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Status Updates posted by VinylWubs

  1. Man.. I really need to catch up with my Digimon series XD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VinylWubs


      Seriously? The only few digimon series I need to see are the first seasons etc

    3. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      Yup. It was a pretty good season from what I remember. My favorite series would have to be Digimon Frontier.

    4. VinylWubs


      I remember watching that with a friend! Good times

  2. Ughhhhhhh, I hate my niece..

    1. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Aw, what's she gotten herself into now? XD

    2. VinylWubs


      Accused me for nothing.. And treating me like a kid -3-

  3. I think I'm gonna be with the turkeys and Llamas are..... *falls asleep*

  4. I'm back!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      VinylWubs is amazing.

    3. JeyWiz


      I missed you! :D

    4. VinylWubs


      @Gumball Ravington I missed you too Bro! :3

  5. Morning! Exactly two hours until I go

  6. I won't be on till Friday because tomorrow.. I'm camping <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sphinx-Ara


      aaaaw I'm gonna miss you cutie

    3. Kenshiro


      Woow. I already missed you :)

    4. JeyWiz


      Good luck with that. :)

  7. I'm back!

    1. Sphinx-Ara


      Yaay! :3 missed you

    2. VinylWubs


      Awwww! I missed you too!

  8. Yay I'm sick -3-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kenshiro


      Drink water a bit more than usual ;)

      It ll help you to get better :)

      Fever ?

    3. VinylWubs


      No fever but thanks for the little tips :)

    4. Barpy


      Get better soon. :)

  9. I should get some sleep since I desperately need it. Night! :3

    1. Sphinx-Ara


      Night love, sleep well *snuggles and kisses*

    2. Johnny1226


      Good night vinylwubs

  10. Great,now I feel more depressed

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. leonbrony17


      And thats how leonbrony17 saved the day again :) :) :)

    3. VinylWubs
    4. leonbrony17


      Yes :) :) I'm glad that you're good.

  11. I feel horrible now..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sphinx-Ara


      Oh no, what makes you think that? It's not because of me, is it?

    3. VinylWubs


      Idk.. I tried telling him that I'm in a open relationship but he just.. Doesn't understands..

    4. Sphinx-Ara


      Tell me in the pm please

  12. Is it immature to watch Veggietales?

    1. Sphinx-Ara


      hahaha not at all, it can be quite a fun show to watch

    2. VinylWubs
    3. Sphinx-Ara
  13. I keep forgetting my lefts and rights -3-

    1. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      Me too! I never quite got it -_- you're not the only one *hugs*

    2. VinylWubs


      Tell me about it! I keep making them opposite! -_-

    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      Everytime I try to show someone the way

      "Where to go now?"


      other:*goes left*

      me:"wait, no! The other left!"

  14. Thank you for adding me! :3

  15. So.. What's the difference between main protagonist and protagonist?

    1. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond

      I wasn't aware there was a distinction. Main protagonist is the main character: the story largely follows their perspective from beginning to end. I guess you could have supplemental protagonists who are central to the story but don't command as much attention.

    2. Vulcan


      One thing I noticed during my literature class was that the terms Main character and Protagonist are not the same thing....So perhaps Main Protagonist is probably the term used to define a character who is both.

    3. Kenshiro


      Like assist and goal in the football. They remember the scorer not the assistant ;)

  16. I'm back! Anddddddd I need a hug -3-

  17. *gasp* I AM A PONYYYYYYYYYYY *criez*

  18. Ughhhhh, I'm soooo tired -3-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sphinx-Ara


      okay i was half right, you're 2 hours ahead :P

    3. VinylWubs


      Haha, I knew i was ahead 2 hours or less

    4. Sphinx-Ara


      I think it's 4 during Daylight Savings thoug *shrugs* who knows

  19. I don't want to sleep yet I'm tired

    1. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      The struggle is real -_-

    2. VinylWubs
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