Being a girl, I do not really have an issue with other people finding it too weird that I call myself a Brony. Girls seem to get away with watching MLP regardless of being an adult. I can understand though that since it is not society's version of being a "man" by watching.. Most men feel shy about telling others they are a Brony. Personally, I feel that some men feel the need to tell simply because: They love it so much. When you are a fan of a certain musician, show, etc. you tend to talk about it a lot, yes? Whether you mean to or not is a different story, but regardless, we love talking about our hobbies. We as humans feel the need to talk about things we like and love. If we find someone who shares hobbies with us, then it is fantastic. A new friend is created simply by talking about a show or song. Also, the MLP Fandom is different from any other fandom. I am a fan of Walking Dead, Doctor Who, and Futurama. The communities of those fandoms are different though. Since there is this special bond connecting all MLP Fans, there is a certain pride about being a Brony. In my opinion, this is why one might feel "pressured" to tell. Simply because you want to. You love MLP and hope to share. You also know you have an amazing fandom backing you up. That is just my opinion though.