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Everything posted by Drunkfrank

  1. Depends on whos writing the episode? I am confident Meghan would find a way to make everyone not named Twilight lose in a single frame. In all seriousness, finale is like a 90% chance to be written by Johanna Lewis and Kristen Songco, so that won't happen. I still would like to see Chrysalis buildup soonish though. Even if it is not as major as that.
  2. I know lol, I was basically just saying how I would want the return of Chrysalis to go.
  3. Yeah, but I think Discord will be sidelined again or some dumb mcguffin will make him useless...again Discord being reformed was great and terrible We get funny and amazing episodes like Discordant Harmony and Make New Friends... But he also can't really be useful in the 2 parters, Megham Mccarthy either subtly hinted that Discord lost to Tirek on purpose...or she nerfed the hell out of him And when he does have a major role in a two parter, he can't use his god-like powers at all. I was saying this under the hope that those two would be alone somewhere.
  4. Starlight can be very hot headed and not the best at thinking at a moments notice, Chrysalis would count on Starlight rushing after Trixie the second she gets captured, worried that she would be hurt by Chrysalis. Or hell, Chrysalis could pose as something less threatening so Starlight thinks she can handle the situation on her own, and rushes after Trxie anyway.
  5. Im about to border on heavy speculation and fanfiction here, but I would like it if Chrysalis openly kidnaps Trixie, knowing that Starlight can easily find out, and in a rage, Starlight goes after her, alone, going with her gut, giving her a reason not to be in the finale and also being a huge mini build up to the next 2 parter after the finale. I wish the show would do more buildup episodes,
  6. Captures Trixie at the end, and we don't see what happens until season 8 would be one hell of a cliffhanger.
  7. Well..the crush isn't really there anymore, he still fawns over her (cuz she sexy af) but he clearly was somewhat flirty with Ember as well. It's more realistic than say Gravity Falls when he was like deeply in love with Wendy and then one talk later he was just 100% over her, it is pretty obvious Spike knows he will never be with Rarity, but he cares about her a lot and still has some feelings for her (and she sexy af) But I am confident he is over his delusions.
  8. Okay, ignoring everything else you said because this topic seems finished I agree, Lyra hand obsession jokes are the worst, I also hate gamer Luna, and psycho Pinkie Anyway, we all got off topic somewhat. I hope a bigger synopsis comes from what this comic is soon.
  9. One, why are you singling out bronies when most fandoms say it's a 4th wall break when a character does a Pinkie level feat. In that case, Pinkie has actually acknowledged the reader in the comics if I recall correctly, which means she is a 4th wall breaker at least in comic canon, no?
  10. Nah I think it looks like a perfect theatrical adaptation of the show. Personally, think it will be my movie of the year. Looks like a family movie in the style of Disney so I am still hype.
  11. 1.) My Little Pony 2.) Star Vs the Forces of Evil 3.) Steven Universe 4.) Avatar the last airbender 5.) Star Wars the Clone Wars My top 5 favorite shows of all time right there, I hate anime with a passion, but DBS would be in my top 10 probably
  12. Meadowbrook could still be in a later episode of season 7
  13. So Pinkie grabbing the camera and shouting "he wants all of the cakes" or shaking her head no at the camera as the shot closes aren't close to breaking the 4th wall? It is, exactly that actually, talking to the camera is just that. Yes, because Pinkie Pie breaking the laws of physics in the show and showing 4th wall level feats is the same thing as just the cartoon logic. Clearly anyone who disagrees just has no idea what they are talking about and shouldn't discuss show theories at all.
  14. Who gives a damn? Pinkie has shaken the camera, looked into and talked, it's more than close enough to breaking the 4th wall
  15. I expect a name drop, or a brief history of what happened with him at the beginning of the episode so that he can appear and not confuse show only fans.
  16. Well Pinkie can only break the 4th wall when the situation isn't that serious likely, I didn't like the Discord magic stopper but it was obviously needed I like my 2 parters to be epic, and Twilight magic stuff usually makes them epic. Like I wouldn't mind if the villain shows up, Twilight (and maybe Starlight) try to fight them on their own, lose, and then the answer is some magic of friendship stuff. I like the formula some of the finales stick to, it's how they go about it that makes them great imo. The season 6 finale is my least favorite 2 part finale because everything felt toned down compared to the previous finale, it was good and more of what you wanted it seems, but for me, I would prefer something more like Twilights Kingdom or the Cutie Remark again.
  17. I just can't see the other 5 being useful if the villain is super powerful and isn't just a joker like Discord, if Discord wanted too he could have killed all the mane 6 right then and there. Nowadays Twilight could probably at least escape someone of that power, where as the rest of the mane 6 are just fodder holding her back, except maybe RD and obviously Glimmy if you count her as a main character. So...I want another Twilight centered finale where the mane 5 still have a useful but more minor role. I really REALLY hope Sirens aren't the villains though, keep them in LoM, it's canon anyway. Either way EQG is canon now.
  18. Season 5 10/10 Season 7 10/10 Season 4 10/10 Season 2 9/10 Season 6 8/10 season 3 8/10 Season 1 8/10 3 and 6 are almost the same to me, so I usually change them randomly depending on when I am doing the list. Se
  19. Starswirl existed at around the same time as these ponies thought, for them to just come back that quickly would be odd. Not saying it's impossible, would just be odd. Nevermind you're right, Starswirl is on the alternate cover so...he did help, gg.
  21. Those aren't the same sirens, the sirens were defeated by Starswirl, not the legends, and as the new comics are trying to stay canon...they likely aren't the dazzlings but new sirens. As for tying into the finale...There might be something in there that shows who the true villain is. Personally, I wouldn't want sirens as villains again, but that's probably not what they mean anyway I really gotta buy LoM and the recent pony comics
  22. Well, all the comics are canon if the show doesn't do something that disproves them Accord arc, not canon Siege of Crystal Empire arc, not canon Chrysalis returns, not canon But some of them are like Shadowlock or a few others But to answer you, despite the fact that they never will be, I want Tireks fiendship issue to be canon, because it's a pretty cool backstory and makes me want an episode where they go to Tireks home kingdom.
  23. Someone else claimed to see another promo that had Rockhoof in it, but I can't find it anywhere.
  24. Probably Dragonshy, good adventure episode and I love adventure episodes. Though it did have some weird ass eye animations at certain parts
  25. Okay, I can't wait for this episode now, looks 100x times more epic than I thought it would be! Ooh, it may just be, she has a more slender muzzle like Ember or...whatever dragons have so it would make sense *HYPING INTENSIFIES* THIS LOOKS GREAT
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