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Dark Horse

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About Dark Horse

  • Birthday 1991-11-01

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  • Personal Motto
    Drink Tea or Die!
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    History, Theater, Motorsports, Computing, Gaming, Literature, Dragons and an ever present kettle for Tea.

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    Everfree Forest

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    Octavia Melody
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    Twilight Sparkle
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  1. On my way back to the airport after an enjoyable few days with a friend overseas. You don't feel the time pass. :adorkable:

    Now to sIt around for 3 hours waiting for my flight whilst being tempted to buy junk I don't need. :yeahno:

    How has everyone's week been? ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      @SolarFlare13 Oooh~ Hope it's a comfy one! :yay:

      A collector, eh? Guess thst's something we share in common, then. I tend to collect various bits and bobs from my travels to display in my room. I've had to dial it back a bit, though. Based simply on the fact that I'm running out of room for everything! :awwthanks:

      I'm not too bad! As I said, I'm just passing the time at the airport right now. Looking forward to getting back into my own bed again tonight. :rarity:

    3. SolarFlare13


      Yeah, I have the exact same problem :D behind my laptop, it's FULL of MLP merchandise :mlp_icwudt: Not only that, I had to put ALL my diecasts in another room, 'cuz there's just NO space in my room. at all. :muffins: ...and I keep buying them. I can't help it XP + I only got so much to spend this year, so I'm ONLY gonna buy the stuff I REALLY want :ticking:


      That sounds like a good idea :laugh: hope you have a good nights rest when you get back :catface:

    4. Supernova Energy

      Supernova Energy

      Half of my week has been good and the other half hasn't been that good. I hope your week has been great! :fluttershy:

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