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Sekr Gray

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Status Updates posted by Sekr Gray

  1. I sense a stalking ;P

    1. Kuro


      Hii lmao

    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      *stalk stalk stalk*

  2. Welp. Just caved in, bought myself some Warhammer 40k stuff. Thirty Imperial Guardsmen, some old codices, and the 7th ed. Rulebook from the weekend before. The collection of games slowly grows :P

    1. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      you know that 8th edition is coming out in 17 days don't you?

    2. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      I found that out last night, as I was looking at the units, and noticed all the codices on sale. I bought the 7th on sale at a local bookstore this past weekend though, but since it's a lot more current than my other/first core codex (3rd edition) so, I'll deal with this for now. 

  3. How do I stop loving somebody, when I know I shouldn't?

    1. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      You don't. You simply have to move on for your own sake.

  4. Oh yay. More yelling all over the house. *retreats to room before I'm dragged into a fight*

  5. Powers out for half the house. *whoo* -.-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      Never mind that, we have leftovers to save! D:

    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      nom nom nom nom ^~^

    4. Commander Tangent
  6. My SAP appeal finally came through :D I can re-enroll in college now :D

    1. Varrack


      Why are you re-enrolling?

    2. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      This is for the spring semester. I was put on an academic warning, since my grades were horrendous (GPA of 1.5). I filed to be allowed to come back in the spring, and they're letting me now, albeit without financial aid.

  7. At every door-way, ere one enters, one should spy round, one should pry round for uncertain is the witting that there be no foeman sitting, within, before one on the floor.

    1. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      well we do go way back since I started on this site haha (1 year ago yesterday)

    2. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      I'm still waiting on that shampoo, you know ;)

  8. Wargaming! :D

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      Eh, it's borderline, but counts in my books :P

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Woo! :P Heroclix is neat, kinda simplistic in some ways but the figures are great. Haven't played it in ages. :|

    4. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      I've never played it myself, but it's pretty close to Heroscape, from what I saw. Most of the people in my highschool "tabletop nerd" group started with that game :P

  9. Happy Samhain everypony! ~ <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Snow
    3. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      were is your costume Sekr ?

    4. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      You'll see tonight :c

      (Also, didn't have time to make a forum Halloween avatar ;-; )

  10. Capt. Sekr, signing off, just for a little while. Love you all, and see you soon <3

  11. Anxiety and Creativity. Able to make me imagine every possible reason people avoid me. >~<

    1. Surprise


      I think that's why people avoiding me

  12. Some days, my antics scare myself. *continues joking/flirting with mods*

  13. *stalk stalk stalk* :3:

    1. Surprise


      Last seen 11:33am my timezone XD

    2. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      Hehehe, nobody shall see me coming. And when they do see me, it's too late ;)

    3. Surprise


      You caught me again. I can't defend being watched by someone x_x

  14. Sometimes, I just go through people's profiles, and click on another person's profile in the recent visitors area. I can see 100 profiles in three minutes. So much stalking :3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      XD i usually visit profiles that visited meXD

    3. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      @Sunrise consider yourself stalked >;3

    4. Surprise


      Darn. I should've hide in the shadows *hides but it's too late for me*

  15. Happy talk like a pirate day everybody! ^_*

    1. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      Arghhh...Drei Blintzeln Kapitan! -Nein, Nicht, Noch Einmal!

  16. Nothing like a good friend to cut you down to size, and point out your flaws to make you think.

    1. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      Ya I know...I'm very big headed sometimes and it's good to have someone there to show you your not the best at everything ¦)

    2. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      Eh, less being big headed in this case, and admitting to a "problem"...

  17. *leaves a small gift box*

  18. Just when I think I'm going to be able to turn my emotions around, make my life a little better... some obscene >yay< comes along, and makes me feel more worthless then I have been. I really need to get out of here.

    1. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Worry not Sekr, Ill come over there and hug the sadness right out of ya !

  19. I'm getting really tired of my selective social anxiety.

    1. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      In what way is it selective?

    2. Sekr Gray

      Sekr Gray

      Talk to friend -> Nerves slightly jittery

      Talk to stranger -> Nerves are completely jellied

      Talk in front of class -> Nerves perfectly fine

    3. Holiday Agnaktor

      Holiday Agnaktor

      Woah, that's...selective? :c

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