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Everything posted by Velcorn

  1. Just got demoted to Gold V again after having a very hard time to get to Gold IV... Gaining 13-15 LP whilst losing 22-24 LP... Only lost 1 game on 0 LP due to having a Jungle Orianna in the previous game... I have now long enough accepted that there is no Elo Hell and that you are simply "not good enough" when you can't manage to advance but currently you just play with people who are too retarded to literally do anything, like following simply, rudimentary common sense... It just isn't possible to win some of the games let alone be able to win at least 2/3 games with people like that to at least gain LP or some close to a Promo... And when you're in those Promos, you get team mates who play even worse than the usual ones which is hardly possible... This is seriously draining the fun I have in this game... And this is only valuating their level of skill, I didn't even include the fucking flamers...
  2. Slowly getting better with the games but occasionally there are games you simply cannot carry alone nor with a premade :S http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Kuscheltier
  3. I just play the champs I can play best mainly due to enjoying the playstyle that comes with the champ. And I mainly play support since it's what I'm best at and my Duo mate mains ADC so I can't play that anyway xD
  4. After playing some games in the new meta I can summarize the following things: 1. Graves is ridiculously OP, even more than he has been after his last buff before he got nerved again. 2. ADCs were buffed and seem more fun to play BUT now you have Quinn Jungle, Sivir Top, Cait Mid etc. without having a tank and get one-shotted by the enemy APC (Mid or Top; Vlad or Cho) so you actually have a harder time carrying as ADC xDD 3. It will take some time getting used to all the item and vision changes :/ 4. Being Gold V with 0 LP despite being around Plat I/Dia V in actual skill is a pain in the ass and the people that play this game still make me rage so fucking hard... 5. The fact that my DuoQ mate has the same attitude if not worse and plays (a bit) worse doesn't help...
  5. I don't like Final Fantasy and thus haven't completed any game of the series... Favorite game?
  6. I don't really see how those types relate to League... I doubt that the flamers in League fit into the category "Killer", I just don't see people playing League just to insult other players, it doesn't make any sense. Maybe like 1% of all toxic people are actually playing League because they like to insult people. Toxicity comes with the competitivity of the game; because it is a team game you are dependant on your team mates and if mistakes happen you are not the only person you can blame and thus you start to blame the other players, sometimes even when it was your own fault. I don't think there is any possible way to reduce toxicity without effectively diminishing the players in League by a huage amount of players or making the game less competitive which Riot isn't going to do, ever.
  7. Introducing even harder punishments will only diminish the community and not improve it. That's my prediction and I doubt that Riot will find any method to actively improve the community. It's just not going to happen; people will always flame since League is a very competitive game which is bound to cause people to be toxic. No amount of bans will change a person unless it manages to get rid of the players alltogether which isn't what Riot is aiming for since it means less money for them.
  8. Harder punishments? I feel like the punishments are dumb enough as is... different punishments would be good but not really harder. The ladder system could be better, f.e. like it is in Starcraft, when you win >50%, you get matched against better enemies and when you continuously win >50% there, you advance without having to play promo matches or some garbage like that.
  9. I live in a pretty small village with roughly 10.000 people and I prefer living here over living in a large® city. The internet sucks though Same
  10. I'm not sure we're playing the same game... Sure there were some slight balance mistakes and the whole tank meta has been very annoying for me as an ADC and Support main but aside from that the game is pretty balanced overall. The punishments are questionable but at least Riot is finally addressing the issue of toxicity and bad behavior, they'll eventually figure something out that's actually helpful... The ranked/ladder system has been pretty weird this season, I got to admit that...
  11. Sorry, but his video isn't criticizing League or Riot at all. He is rather saying that League will probably last quite some time since Riot doesn't fuck up on balancing and doesn't make decisions against the community. I will agree that Season 5 had some balancing issues, like Skarner or Warwick to mention the worst examples but it hasn't made the game broken. New champions have always been either a bit too overpowerd or a bit too underpowered and then been balanced in the following patches. I think Riot is doing a pretty decent job at balancing the game, I've heard way worse about DotA 2 for example...
  12. 1. Steins;Gate 2. Fate Zero 3. Fate Stay Night (UBW) 4. Zetsuen No Tempest 5. InuYasha
  13. There are some hard to learn hard to master champs though xD And (ridiculously) easy to learn, (ridiculously) easy to master
  14. Really tough one ^^ No idea, actually :/ I can't think of a character I could identify with enough to consider being a good friend nor can I think of a character I would have an interest in... Possibly Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate... Same
  15. I don't think you can really evaluate this objectively so it comes down to personal opinion... In all honesty, I don't really think there is that much of a difference in required skill for each role that it really matters. Maybe for some champions but that's also debatable
  16. I don't think so... Aside from some mechanically hard champions, Jungle is a pretty easy role... Yes, you do have to have good strategic knowledge and general game knowledge BUT especially during this season and tank meta, you could simply spam retardedly easy junglers and get away with it. Spam Sejuani, spam Eve, spam Shy, spam Skarner etc. there have been so many ridiculously overpowered junglers this season I can't second Jungle to be the hardest role...
  17. I always try not having to play ADC which isn't hard because my duo mate mains AD but it's just too stressful and hurts my fingers after a while It's just my personal perception that AD is the hardest role also because you are highly dependant on a random player most of the time and if your Support sucks, you are basically screwed. It feel a lot easier to support a trash AD even though it might still result in a lose if they can't even pick up kills or are too stupid to make use of them etc. Also, I feel extremely pressured to perform well or carry when I play AD which is a feeling I don't get when playing Mid or maybe Jungle. I've mained AD and Supp for quite some time now and I can safely say I'm at a high skill level with both roles and ADC seems to be the most demanding in the game.
  18. It actually is, though. I've been through all roles now excluding top lane which I haven't played enough overall because it just doesn't suit me that much. Jungle is a close second but ADC is the hardest role mechanically, excluding some mechanically hard champions of other roles, and strategically considering knowing how to position, when to split-push and when to group to siege/take objectives.
  19. I'm not sure, I guess when I travelled to or back from the US (I live in Germany) I have been awake for almost 32 hours without really getting any sleep during the flights. Day or night?
  20. ADC is the most difficult role in the game. Period. Also, this season ADC has been the role with almost 0 impact and it has been extraordinary hard to carry as an ADC.
  21. I can sympathize with you, I've been going through anxiety and panic attacks for the past 2 years, have been seeing a psychologist without success and now feel reluctant to look for someone else who can actually help me. I might have developed some kind of depression but self-diagnosis won't get me anywhere so I can only assume. I still think seeking help is the most important step in this problem and very essential to actually solve it. You can message me/talk to me whenever you feel like talking or you just feel like venting :3
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