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Status Updates posted by Yoshi89

  1. Thank you for the invitation!

  2. Congrats to the Dodgers. Nothing quite like seeing a long drought come to an end.

  3. Happy Boithday!

    1. Fhaolan


      Thanks, Yoshi! :)

  4. Sorry, ABC. I’ll take David over Leslie any day.

  5. I love the feeling of waking up after a nine-hour sleep.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CypherHoof


      Plus the bonus sensation of knowing there is no hurry to get up, so you can have a snooze if you want to.

      Even better if you have a special somepony to snuggle with while you snooze.

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
    4. Tacodidra


      That always feels wonderful! :rarity: Just lying down is relaxing in itself. :P

  6. Happy birthday!

    1. O-78


      Thank you! :coco:

  7. Opened an "Ask Me" for those who want to do so.

    1. Jonny Music

      Jonny Music

      How are you doing this week? :)

  8. Had a good morning with the exception of my car breaking down.

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Sorry buddy. If you need anything you know where to find me.

    2. Yoshi89


      I’ll find out tomorrow morning if it’s my battery or if it’s the starter that needs to be replaced. My shop wasn’t open today.

  9. We will never forget.

  10. My gym just reopened. :fluttershy: Back to the grind!

  11. Happy birthday!

  12. Thank you for the follow!

  13. Happy Independence Day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pandora


      Same to you friend

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy Independence Day, my friend! :pinkie:

    4. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      Happy Independence Day to you as well, my friend! :yay:

  14. I'm now hooked on ClearTalk Mastery YouTube Poops. Thank you, YT Pewp.

  15. Happy belated!

  16. Thank you for the follow!

    1. qib


      Thank you for the follow too, I guess its true what they say, the more the merrier! :P

  17. Have a balloon but not too many of them!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woohoo


      I'm still waiting for my balloon. :blue_baloon:

    3. Tacodidra


      Is it possible to have too many? :ticking:

      Someone just gave you one too, who could it have been? :ooh:

    4. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      *takes one balloon* :squee:

  18. My sister just got back from Georgia last night. She says it's like the pandemic never happened down there.

    1. Bastian


      Could you elaborate? I don't understand what you mean. 

    2. Yoshi89


      She teaches in Connecticut and spends the summer with our family in New York. They’ve curbed social distancing rules in Georgia while we still have them. Plus, everything’s open again while we’re slowly reopening in phases.

  19. Thank you for the follow!

    1. Midnight Danny

      Midnight Danny

      No problem, my friend! ^_^

  20. As if the rioters couldn't get more subhuman...


    1. AppleButt


      I live an hour and a half away from there.  Surprised I haven’t heard about it. 

      I have mixed feelings.  I don’t think violence is the answer to this, but if America had taken police brutality seriously to begin with we wouldn’t be in this mess. 

    2. JonasDarkmane


      If this is true, all these people deserve to get shot. Fuck animal abusers, I refuse to recognize their humanity~

    3. Bastian


      Yeah, a group of people probably paid by the government did it. The normal people are just protesting. 

  21. My mom's birthday is tomorrow. Too bad we can't eat out, but at least we can retry getting takeout from the place we originally wanted for Cinco de Mayo.

    1. AppleButt


      Happy birthday to your mom!

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Whatever you do I hope it is a wonderful day!

    3. Tacodidra


      Happy birthday to her! :pinkie: I hope the day is a great one! :rarity:

  22. Antifa has been declared a terrorist organization. About time.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AppleButt


      In any case.  Whatever antifa is, at worst they burn shit and punch people they think is a Nazi when things get heated at a protest or rally.  Which isn’t okay in the least. I ain’t saying it is. 

      But when the people they’re going against are responsible for enough deaths to be a leading cause of deaths by terrorism on American soil.  I think I know who I fear more. 

    3. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
    4. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      Good, it's about time.

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