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chaos rains

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Everything posted by chaos rains

  1. I would create a brony following and we could create a brony apocolypse ya know. BRONINATOR RISE OF THE BRONIES. :-p
  2. I keep seeing you lot say you have not as much chance but ill need to say never doubt yourselfs I put my name forward aswell but I wont doubt myself and neither should any of you just hope for the best and never put yourselves down. Keep your heads high ponies :-) As the moderators said there is always an opertunity to get in we just need to be patient and respect the decisions made by the big guys n gals at the top.
  3. I like ig as an extention of who I am as well but lauren started something seriously huge which is a non stereotype driven product which way too many generations were forced into and forced us further into these pitiful gender roles where women do one thing and men do the opposite and are deemed abnormal if they switch around. Without bronies would we be here challenging such a thing or just following suite like drones? The show thanks to her has created us and we are not a force to be taken lightly. However thats how I see it. We cant make a better tomorrow if we dont make a difference today.
  4. it is one of the greatest mgs games after mgs 1 and mgs 4 is good but rising didnt do to well it wasn't bad however. The series is good for using great music however. Same with onimusha but devil may cry is good for its boss music. Like I said before though my music is really orchestral epic style music and I kind of got inyo it through game music myself.
  5. Dunno about you guys but streets of rages last boss battle theme was intense I think for a sega game and mgs 3 snake eater shagohod battle red alerts hell march 1 2 and 3 onimusha 3 main theme and onimusha 4 tenkai theme which by the way is a remix of 3s main theme and red faction 1 main menu soundtrack the end credits song of summoner. There are so many good ones. Oh and devil may cry 1 nelo angelo all 3 fight songs and nightmare boss fight.
  6. yeah even konami is going yhe wrong way now with metal gear solid 5 ground zeroes as its the size of a demo supposed to be.and thanks ill enjoy zero now
  7. personally they should have put takeshi kaneshiro as tenkai again wait sorry samanusuke as he was just brilliant at it like his movies aswell. Also jubie could have made an appearance which was sad but dont get me wrongbit was quite epic and also heartwarming expecially at the end when soki makes his exit and jubie is screaming for him to come back and not leave her alone like this. It is extremely emotional
  8. its a good one but the tune playing while roberto is trying his best to break the stone and the lift is moving up while you fight claudious nowthats an epic battle tune expecially when he can be an utter nightmare. The song gives the desperate struggle feel to it as does the boss battle with the female and the zombies.
  9. Ill just go one better people think we are wierd for liking a cartoon well guess what they are wierd for mocking us and the same goes for your music im into epic orchestral as you are game music be proud and never think it wierd coz hey in the end it cant be wierder than us liking a supposedly girly cartoon lol trust me :-) its good to be free and different than just another clone.
  10. Ya like that music you may like ivan torrent R armando audiomachine ryan taubert and theres lots more. They are more trailor music but they do have quite the kick like game music and as for game music for me its devil may cry 3 first 2 virgil battles and then dopple ganger then the fight with arkham with virgil by your side
  11. I have to put this out there I suffer from depression but due to works like his I can get back up so the fact that the most amazing comedic actor cant get back up just completely drains the life out of me to the point im pail and I know being famous doesnt make you invincible but still and also to all of ya your comments are all quite warm and extremely beautiful I think hed love them.
  12. Great man in many ways and always showed such beauty in how he acted mrs doubtfire hook good will and the countless others I hope you are finding peace old man and may your memory live on forever in the fans you captured the hearts of. We all shed tears for you and your loved ones now.
  13. I put my name in but hey ill say good luck to everypony else as there are many more deserving. BEST OF LUCK ALL :-)
  14. if ya havent had an answer to this its the 6th day and if you have my apopogies.
  15. yeah but as long as I die close to last if it happens that this turns into such an event since im too young to die. :-s
  16. if michael bay had his way he'd have made this thread into an apocalyptic warzone just like most of his movies and sadly as im not so popular id be first to die lol
  17. I would say why didnt you come up with something like fim before lauren faust and also what where they thinking with new born cuties as to me that was rediculously horrendous.
  18. atleast one of us knows how to think lol sometimes I can be a little slow or like when I started here very slow and plus i never knew about the mods I just jumped in. In full I deserved the warning but now im wishing I could rid myself of it as all I see is warning points wherever I visit its embarrassing but deserved.
  19. thanks im glad to hear that. When I first got on I didnt know what to expect and was too used to the youtube channeland well youndont get any peace yhere accept when you log out but when you are on evetybody wants to insult you. Rules seem to be non existant. So you can imagine my surprise seeing how amazingly strict this site is and not in a bad way. This is heaven compared to yt and if I can contribute some way even being moderator if accepted I would love to.
  20. I still havent got an answer about how the proccess works could somepony help me please? I was hoping somepony would get back to me on my last post here but instesd I still have no answers.
  21. chaos rains

    mega thread Feminist Club!

    just as long as they aint sexualised as I think some cartoons are stupid that way expecially anime. Sorry just thought id make it clear. The only ones i know are powerpuff girls and this but yeah I find such things hard to come by. Do horrors count as pro feminist where the girl survives or are these just stupid? Personally I hate new horrors however the ALIEN series was extremely pro feminine with the fact Sigourney weaver was so manly if you pardon the expression she became one of the greats. Also she could pass for a man and still turn a few heads with her beauty. Not gay so you know just saying and also I'm respecting of the homosexual community. And now ill shut up before I make myself sound stupid. :-s lol
  22. I dont get you lot since if it wasnt mean spirited at times they would never learn and thats what this is about even the canterlot wedding wss about learning. Everybody did sadly and harshly dissown twi but in the end they learned that they should never doubt a friend and humor them at times when they are trying to get something across and bullyshy was just fluttershy struggling to get attention as people kept taking advantage of her pure heartedness and making her feel like crap. The mean spirit wasnt meant to have a lasting effect rather delve into the character and coping mechanisms and how friendship can overcome. Thats how I see it. Its good to be light hearted but to keep certain stories to a serious note aswell as its a proccess of learning for both kids and adults.
  23. ok hey again I have to say I dont agree with you on the other post but on this person has not thought this thread or petition through. Its like saying just cut down all trees and we wont run out of firewood. You need to consider enviromental impacts and how the animals and plants will cope then you need to go into a whole heap of other crap and like ya said iyll get taxed to death anyway whatever the plan is its not something you can really sum up in a few lines on a petition.
  24. back story says she was born with it but cant remember the name. Its not offencive to be born different or id as well be dead by now since the way I was born was a means to people bullying me. We are born the way we are and there is no changing that. Its just life.
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