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Status Updates posted by DJPON-3-#Power11

  1. im doing my morning work outs right now.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Sounds good, nothing helps better then starting off your daily business in the right mindset. I hope it helps you reach your goals easier. :)

    3. DJPON-3-#Power11


      yep. thank you! it really does! but i didnt say it would be easy though.

    4. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Ahh, no pain no gain as they sometimes say!

  2. i have a lot to do this i have to apply for harvard. and do a ton of other things also. god im so tired. so dozed off into space.

    1. Storm Shine
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      You can get just as good an education without having to spend a fortune. I don't know where, but they're out there.

    3. DJPON-3-#Power11


      i know i know. but ive been dreaming about this my whole life.

  3. my dog wont stop using its cute powers against me......meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh fiiiiiiiiiiine ill take you to the park.........wow it actually has the leesh in its mouth right now. this is insanely cute right now. please dont tilt your head. SHIT SHE TILTED HER HEAD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!.. ok im going to the park be back in a bit. :D

  4. you see what me and my friends did was went to people houses and dressed as strippers and danced the pelvic thrust song and said in a russian voice "we dance for candy you liikey"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NetherMan65


      WTF?!?! Hahahahahahaha.....

    3. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      Lolz, Kudos to you!

      That must have taken a lot of courage.. Or stupidity! XD

  5. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss the stripper holloween event was a success!!!! we gottons of candy with tons of cop......calls..............still went well i guess i was offline for a while cause i hanged out by my friends place and he had no internet at the moment.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Countess Noodle

      Countess Noodle

      Stripper Halloween? Fuck yeah!

    3. DJPON-3-#Power11


      no we went to peoples houses dressed as russian strippers and did a pelvic thrust dance while saying "we dance for candy you liiikey"

    4. DJPON-3-#Power11


      yeeeeah that didn't suit well with some people.

  6. since im 18 me and my friends are going to dress as male strippers and knock on peoples houses and and do a pelvic thrust dance while talking in a russian voice saying "we dance for candy you liikey" should get a laugh. :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DJPON-3-#Power11


      yes we are and im glad im not alone in this.

    3. Big_Macincheese


      Have fun with that :)

    4. NeedsMoreGoth


      That's a great idea! You guys will have some major fun then. I actually like the idea of Butt Naked Boy. Too bad being naked in public is illegal now. There are some seriously stupid laws out there.

  7. since im 18 me and my friends are going to dress as male strippers and knock on peoples houses and and do a pelvic thrust dance while talking in a russian voice saying "we dance for candy you liikey" should get a laugh. :3

  8. since im 18 me and my friends are going to dress as male strippers and knock on peoples houses and and do a pelvic thrust dance while talking in a russian voice saying "we dance for candy you liikey" should get a laugh. :3

  9. my schools over today so in a bit ill be out of the internet for a while. bye! bye! everyone!

  10. had a sleep over by my buddy house it was awesome. he didnt like my fluttershy plushy cause he thinks shes a bitch. but shes not. she a sweet pony who cares for everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. DJPON-3-#Power11


      waaaaht take it back she is the first.

    3. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      You could be right x3

    4. WindyParadise


      Luna for best voice! q:

  11. im still at school and im sooooo tired.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bright Bastion

      Bright Bastion

      Yeah, I think it's lunchtime in la. I live in the Central Time Zone I think its an hour behind us. Or is LA in pacific...

    3. DJPON-3-#Power11


      yep it just ended.

    4. Maze


      You guys are having lunch at school right now, while in my timezone, it's 8 P.M in the evening. It's pitch black outside. It's so weird to imagine that it's bright somewhere else.

  12. my account got suspended for two days lol.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. lelouch.
    3. DJPON-3-#Power11


      yeah they were kinda innapropiate but i wonder if i said **tch right now would i get in trouble?

    4. NeedsMoreGoth


      Girl: "I'm sunbathing on the beach naked."

      Guy: "Where"

      Guy: "Sorry, that was auto correct. I meant whore"

      I just remembered that now XD

  13. my account got suspended for two days. lol.

  14. because they always look at the glass half full in bad situations.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      why did you eat a snowball? D:

    3. JonasDarkmane


      Because snowballs are good.

    4. Onion Sing

      Onion Sing

      What kinda glass is it?

  15. getting out of school. about to do an awesome presentation on warframe my most favorite game of all time. :D

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      You will do fine

    3. DJPON-3-#Power11


      lol thank you pinkie pie you always knoew how to brighten up someones day. =D

    4. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Yay! You just made MY day! ;D

      (Being compared to Pinkie Pie... I'm so happy that I'm so good at making others happy! :D)

  16. no prob its my pleasure i want to friend everyone and we can all become friends! :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DJPON-3-#Power11


      yeah i do to so maybe we can help each other out my brony brother. :D

    3. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Yay for friendships! *Huggles everypony*

  17. im at school school right now

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kamii


      *school school

    3. Cavalry Rush

      Cavalry Rush

      So....go to school to learn how to...school?

    4. Kamii
  18. i just expressed all six elements of harmany in one day!!! *double fist pump*!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Karma Lightwing

      Karma Lightwing

      And did you perform awesome acts of friendship too? ;O

    3. septemberbrony 11

      septemberbrony 11

      friendship isn't an elamant though...

  19. its no problemooo friend i want to friend everybody because is freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. is anyone as excited as i am for season five of my little pony?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. DJPON-3-#Power11


      awesome!!!!!!! i cant wait for it im going to get pop corn,vinyl scratch hat, t-shirt, socks, plushy, and drinks for this episode cause im so happy vinyl might get her own appearance i the show instead of always being a background.

    3. Kamii


      well, I'm happy for you dude :D

    4. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      Absolute-a-Suredly! I can't wait, and I'm sure it'll be superdeeduper fantabarific!

  21. cant wait for the new season of mlp anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!! #flipin out!!

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