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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

Chip Circuit

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Status Updates posted by Chip Circuit

  1. *passes out*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Pfft... I'll make enough for everyone

    3. Unicorncob


      You better, you hussy

    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Hussy?! how dare you

  2. Happy whatever doesnt offend you :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I specifically need it to be stated as Halneweasterweenintine Day in order to not be offended.




    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I'm offensive, and I find this American.

    4. Chip Circuit
  3. So I know I have been really quiet but I have been fairly busy as of late. My friend and I are creating a game and have a youtube channel :) this is one of the videos for those interested in the PC VR world

  4. Welcome to the forums Shannon, hope you enjoy your time here. Plenty to do and even more people to meet :D

  5. Time for more anime?... yes... yes it is

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      well hey there tan the man, how have you been

    3. Commander Tangent
    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      That's good to hear :)

  6. love your OC, she's adorable :D did you draw her yourself?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      cool :) wish I had that type of dedication.


      It's easy but I also used a 500 page fanfic as practice lol

    3. Crecious
    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Yeah its funny because of the evolution of grammatical style as I learned how to write better as I continued.

  7. love the banner kyoshi :D

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thankies soooo much my friend. ^_^

  8. *Boop*

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      Oh didn't see that reply so I suppose that means I have lost :P

    3. Chrystella


      Yea! But don't worry your'e still one of the most confident booper I know



    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      I Do know how to do a boop

  9. Hello, saw that you lurked my profile :P But welcome to the site btw, noticed you joined recently. If you need help with anything feel free to ask :D

    1. Chrystella


      Thanks I will! Everyone has been so friendly to me!

  10. love your avatar, she's adorable :D hello btw :3

  11. Getting late, perhaps bed is a good idea? nah...

  12. had a realization about your banner, it's my status atm :P

  13. So i was doing one of my regular "let's talk to myself" moments and realized something. If Pixel (mascot above in banner) is composed of computer data (which can be measure in gb, mb, kb, and bytes) the other mascot is technically biting her bytes :3

    1. Jonny Music
    2. Unicorncob


      ...I see what they did there

  14. It's been so quiet today

    1. 4HFan


      Because half the time the servers didn't work! :/

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I haven't been here much today to notice, though if the servers were being wonky, that would explain it.

  15. who all is awake here and how are you doing :3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      @ Damien That's good and can't say I do


      @ Unic good night beautiful :P


      @Johny Good to hear it :D

    3. 4HFan


      Temmie is from Undertale. I don't play the game but I are thus video:

    4. 4HFan


      Are thus= saw this

  16. I should head to work I guess talk to you all later

  17. Happy Birthday you little bugger! *Hugs Jonas*

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Thank you :D :D *Hugs back* D: D:

  18. Awesome banner puck, I love it... so adorable :3

  19. time for bed for me, good night everyone. Behave yourselves :P

    1. Rio


      This is Discord Forums

      This will be anything besides behaving

    2. Rio


      Also goodnight! Because totally forgot to add that to the commentary.


    3. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      I just got off work and it's the weekend, there will be none of that.

  20. good night everyone

    1. Flearia Dragondanser
    2. Dabmanz


      Goodnight Chip Circuit.

  21. Welcome to the forums Soyoung :D If you need any help feel free to message me :)

  22. okay I give up... time for bed. the magnetic pull of my bed is becoming too strong to resist :3

    1. Flearia Dragondanser

      Flearia Dragondanser

      Sleep well! Hope you have happy dreams :3

    2. Johnny1226
  23. Imma avatar changing fool tonight :3 (that went against my grammar nazi to type that lol.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      how are you today moonster :3

    3. ChikaChan


      I'm doing alright funny pony x3

    4. Chip Circuit

      Chip Circuit

      good to hear says this funny pony :P

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