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Everything posted by HereComesTom

  1. I've essentially joined the furry fandom at this point; it was shorts by Starberry and SaySupShelley and Twinleaf that got me interested, and the joy of making something with my own hands got me to the point where I want to make a frog headpiece with animatronics and a noisemaker.

    But I had an interesting experience these past few days---it's essentially all transpired as ideas in my head so far, but my story might be worth a chuckle---or at least make you think:


    Day 1:  I think "Hey, games are art, and Starberry likes fanart, and my Weather Factory Meltdown fangame's level editor lets you make custom playable characters that look like whatever you want, so why don't I make a fangame with Starberry's cat/fox hybrid fursona as the playable character, and submit that as fanart?!"

    Day 2:  Deep worldbuilding and lore, each witch-guild has an elemental affinity to earth, water, air, or fire, and each of those elements has a secondary element to go with it:  earth/nature, water/ice, air/lightning, fire/light.  Metrovania aspects of the game are starting to come together, alliterative level names, plot taking shape in my mind, additional features I'll need to add to my game engine to make it all work...

    Day 3:  ...Now...where WAS that line in between being an admiring fan and a disturbing stan?  Did I...cross it?  Oh well:  dreaming up all these ideas for the game is SO much fun; I don't want to stop now!  If I'm crossing that line, I'ma do it with STYLE, baby!

    Day 5:  Wait a minute---if I actually get Starberry's permission, then I can stay on the "admiring fan" side of that line while doing all this!!

    Day 7:  Uh...should I be disturbed that it took me THAT long to think of something as obvious as asking permission first?  Am I a creep?

    Day 8:  Spoke to a friend about all this, and she was just disturbed by this whole thing.  So yes, I'm a creep, all right.  Albeit one obsessed with worldbuilding and metrovanias.  And as it turns out, the more style you have when you cross the line from admiring fan to disturbing stan, the more disturbing you are when you cross that line:  this is not something to be proud of! 


    ...This realization is NOT my finest moment...

  2. Time for another item from my List of Things Hasbro Won't Let a Brony Do in a Fangame:

    5) I may not base the guards of any castle in Equestria or beyond on the playable characters in Castle Crashers.


    Also, fun fact:  the spell checker didn't like the word "brony" and recommended "crony" as an alternative :P

    1. Sparklefan1234



      Also, fun fact:  the spell checker didn't like the word "brony" and recommended "crony" as an alternative :P

      That's corny. :P

  3. I've begun to watch the movie 2010 on tubi.

    For those of you who don't know, an author named Arthur C. Clarke had a novel series that he wrote in the 20th century that started with "2001: A Space Odyssey" and ended with "3001: The Final Odyssey".  They had plenty of space travel in them, and the sequel to 2001, was 2010.

    The funny thing is, years numbered 2000 and higher seemed so futuristic and mysterious to us back then, full of wonder and promise, with our heads full of ideas of space travel and scientific discovery and (at least in the 90s) optimism.

    Now it's 2024, we've been in that century that looked to be full of promise for about a quarter of it, and now those expectations feel like a bad joke.  2001 was when the World Trade Towers collapsed, setting a dark tone for the new century.  And while things probably aren't getting worse and worse objectively speaking, it keeps feeling like they are.  Maybe it's social media and the news media focusing on the negative that makes it feel that way---if it is, they're doing a thorough job of it.


    At least we can look back and say that one remarkable thing happened in 2010:  G-4!

  4. Yet another one from the List of Things Hasbro Won't Let a Brony Do in a MLP Fangame:

    4)  No matter how common they are in real-life horsemanship, or how funny their high-pitched voices would be, I may not have geldings in the game.


    I sure hope that's not too off-color...!

  5. Another one from the List of Things Hasbro Won't Let a Brony Do in a Fangame:

    3)  Pinkie-Swears aren't the kind of things I should need to bleep over.

    1. Sparklefan1234


      "Pickles!" isn't a Pinkie Pie swear? 



    2. HereComesTom


      Not the kind I need to bleep over!

  6. I've been sitting on these for years---I think it's high time I started posting the List of Things Hasbro Won't Let a Brony Do in a Fangame:

    1)  When naming OCs for the Canterlot Royal Guard, the following names are off-limits:  Cannon Fodder, Red Shirt, Brown Pants.

