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Everything posted by Drunkfrank

  1. So as we all know season premieres and finales are always 2 episodes at about 42 minutes, an hour counting commercials, but I was wondering, why not make the "2 parters" an hour long besides the commercials, obviously the hub has more shows they have to air but still, I would love to see this done. . . . . Thoughts?
  2. Then he shouldnt be reviewing it, if he doesnt enjoy it he should not be critiquing it...
  3. That would be a really good idea, also it would be nice because rainbow power would not work on them.
  4. This isnt the same world as g4, they just reference it now and then, so she cant be mentiones, also they dont know what humans are outside of EqG, but beaten to death isnt that harsh, at least not compared to what else I want to see done to her (dont take that the wrong way)
  5. I dont think so, I think they were there just because it was around the time they had to meet with the princesses, so ya, also in the finale they talk as if they are 2 separate nations...
  6. I hated her SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much, so bland,such dull, BOOOOOOORING
  7. Well at least for me we learned quite a bit about greek mythology in history, while studying greece.
  8. Never saw those movies more like this one chick form league of legends I dont play the game but she is the perfect representation of what I am thinking...
  9. Kids will learn the truth through school, I learned about greek mythology and now some stuff about hades, so I wouldn't mind if they changed him for mlp. But honestly, If not hades, than I want to see a mega powerful anarchist pony, he/she does not care for power, control or anything, she just wants destruction, not like discord where "chaos is fun" but more like zaheer in legend of korra, he is downing the worlds leaders and causing chaos, but not the fun kind... EDIT: yeah bad explanation, Someone who loves destruction and anarchy, but it is only doing it for the thrill of destruction
  10. Hades has been shown in a few different ways, in actual mythology you are right, but some of the independent stories and such make him out to be a total badass evil dude, He just seems so fitting, also mlp can change greek mythology (they have before) to make hades mor evil
  11. I know someone who will top tirek no problem Never before in mlp A monster of unstoppable power The master, the LORD of Tartarus Mlp has hinted of greek mythology before So the true lord of evil can only be . . . HADES http://crisostomo-ibarra.deviantart.com/art/MLP-FiM-The-Final-Battle-Theory-464086657?offset=30#comments (Note: I dont think hades will look exactly like that but its was just so cool) Sombra was a unicorn infused with dark magic, so his power was most likely on par with an alicorn, also I think NMM is actually sort of weak, in the s4 premiere she was just able to keep up with celestia, also sense celestia was not trying to fight back I like to assume they are of similar power, with NMM having a slight edge, also it doesnt have to be for revenge, sombra could just want to kill everyone, that would be neat, I honestly would like it if some pony with dark intentions used the horn to revive sombra.
  12. That imgur is becoming my new backround ASAP! but I actually would love to see sombra return, but instead be out for revenge instead of conquest, that alone would make him so much better, also make it so he was once friends with the princesses at one point, in other words give him more of a character, I loved him for what he was but if he became more like his "fall of the crystal empire: SIllyfilly studios" self I would fangasm everywhere ,also I always point out that fall of the crystal empire was BS because NMM could not beat sombra, she really isnt that powerful
  13. That she did, but the card says his horn survived, they may use that to bring him back or use it for power
  14. I dont want meagan to EVER be mentioned in g4, I hope in the official timeline she was beaten to death by Hades
  15. I dont get the hate on s3, it had less episodes but the ones they had were all pretty good IMO, but if you ever start watching again, s4 is probably the best season the show has had
  16. I think the only reason they did lasers was because hasbro wouldnt let them do anything more violent...I just dont see it as a reference, I only see it as an epic battle
  17. Wasnt a reference to DBZ, it was just a fight with lazers, that doesnt = DBZ Of course we will, I was just joking... but I think zecora losing her house isnt a big deal, all the timber wolves are dead, all the dragons and ursas are dead ect.
  18. Because it was the everfree forest... Chrysalis did pretty good
  19. When he turned all giant he was just walking around blasting trees, and when he is defeated there is almost nothing where the everfree would be lol Before: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-m4sMWusFk6M/U26JkLzX0sI/AAAAAAAAMmE/SLTDrlO0ujM/s1600/Capture.PNG After: http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140512181507/mlp/images/thumb/b/b6/Tirek_shooting_laser_beam_at_the_Mane_6_S4E26.png/640px-Tirek_shooting_laser_beam_at_the_Mane_6_S4E26.png
  20. When I first saw "lich king" I instantly thought of warcraft -___-, but yes the lich was an amazing villain, and he is the only thing I loved about adventure time, until he turned into a god damn baby, but while the lich was awesome, I didnt really love his character, I just loved his design and pure evilness. unlike people like g4 tirek, discord, or bill cipher, or hell even sombra, those 4 are my favorite cartoon villains at the moment, and its because they are all intimidating but have characters beyond that (besides sombra, I just love him for yolos)
  21. Yea I suppose, but if I were to see a villain from another show (g1 counts as another show) I would rather the only other modern cartoon to have epic villains http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130905173321/gravityfalls/images/e/ea/S1e19_bill_snap.png . . . Im a little obsessed with gravity falls ATM
  22. I have a feeling discord wouldnt get upset with grogar, he would just keep laughing at him... On a sidenote if they did bring him back he needs some serious revamps, like tirek did (appearance btw) http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/069/e/e/grogar_by_xd_385-d5xnr8l.png
  23. Still I would rather see Hades, or an ursa major over smooze
  24. Maybe Dave Polsky? after a near perfect track record in s4 he should get his time to shine
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