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Samurai Equine

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  • Birthday 1984-10-11

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    Love in your heart, honor in your works, and friendship will save the universe!
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  1. Hello there, my crowd! Welcome to my Weekly Musings: Red Edition. :mellow:

    [I ❤ JAPAN] -- [I ❤ THE COLOR RED] -- [I ❤ CELESTIA]

    Police STOP - Emoticon Point Right Feel free to leave a song request. Your song will eventually be featured in a future Weekly Musings entry! Point Left STOP - Emoticon Police

    Yep. Day late again. I was enjoying my time so much that I ran out of time to do this last night. dd2f1ma-202fe534-202b-48c8-8052-d061af91 Let's just move on and get right into it, shall we?

    d9o40v7-289c43ef-559f-4e9f-99ed-9e3e398c Memorial Day! ...Was actually kind of slow and boring for me. :adorkable: Nothing really big happened that day. Maybe no news is good news? At least I got the day off of work.

    d9o42pj-94308d0d-f9cf-40a6-99f6-07bc5780 The washing machine is fixed. There was a part that burned out, and because of bad electrical wiring, a part within the washing machine took the hit. Could have been worse; there could have been a fire. The part has been replaced, and I just recently bought and installed a surge protector. Which means that if there is another power surge due to rain and lightning, the surge protector will take the hit instead of the washing machine. I bought one for my very first computer, have not regretted it since. Still use it to this day!

    d9o40v7-289c43ef-559f-4e9f-99ed-9e3e398c Speaking of buying things, I recently went shopping! :eager: But it wasn't all good news. Went to my favorite clothing store first, found a TON of clothes that I was super interested in, only to find out... They have closed their dressing rooms due to COVID. :worry: Trying clothes on is half the point! You can never fully tell just by holding them up to you. Thankfully, the green shirt I had my eyes on was also available in two sizes bigger. I bought that, and after washing and drying, it managed to fit just right. Those who know how clothes shrink in the dryer will understand. Also, I got a wired Nintendo Switch (Pro?) Controller. It was cheap, has all the buttons I could ask for, and I managed to make it work with my PC after a little bit of toying around. And now, I am getting the hang of using it on my PC games. Just recently installed Rocket League too~!

    d9o42pj-94308d0d-f9cf-40a6-99f6-07bc5780 Went to the dentist to see what was wrong with my tooth. I thought for sure the filling material was wearing away, but the dentist assured me that my tooth was just fine. He suggested I switch to a different brand of toothpaste, one that has potassium nitrate as it's active ingredient. I'm a little skeptical so far, but I need to use it for a month before I notice any changes. If nothing happens, then I'll go back and have them investigate even further. I hate that I spent $120 on an examination just for advice like that, but the upside is that I could have been charged way more for an actual operation. And I wouldn't have thought of this solution on my own anyways, so there. If I could have, I wouldn't have booked that appointment in the first place.

    d9o40v7-289c43ef-559f-4e9f-99ed-9e3e398c MOVIE TIME! icon?1379626399 Netflix Godzilla Trilogy. Heavy is the beast that wears the crown... Yep, despite being completely CGI, this is an anime movie trilogy about Goji. It's set in an alternate, what-if storyline where humans ran to space to get away from Godzilla, got tired of being stranded in the stars, and went back to see if they could take their planet back. Ultimately, I thought it was good! The ending was heavier and way more philosophical than I expected. It ends by giving you a lot to think about, and maybe wondering how the events could have gone if certain things were done differently. If you're the kind of person who might ask "Why did they run in the first place?", this is not the trilogy for you. If all you wanted was to see humanity reclaim their glory, this is not for you. If all you care about is the destruction and some monster fights, then your enjoyment might be arguable. But if you want a Godzilla story with an actual story that makes you think and reflect, then this is right up your alley. Maybe someday I'll also get to see the Godzilla series Singularity Point. Next time, hopefully I can watch some Tokusatsu movies.

    d9o42pj-94308d0d-f9cf-40a6-99f6-07bc5780 Zenkaiger 14: Thank You For Watching! bitgear_32.png Ladies and gentlemen, in case you didn't feel like you got enough in Gokaiger, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. It's the moment when the heroes rapid-fire different Sentai powers one after another for a grand show! They probably could have done this forever and a day, but I think you get the idea with this much. Zenkaizer and Twokaizer would just keep countering each other forever. From here, I feel like we're sinking into a sense of status quo. I do hope the show has more surprises in store. This episode's big story reveal was kind of paper thin and the episode preview doesn't make me think we're going to get a major story-based episode next time. Still, the battle was pretty good.

    d9o40v7-289c43ef-559f-4e9f-99ed-9e3e398c Saber 38: The Sword that Writes! daj17bm-76115871-5676-4c80-b092-68abe8a1 The turn-around moment for Kento, I felt, was less than perfect. In some ways, it was good. In other ways, that scene could have been written better. I think what a lot of fans will probably miss is that his father (probably) actually is dead, and therefore the ghost of his father is lying about being alive right now to prove that the Sword of Darkness is lying to Kento about its future visions (which it is). Still, this was an epic debut for Xross Saber! I do wish we could have seen the return of Espada since they teased it, but maybe next episode it'll happen. For now, all hail the supreme sword.

    That's all for now, my crowd. B) Take care, and lead the charge.

    Someone of this forum (Was it you, @PawelS?) shared this song a short while back, and I love it! It may be a pony/brony song, but it totally stands on its own. It's a jazzy, noire piece made in honor of detective Rarity, and I love that kind of music just as much as Japanese music. This is "Shadow Spade" by Night Symphony.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      @Samurai Equine It's What About Now by Westlife.

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      @TomDaBombMLP I'll remember that and write it down as a song request. :squee:

    4. AppleButt


      @Samurai Equine ah I see.  Yeah it’ll hurt a bit as well when I accidentally bite on tin foil or something.  

      So far I’m not having any sensitivity with the crown though.  Though in a root canal they take a lot of nerves out of the tooth so that might be why.

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