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Everything posted by Drunkfrank

  1. I would say it would be either all the villains fought, with no one winning in the end Whoever the movie villain is.
  2. Fantasy like episodes in s5 Cutie map 1 +2 Bloom and Gloom Make new friends but keep Discord Griffonstone Party Pooped Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? Cutie Remark 1+2 so 9 episodes GG wrong
  3. Season 1 of Gravity Falls is hardly that amazing... I mean, really, its of similar quality to s-1-2 IMO, Season 2 is jaw dropping, and is near 3-5 for me... not sure if I am the only one in this fandom who TRULY adores this show or not anymore...
  4. No, its not bad It is objectively a good show, good animation, good voice acting, good writing If you don't enjoy it or find certain chars uninteresting, that is your fault
  5. I always go to positive discussions, I still believe there is to much negativity here, don't care about the other rulers, that's why I am focusing on Celestia
  6. Bad writing huh? Yep, I quit, there are reasons I left these forums and it was due to over negativity, Its not so much an observation, its a total assumption, pretty much a guess.. Equestria seems to have a decent economy, good quality of life when villains aren't attacking, seemingly no racism, and good education You wanna know who oversees that stuff Celestia
  7. King Sombra is best villain Celestia isnt stupid (hate that part of the fandom) The show is good... (This is a joke, but reading these forums again these last few days reminds me of why I left in the first place, everyone in this fandom pretends to be there own little digibrony, being negative thinking its critique)
  8. If anything the cutie remark showed Celestia is competent She defeated Nmm, Discord, and Chryssi in the same timeline, but she ended losing faster after each one It showed she is competent,but human, or pony as the case may be The problem is less celestia/writers and more the incompetent fans... People who see Celestia as some sort of God with limitless power...
  9. No, just venting about the Lilly Peet thing to be honest thing honestly.
  10. Discussions about the leaders in mlp being incoptetent is the worst part of this fandom It's just stupid
  11. I would say yes, but not by much, I am still an obsessive fanboy either way... Although I would just prefer a season wide intense story arc I think the show arch is Twilights rise to REPLACE Celestia, not just become an allicorn
  12. Uhh, It corrupts any user, so Discord would be corrupted and turned more... Bill Cipher than Discord In short, unless they can use rainbow power at will (which we have only seen in a dream) they would be completely screwed...
  13. It's possible he is just to dark, I mean, you can say enslaved ponies and forced them to war in a sentence and people will just blow it off, but dedicating a bunch of time to Sombras brutal nature, might push it to Gravity Falls levels... And 2nd? PFFFT, the only one CLOSE to him would be Tirek, but I still think Sombra is worse, he seemed to have no problem killing princess Amore (pretty much) and enslaving an entire empire...He is BY FAR the most evil... EDIT: Even thought I don't like the wasted Sombra potential, I still find it to be one of the most well put together finales of the whole Show
  14. Believe it or not, most blind commentators (minority, I know) were actually really excited to see him, and the bronies (like me) who like a more ominous force villain than the one like Chrysalis, or even Discord. "HAHAH , I WON YOU LOSE, WOO, IM DA BEST, OH YEAH, CANT TOUCH DIS, MMMMHMMM, GET REKT" *Hero discovers way to beat them* "LOL OKAY DORK, THAT AINT GONNA WORK" *Works* "NOOOOOOO" Sombra on the other hand, never gloated, and when his defeat was at hand, it wasn't through sheer stupidity, it was because he just wasn't quick enough to get the heart before cadence. Plus anyone who read his fiendship issue should have discovered a new found love for best villain...
  15. I love the Cutie Remark but it pretty much confirmed we will not see Sombra again when you think about it... He literally has the most potential of any villain, he is a being of pure fucking darkness and evil, he is the best villain to tell REALLY dark stories... And now all the potential, of my favorite villain, is gone, I flipped a fucking shit when I saw him in the cutie Remark. But now I am sad and happy at the same time. Happy because we saw him again, sad because It was just a few minutes. I mean, this is only going to make sense for warcraft fans, but imagine if they brought him back for a season long villain, and they replaced the Sauron inspiration, with Arthas: The Lich King.
  16. YEEESH I would!d be sooo down with that
  17. It's only happened twice with major villains in the show out of 6 (NMM doesn't count, Nightmare Moon is still evil, Luna is a completely different person) So i really don't see how you can be tired of it... Makes no sense... She didn't do anything that evil that willingly
  18. Sounds less like its overhyped and more like your just a minority
  19. Yeah, banishing a whole empire was rather crazy, which is why I consider Sombra the most powerful form of dark magic we have seen yet.
  20. He still had the power to do whatever he wanted, just not to the elements. Now you just sound whiny, be happy we get fights and not season finales like "Oh no, RAINBOW LOST THE CAKE AND NOW THE PARTY IS RUINED, we must get it back!!" The missing cake pt1 and 2
  21. Clearly something happened that made her lose, the whole episode talks about little changes having big effects, so maybe, she lost her footing...or hoofing when fighting Chrysalis, which caused her to lose the fight. The point was in most of the timelines she defeated Equestrias threats then lost at a later one Also, any leader who can turn a pacifist nation into a highly militarized land shows the opposite of incompetence...
  22. I saw it with a friend, we were absolutely dying of laughter
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