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Crypty Scribbles

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Everything posted by Crypty Scribbles

  1. Well, welcome to the Herd, Timur. I believe you will find a bunch of new friends here.
  2. Stupid rain is over! Viva la snow!

  3. I'm just great, thanks. What about you? So... welcome the Herd. I believe, you will find many new and interesting friends Or new friends will find you if you will tell about you little bit more
  4. Damn this eternal rain!

  5. Well, hello and welcome to the Odd Side, Sweestar You will meet many new people here and some of them could become your new friends. You forgot her squeaky voice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XujvP7WQsdo
  6. Nnno!1 Not enough fishes on background. >=))))*> >=))))*> >=))))*> >=))))*> >=))))*>
  7. Hello, Dovey. Welcome to the herd Oh really? Do you even have a hat?
  8. Well, well, welcome to the Herd. Oh. I believe, you will find a bunch of new friends here. Just lurk profiles look around and you will meet somepony interesting.
  9. Well, welcome to the forums. Here you will be able to share your passion and find new friends of course.
  10. Hullo, Muffinkarton, and welcome to the Herd. I hope you will find a bunch of new interesting friends, just lurk profiles look around. XD
  11. Hullo and welcome to the Herd, @@p-fruit! Nice to meet you here =) And you avatar is hypnotising me, definitely. 9_6
  12. Hello Coffee. I like food too, I can't live without food! We have so much common XD But seriously. Welcome to the herd =) Also I like how you are drawing.
  13. Amazing! Hee hee. You able to write me anytime you wish.
  14. Well. Welcome to the Forums. Nice to meet you here. I'm Crypty and I like drawing too . You said, you have done videos earlier. I would like to see, If you don't mind
  15. Wow! It's snowy!

    1. NeighingNanny


      Is it the good snow where it can compact nicely or is it dusty or wet?


      No snow here, just lots of wind.

    2. Trixen


      Snow? Where? Not here D:

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Nanny, It was scratchy snow with rain. =/

      Trixen, It melted already. It was first snow this autumn.

  16. Well, welcome to the forums, @@Chilla. I hope you will find lots of new friends here.
  17. Yep. I'm watching for your progress all this time. You are still far from professional level, but if you will keep drawing so much and will become learn new techniques you will achieve really good result pretty soon.
  18. Uh, @@Trixen, Hello and welcome to the Herd. I hope you'ww find a lot of new interesting friends here.
  19. Welcome to the forums, fellow gamer. And yeah, CHEESE FOR EVERYPONY!!!
  20. Well, well, welcome to the Herd! I hope you will find a bunch of new interesting friends here. You said, you love to draw. Well, I'm too. I would be glad to see your artworks.
  21. Oh peeps, it's Tuesday only, but I'm tired like dead.

    1. Princess Book Horse

      Princess Book Horse

      Cheer up! New episode Saturday!

    2. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Yeah, Princess, you are right. I must survive before Saturday.

    3. Princess Book Horse

      Princess Book Horse

      Though, I'm feeling pretty tired too...

  22. Chill out, dude. I was going in Twilight Sparkle costume to my job an I will. No one copyright law will stop me. YARRR!
  23. Miss, express delivery of pack of new friends for you. Put your sign here and here... Welcome to the Herd, Sweet Rhapsody. Nice to meet you here.
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