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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by VinylWubs

  1. I want to do a Rp with someone T^T

    1. Sphinx-Ara


      there's ours and I jsut posted up a new idea

  2. <---- one of my favourite covers EVER
  3. Remind me not to eat so much chocolate >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Ha ha, you women and your chocolate. :P


      *boop* Christmas candy?

    3. VinylWubs


      @Orange Sparks Thanks for the support XD


      @Meson Bolt Kinda.. although I made it for fun and now.. I got a bellyache 3:

    4. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Aww, poor Temmie tummy... ;3;

  4. Remind me not to eat after drinking water..

  5. ...Does anyone remember me or.. no?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Of course! :3



    3. TheRockARooster


      WELCOME BACK VINYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      NOOT!!!! NOOT!!!!

    4. JeyWiz


      I would never forget about you, sis. *hugs*

  6. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy! How's the most adorable and (most of all) one of my Favourite members doing? :3 *Slowly places a cookie down*

    1. DeadAccount


      Awwww shucks I'm doing well! Quite flattered to hear that I'm still someone's favorite after all this time! ;u; (Even though I'm not adorable) *Takes the cookie* O3O

  7. I'm back!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VinylWubs
    3. TheRockARooster



      Great to see you again, my awesome friend.

    4. Kenshiro


      Welcome back. Yaaay :)

  8. Hey :3

    1. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      May I ask what you're doing up so late, young lady? :P

    2. VinylWubs


      I can't sleep :3

    3. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      I'm on Discord... check yer messages. :3

  9. I'm having one of those days where people betray you

  10. Hai :3

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. VinylWubs


      *slaps your hand away* No -.-

    3. ChikaChan


      eep! o~o *looks at you with my puppy eyes*

    4. VinylWubs


      It's my cake!

  11. Woahh.. that banner

  12. Its my Father's birthday!

  13. Heya! :3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Ah, really? Tell him happy birthday for me! :D


      Or... don't... that'd kinda be weird. "Dad, some random stranger says happy birthday!" :P

    3. VinylWubs


      It's fine, he'll just think I've been on the internet a little tooo Long XD

    4. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      Oh, okie. :P


      So, how you doing? Haven't talked in a while. XD


      (I'm headed to work in a lil bit though...)

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