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Not Yellow Diamond

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Status Updates posted by Not Yellow Diamond

  1. I love everyone :P

    1. Jeremiah


      I love humanity, so two can play this game

  2. Your name change sparked a similiar idea for my name

  3. After two long days... I came to the realization I already know. I love these forums so much XD I may need an intervention (DON'T) XD

  4. Wonder what would happen if I started calling Rarity a background pony?

  5. The picture still fits the name...

    1. catnet


      I see what you did there... xD

    2. Unicorncob


      That avatar treads dangerous waters :D

  6. By.. looking at your profile picture... is Dr. Whooves, a jewish painter... or am I missing something?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      Ah, so why exactly does he look like a Jewish painter? XD


    3. 11th Doctor Whooves

      11th Doctor Whooves

      If thats what you're taking away from it, then yes XD

    4. Not Yellow Diamond
  7. I never knew how alike Luna and I were

  8. My mom is so weird...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Not Yellow Diamond
    3. Somberhoof


      I bet your mom at very least doesn't know what you want to say right before you say it =D


      (yeah-yeah, I know, you don't know me, I don't know you... going away)

    4. Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Jaxsie (Inactive)

      Yeah, my mom can be pretty weird; but that's one of the many things I love about her. :3 Okie, I want to hug my mom now! xD

  9. You have such a unique name, I love it : 3

    1. Mr F

      Mr F

      Thanks man, it took lots of time and inspiration.

    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      XD I was referring to "Hjalti"

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      Oh right, 1/3 of the males in my family bear that name. Bethesda studios also seem to like my name. It's Icelandic/Norwegian for "hilt".

  10. Shout out to S.Slug, Arguably the best artist on the site. If not the best then top five

  11. Popeye, the sailor man; truth unveilied. He runs around with a can of anabolic stereoids and has tumors in both of his arms XD

  12. The Shortage of Jellybeans in my pantry is the biggest problem facing the U.S today

  13. To my surprise The Great Thelogian Taylor Swift did not say, “The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.”

  14. Um, why did you just post in our RP without joining?

  15. Watching Spongebob with my little cousins... I can feel my IQ dropping... like a brick

    1. Unicorncob


      If it's post-movie Spongebob, yeah I don't blame you

    2. DeadAccount
    3. Mars Orbit

      Mars Orbit

      What u talking about?

      That show is genius!

  16. Kids Cartoons Are Getting Stupider And Stupider Nowadays... FTW

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      Kids shows are getting stupider and stupider, yeah. I stand by it. What? I didn't say EVERY single show is, did I? I was stereotyping/generalizing.

    3. The Cynical Lone Wolf
    4. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      Why? It's my personal opinion. I stand by it. I say "Kids Tv Shows" in general because, guess what? It's the majority that are stupid. If you have a problem with the fact that I have a forumalted opinion then let's talk but I ask for to respect it. I'm the last person to stereotype for the sake of stereotyping. It's called a stereotype because it's the general majority. Which it is.

  17. The deer in your avatar, where is that from? Like what movie or show? If it is.

    1. mars


      She'll be one of the playable characters in the new Fighting is Magic:



    2. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      Okiedokielokie, Thanks. I just really liked her design


    3. mars


      Same here~ no problem!

  18. You're still up XD?

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. DashYoshi


      Goodnight, Flying. Sleep well.

    3. Sky Knight

      Sky Knight

      Sweet dreams Flying Far.

    4. Not Yellow Diamond

      Not Yellow Diamond

      Oh, It's late and going to sleep would be the smart thing to do; hence, why I'm not doing it


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