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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by P-Jay

  1. Here to stay, at least for a little bit. :mustache:

  2. Still here, y'all. Got somethin' cooking for ya, coming soon~

  3. We should tots plan an RP sometime

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      Nothing really I can do, in the past they've harassed me, and the host for stupid reasons. Telling us how to run our rp. And more recently, about a year and a half back or so me and Catsle tried doing a 1 on 1. I didn't have a link to the OOC because I was using an Xbox One, and couldn't copy and paste. A mod PMs me and tells me to add a link, and just overall treats me like I haven't the slightest clue as to what I'm doing. I explain to them that its impossible for me, so what do you think they do... put a link for me?... ha that's funny... no they do the reasonable thing by locking our RP. I ask them why they did that, they said you should of put a link. I really should of reported that son of a bitch to the admins... pisses me off to this day.

    3. P-Jay


      There's really a multitude of things I can say as a response. But first and foremost, would you want to RP, given the choice to do so freely? Or is the idea of RP in general too 'stained' for you to wanna try it out again? Because if it's the former then I've got a mini-rant, and if it's the latter I actually understand. Either way, wow, whatta d*ck mod--

    4. Snow Frostflame

      Snow Frostflame

      That mod is what ruined it for me, but I can't get back into it because I'm not on the forums as often as I use to be. I'd just slow everything down with my availability.




  5. ...Perhaps...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. P-Jay


      ...Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell...

    3. Barpy
    4. P-Jay




      Heyo; don't believe we've met before.

  6. *holds a celebration party for Unicorncob's latest fic's fame*

    1. Unicorncob


      Shhhhhhhhh *blushes aggressively*

  7. ...The feels when you're typing up a character's profile, and hit one of your bookmarks on accident...

    1. AmarisNsane


      Friggin'. Ouch. I'd be raging, especially depending how much was already typed up.


      It may not fix the damage but you have my condolences, friend. ♥

    2. P-Jay


      Two hours of constant typing. Late reply is very late.


      I've managed to retype most of it, though. I just need to finish up his backstory...

  8. ...I wish to go to my local bowling alley, and place superglue within one of the bowling balls.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. P-Jay


      whack someone in the face with a bat--imeanwhut

    3. JeyWiz


      Haha. I have a bowling alley right next to where I live.

    4. Widdershins


      Hrm...but where would you put the superglue? In the fingerholes where their fingers pop off when they roll it, or around the ball itself, to where when they go to roll it where all their might, it just hits the floor & stops dead? Hrmmm...which'd libel to get your arrested more?...

  9. ...I should post more often.

  10. https://picarto.tv/PeytonJay Streaming the requests I've got--feel free to make one yourself once I'm finished!
    1. Widdershins


      What, the requests from your reopening of your art thread? I must attest, I haven't the notioniest fog what a Stream is.

  11. La Vie en Rose

  12. ey--its your turn to sin a character. just letting you know. :D

  13. #BlameSimon

  14. oh, uh, yo. whats up....mystery person. XD

  15. But then again, I don't care.

    1. P-Jay


      nah, its a collaboration with a few other artists. im one of the 'writing' part of the group. XD

  16. Because why not.

    1. Seamore Sandwich

      Seamore Sandwich

      That's the best reason ever, it's why I do the things I do.

  17. i approve of joey derp-face avatar. XD

    1. AmberDust


      It reflects my inner self.

    2. P-Jay


      a 10/10, for sure.

  18. its rather uncanny how this Discord fellow shows up...right after the forums are dubbed 'DiscordForums'...XD

    1. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      LOL. Look at his brohoof rating. Dat's not coincidence. ^_^

    2. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      I noticed something fishy as soon as I saw him. Then when the banner changed, I connected the dots, haha xD

    3. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      Haha! Good job, detective Jaxsie! I lurked your investigation.

  19. ...huh. im actually itching to get into a roleplay...

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