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Not Yellow Diamond

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Status Updates posted by Not Yellow Diamond

  1. I recall you saying you were in the hospital. Wanted to make sure you're alright... How ya feeling?

  2. Why does everyone tell me Pinkie Pie is my spirit animal?

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. Sunset's Shimmer

      Sunset's Shimmer

      Becaaaaause, Pinkie Pie is everyone's spirit animal *party horn*

    3. Not Yellow Diamond
  3. Don't you love hearing that people will be cutting you open? Calming... isn't it?

    1. Unicorncob
    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      I have to get incisions on my foot today...


    3. Unicorncob


      Ouch... *hugs*

  4. I pray for the best over your job interview!

  5. Sometimes, don't you just hate it, when people exist? XD

    1. Dsanders


      I don't like most people, so yeah, I feel this way sometimes lol

  6. What an Episode, Luna is my new best pony, The animation and gags were amazing, The writing was stellar and Alicorn Big Mac is canon. Arguably My favorite episode of the series

    1. DashYoshi


      I loved the episode. =)

    2. Unicorncob


      Big Mac is best princess

    3. Nyan Neon

      Nyan Neon

      Luna is pretty far from being my favorite pony, but that was a really great episode. Still waiting for a Celestia focused episode though, like come on, Cadence had four and Luna had five already!

  7. I woke up so late... I missed the new episode... Dammit XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      Man, this is the episode I wanted to see the most to... Damn Luna episode XD

    3. Unicorncob


      Best Princess episode?!

    4. CinnamonPop


      Yep, same here.

  8. Someone should make a Kanye West Banner... Or am I the only one who wants that?

    1. Unicorncob



  9. CinnamonPop is my new favorite forum member :P

  10. Don't the fireworks look lovely tonight... oh wait, that's the fatigue talking. GOODNIGHT EVERYPONY!

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Goodnight and sleep well

    2. Drache


      good night friend, rest well for tomorrow.

  11. Don't you hate it when you're all hyped to do something, then someone tells of some freak accident that happened to someone while doing that thing...

    1. Drache


      Life is about the risks!

  12. Goodnight everypony

    1. catnet


      Goodnight, and sleep well! :)

    2. Jaxsie (Inactive)
  13. "Sometimes it takes a painful experience to make us change our ways," Proverbs 30:20

    1. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Very true ^^ What translation is that? -- I'm curious.

    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      GNT, not one I typically use though.

    3. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Oh ok ^^ I was wondering because my KJV says something quite different.

  14. God is Good all the time, and all the time God is Good

  15. I'm so happy to know that everyone is doing great even when I'm hurting. Thank you God.

  16. My dad is literally the best person ever. I'm blessed to have him

    1. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Yeah, you really are ^^ a lot of people wish they had good dads; including me.

  17. I find it funny... that my health course has left me anxious, stressed, and mentally unbalanced not to mention caused me to lose at least two hours of sleep. I was better off without it, so it seems

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MountainDrew


      I care too =) *Hugs*

      Sorry for being late, I was talking to a friend.

    3. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      You're fine, better late than never

    4. JonasDarkmane
  18. Cadence.... has offically dethrorned Applejack as best pony... How?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      I think she used her magic of love XD

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      I heard she processes the seventh element of harmony known as "Love". haha

      So does Shining Armor.

    4. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      They're kind of like a package deal...


  19. Shining Armor and Cadence should have a spin off and Shining Armor should become an Alicorn

  20. My RP got locked for cleanup... Ah, Bliss XD

    1. catnet


      I didn't know RPs ever get locked for that reason... o.o Either way, I don't think cleanup usually takes that long, so hopefully you can get back to it soon enough :)

    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      It was 400 pages XD

    3. catnet


      I see... :o Do you know what exactly is being cleaned up in the topic? If it's only very recent, the mods probably won't look too far into it, I imagine :0

  21. Brohoos are like grammy's or emmy's to me. If you ever get a brohoof from me, you're doing someting right, like REALLY right

  22. I hate waiting for stuff that I want so bad...

    1. Monsoon
    2. Drache


      It's all about patience... which I have none of so party to make the time go by faster! *starts dancing*

  23. "OkieDokieLokie" :) Today has been one Pinkie Pie filled day, now it's over... sadly


  25. "Betcha Can't make a face crazier than THIS!"

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