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Posts posted by reader8363

  1. @Arid_Blitz

    Rose said as she confused about her intuition being wrong, "Sorry about that. I wasn't able to pay attention to your team's fight, I had my mind on something else, I'm on team locus. I was thinking of what to do and ended up here, it might be more useful than run around the entire stadium or shadow boxing.

  2. @Buck Testa @Passion @Mentis Soliloquy

    While the teacher was out, she placed her test on the desk and walked out the door. She had let her mind wander between fighting styles and her magic. She leaned against the wall and try to make a flower out of her shadow, then she muttered to herself, "got to start somewhere, why not here?"

    Sorxir popped in her music and rolled her injured shoulder, while looking at her evil eye, it still hasn't changed, she was hoping that getting away from her father would get rid of it. She knew it was a long shot, but one she was hoping for.

    @dragon4111 @Key Sharkz

    Shadow was walking around while his cane clicked on the tiles, until he saw the custodian talking with a almost frightened girl that had a fox on her shoulder. He said as he walked up to the stairs, while making the cane longer to place or on the stairs below him, "Good morning, Ghalan, and who's this little one?

  3. @Arid_Blitz

    Rose's ear flicked to the sound and said as she just noticed the griffin, "I didn't know you were here and your looking comfortable with the machine, so I'm guessing that you haven't just found this place" she noticed the water bottle and decided not to do anything to it since it would be cheap.

  4. Rose got up off the wall and started to head out of the room. She needed to push her till death before tomorrow. She placed the cap back on and tossed it into the garbage can. She needs to be faster and more durable to take more blows

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Rose wasn't phased by the tank, but she reacted to the triangle. She snatched it out of middle air and unfurled it to find what looked like a test. She looked around to see students writing. She started to quickly fill in answers.


    1. Hot

    2. Ton

    3. Are you dead


    5.hot dog

    6. Pen

    10. Times table

    12. Safe room

    19. Clock

    20. 1

    She stopped on #21, and placed her pencil down and rested her head thinking about it.

    Sorxir laid on her bed, listening to music, when she heard the crash. She leaped off her bed and ran to find out what it was. When she got there, she saw a tank sticking out. She turned on a dime and left

    Shadow got up and headed to the arena  to practice fighting with his scythe

    • Brohoof 3
  6. Rose sighed in defeat, she was hoping that her opponent would be fighting in the round, but sadly the captain had to take everyone on. She got up from the doorway and headed to get a drink, then maybe tail him. She shook her head, even if she could find him, his pet would spot her before anything happens. Maybe she could kill him as he sleeps, no, his team would be with him.

  7. Rose got to the arena just as the captains were about to discuss conditions. Her body tensed at the sneak attack, but then it relaxed after the dragon died. She deserved that for being a common backstabber 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Rose laid down, breathing heavily due to training all night. She looked at her clones and watched as they disappeared. It was easy for one, but grew harder to concentrate with each additional one. She stood up and started to head and watch the fight

  9. Rose nodded as they left and stood up to head outside. She had an idea, but it will need a lot of work to get it right and a magnitude that she will need. Once she was in the forest and alone, she found a clearing that was a coincidentally a circle and sat down in the middle and started on trying to make copies on her while coating herself in shadows 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Rose shook her head and said with a smile out of being polite, "You mistake my intention, sir, I'm merely having a friendly chat with Topaz here, cause who knows what will happen in the next few days." She didn't mention that she'll go all out against his team and might die in the process and wanted some dirt on the one called Mason, so it would give her a chance.

  11. Rose said as she bowed her head in respect, "You are welcome for the enertainment, and I can imagine, I thought that I wasn't going to win either. It's a pleasure to meet you face to face." She saw that she was almost the same height as her father when he's on his hind legs.

  12. Rose said as she jokingly raised her hoof a bit as if making a promise, "I swear that I won't tell your father." She quickly looked around to see that it was a little slower than before and randomly thought about how much Topaz can take before it was enough, but she push that thought out.

  13. As Topaz was talking, Rose took a few gulps of her bottle and said after, "Hm, interesting, so do you know which of the personality disorder it is? She gently shook the bottle and heard that she has about four to five gulps left. She placed the cap back on and placed it next to her

  14. Rose said as she sat down,  "Nope,  that was a small thing. Like I said, just wanted to chat. Unlike my father, I like to get to know ponies around me." She took a sip and added, "So, what's your story, besides working here?"

    • Brohoof 1
  15. Rose sighed and said as she was thinking of ideas, "Okay, so I guess I'll have to wing it or figure out a way to stop Tenebris." She could try to get his pet to attack him, or request a non-magic fight,  but those might not work

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