    1. Sparklefan1234


      Don't forget "Kenny". :wau:

  7. I hate what they're doing to small creators---there's a definite double-standard. If a small creator gets dogpiled by bots or kids flagging videos, they'll ban that creator without a real human being doing any actual investigating. People can lose their livelihoods at the drop of a hat with the system Youtube currently has in place; it's an unsafe environment for building your livelihood as long as youtube has this policy of no human intervention...
  8. Well, shoot---registration is open for Whinny City Pony Con, but I'm suddenly finding myself wondering if I want to spend over $550 to go to a fan convention for a show I haven't watched in I-don't-know-how-long.

    It's a sobering feeling:  I really did like G-4 while it was on; they did an excellent job with the characters, and I'm still working on my Weather Factory Meltdown fangame.  I cried back in 2019 when the show had its finale, simply because it was all over.  In a lot of ways, the show is a part of who I've been since 2010.

    But...is it still a part of who I am today...?

    1. Rikifive


      This is so relatable, I totally get what you mean.

      I haven't watched pony content in yeeeeears either, yet I'm still slowly working on pony stuff. However, I do intend to give up on my pony games in the near future, though not because I lost interest, but mainly because real life just doesn't want to cooperate, heh.

      $550 to go to a fan convention? You account travel and all that stuff, right? Well, that's a lot, I'd never be willing to go even if that was for something I'd be super hyped for and the like. :twi: For the same reason I've never ever in my entire life been on vacations. My budget kinda tight. :eager:

    2. HereComesTom


      $550 is the hotel plus the registration; I live near enough to Windy City to drive there.  Food and gas aren't a part of that, but I know those'll up the cost.  It's high partly because the con starts on the 7th and ends on the 9th, and while I could save myself money by arriving on the 7th and leaving on the 9th, I'd prefer to be rested; I plan to arrive on the 6th and leave on the 10th.

      Just after I posted this, I realized that I still daydream about a portal to Equestria opening in my laundry room---I'm not exactly proud to admit to something that silly, but it is enough to tell me that G-4 is still very much a part of who I am; I've already paid for registration, and I think after my next payday, I'll look into a hotel.  Maybe I'll cut a day to save some money; I don't know.

    3. Rikifive


      I hope you'll enjoy your time then!

  9. Ohhhhh I loved this when it was on the air back in 1999!!! You did it amazingly on the organ, too!
  10. Nice! Love how the tempo slows down at the end; I've tinkered with music-making software once or twice years ago, but I'm not sure I figured out how to make a decelerando like that. (Nor do I know if I'm spelling that right...)
  11. Yum! Just yum! ...Oh it doesn't let you make posts that small...huh... Cake for @Millennium Shadow and @Jonny Music ! Chantilly!!!
  12. That was actually really good---I had to re-listen to that part, but the reverberation really worked!
  13. This is one of the songs that gets me right in the heart. There's a lot of uncertainty in Twilight, and a lot of love from the other princesses to her.
  14. Oooo, forgot about the door-slam! It's been too long since I've seen Recess I guess :/
  15. Wow. Now I need to re-watch and see if I can find that easter egg back! In any case, I liked Chapter 4. It actually feels like a great continuation of the plot of G-5 so far, gave Misty a good character arc, and they managed to set it up in a way that continuing the story further makes sense, and will likely allow us to see more of Equestria going forward. I had no idea that Opaline thought the other ponies already knew about her---maybe that's part of why she kept herself hidden, though the fact that they showed how weak Opaline was when she finally left the castle for the first time might also have something to do with it. What I'm wondering is: will Misty remain a mole and keep living with Opaline so the Mane Five will learn more of what Opaline's up to, or will she get a room at the Crystal Brighthouse?
  16. I have to agree. This could've expanded the mythos, shown us whether this was a scam or something genuinely awesome, and...they dropped it. Also, we have our first sighting of the famous "things can't get worse -> starts raining" cliche in G-5! Spike did that all the way in Season 1 of G-4 in the Owliscious introductory episode. At least they waited 13 years before doing it again!
  17. It's got potential. I'm glad there's some hints in the dialog that things will be moving forward, and glad that they're bringing MYM back!
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