everything posted by rainbowsmash13

  1. Ya that is funny but not a PMV because it is an original song and the clips are not from the show. How do you show a video instead of just a link, I suck at computers
  2. What is your favourite PMV I like theses ones https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrArCvYQSJc and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTODjSbsEw And when someone gets around to reading this topic can they explain to me why do all the topics I make have a Error in them. And how did I make 5 topics of this by accident
  3. I also never consisted spike out of character he seems consistent to me.
  4. No one understands there characters like applejack. She is overprotective of applebloom that is cannon it was in Bridle Gossip but her being overprotective in Somepony to watch over me was bad writing. And they go farter and say that episode was out of character as well if a character consitantly does something it is in character. And bronies all so say the character are better written in the comics than in the show no there are not if the comics don't match the show than the comics are wrong not the show
  5. I am only 19 so I was a kid when I first saw that movie it was epic. IF they make a MLP movie just copy that films plot the main 6 go to a mysteries island just of the cost of Equestria. And have something to do with dark magic
  6. I liked some of the movie's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkNask_pMKo this film was really good and actually scary. I liked some of the movie's I liked some of the movie's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkNask_pMKo this film was actually scary. I they make a MLP direct to DVD movie it showed be as dark and musical as this
  7. I liked the first transformers movie. The only problem any one had with it was to many humans and some found it offensive (Sexist or racist) but as a story the only complaint was to much humans
  8. I don't think you could make a Michael Bay pony movie because his films are live action and not a cartoon Still I would love for them to try to make a really bad parody of Michael Bay movies. I want raping Zebras Megon fox to show up as a young dragon and be spikes love interest
  9. Make it a summer block buster the film will get a huge amount of attention good and bad publicity. Copy all the good things from a Disney or Pixar film.
  10. I am getting a little sick of all the Hasbro hate. I think that if no one went to see EQG that would actually discourage them from making a proper movie because if no one paid to see that them maybe no one would see a real movie.
  11. I hope after season 5 they make a movie in between the wait for season 6. They could use this to do darker thing's like have a character die in the movie and in season 6 have a funereal episode. And if they make a movie it means they will also make a video game (hopefully the game is not passed on the film it should be a different story.
  12. useing the smooze is a good idea it would get fans of older generations interested in the movie
  13. They could make a more mature story if they make a movie family orientated instead of just for kids it would get people talking about the show again and get people interested who have never seen the show or who stopped watching the show. Just advertise it as a summer family movie like a Disney movie. And I would love for a 2 hour movie to talk more about the dark history of equestrian and give a controversial moral at the end just to stir up controversy
  14. Adventure time would work Fin the human finds a portal and gets sent out side of oooo and lands in Equestria + Hasbro could sell ponified versions of adventure time characters.
  15. just make the game 7+ it is still a game for kids and now it can talk about something darker than they can talk about in the show, like more information about king sombras rule or discords rule. Hasbro would make a fortune of dlc characters
  16. BoJack Horseman Adventure time because in adventure time just like mlp everything interesting happened 1000 years ago just saying maybe the worlds are linked discord ruled the human world and caused the mushroom war. Have the main 6 fight the lich and fin and Jake fight changelings
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tT_O4pU7aM&list=UU30-y8CySOkUyFSDH2Vvr4A&index=3 What does every one think of this video I found it sickening
  18. I wish they are in the proses of making one it should be released in a break between seasons
  19. Simpsons is not that bad if you had to chose between a new episode of Simpson's and an old episode of friend's I would pick the Simpsons. I stop watch SpongeBob he cried to much it was annoying so I don't know about the most recent episodes
  20. No some are trolling some hate the clopers and Pedo's they think dominate the fandom. The clopping confuses me as well and I don't get it or find them attractive I thought it was dark humar at first.
  21. I agree with you about nightmare moon. I found discord funny and scarier than Sombra. I liked this day Aria. Sombra was the only villain I wanted to come back even do he was dead I made bad fanfics in my head about his return .
  22. Any thing that can make up there own cannon adventure story like the comics they could even get Lauren Frost to write the story Hasbor could make a fortune off Bronies with dlc Dlc play co op as Luna and celestia set 1000 years in the past
  23. If adventure time gets one my so should my little pony. I have some ideas After completing a level you write about it in the Journal and by reading the Journal you can replay levels Make it canon have the characters in the game learn about Equestrian history and make that canon Alternative outfits like a wonderbolt costume for Rainbow dash Or leather stockings for applejack Mini games stupid and silly games that have no impact on the story (pinkie and discord could make this work) Boss fights progress through the seasons and fight discord and kind sombre last boss tirek If a play beats the game on hard mode and ever harder difficulty comes up for Bronies and hard core gamers
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