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Mentis Soliloquy

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Posts posted by Mentis Soliloquy

  1. "First stop is the day roster to see where I am patrolling, name is Sapphire Orange, Corporal." They made there way to a staff room where there was a large board with names and locations. She looked up to see her name. "...7th Avenue, mmm ok then no problems. Follow me hot shot." She lead them from the station heading South.   

    • Brohoof 1
  2. "Following me...? Um that's new, okay then if the Lt. has lumped you to me, hmm?..." She turned and headed off down the hall. "You gotta keep up Frost or I'll leave you here!" She was not really in the mood to be shadowed by some civi, but what choice did she have? Besides he would only be watching at least. 

    • Brohoof 1
  3. 58e49efa1f303_MentissBanner7.png.9d0bc4fdbb08e4070060d1866f6216a9.png


    Mentis was somewhat busy trying to keep the large box on his back steady so he did not drop it, using his wings as balance mechanisms to make sure it stayed put as he walked ahead of the pair back towards the castle. Honestly working for Luna was turning out to be just weird, well for now anyway. She worked next to nothing like her sister and had a tiny amount of staff compared to Celestia and it showed in a lot of places, almost everypony in the night staff knew one another, but he still felt a little left out for some reason. Maybe it was because he did not really see the other staff, just Luna most of the time. 

  4. (okay... I now finally have some time to write up this damn thing, if anyone wanted to post before me you missed your chance it's been a while)


    Mentis looked to his helmsman @Once In A Blue Moon. "No don't move the Luna, do it later when no one is paying attention to it, last thing we want to do is give the Romulans any reason to think we're gonna try something, leave us in our position." He tapped his comm @BloodDrops. "No we're good thank you Doc, you hold tight and prepare for our guests I'm sure you'll have an excuse to do something, or at least talk to some Romulans later."  

    Mentis stood to address the comm message from the Romulan ship, he looked to Indicus @Shadow Dancer with a nod to open the comm channel. 

    "Uh hem..." He cleared his throat @Raven Rawne. "This is the Federation Starship Luna we're here to host the negations between yourselves and the Klingon Empire. If you care to shuttle or transport over we'll be happy to accommodate you for the duration of these talks." 

    • Brohoof 2
  5. He looked up from his desk as he processed what the unicorn had said. It was quite clear behind his eyes he was processing the info, he then scratched his head. "Um... ooooh... right yeah I remember seeing something about that!"

    He looked through the papers for something he was looking for. He pulled out a more fancy looking paper compared to the rest. "Oh... it said the 14th I thought it was 24th... you're a week early, um I need to make sure I read things better." 

    He got up and went to a filing cabinet and got out a book, he opened and read it. "Hmm... oh that's right, Sapphire get your butt in here!" He shouted out. 


    A unicorn mare came in a few moments later. "Boss?"

    "You, meet, um... Glacies, he's with you today."

    "What?..." Before she could really ask the pair were pushed outside by the officer.

    "have fun you two." As she shut the door.


    "Um who are you?" She asked him.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. 58db8a0b80902_MentissBanner7.png.785482471ac84446130541233e12d21b.png


    He continued eating his doughnut agreeing with her sentiment, he could not even remotely imagine living for more than a thousand years. But if he could imagine anything that would be the fact that if he had a sibling that he'd shared that time with he would do all sorts of silly things with them over such a vast period of time to keep one happy and their significant other aswell, if these prank wars helped then so be it. Though the mess was kinda annoying.

    He watched her open the box to receive a 'gift' off her sister. He did his best to suppress laughing but could not help it and burst into laughter at the sight of Luna covered in banana cream pie, her expression and tone of voice also assisted in making it rather hilarious. 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 58db8a0b80902_MentissBanner7.png.785482471ac84446130541233e12d21b.png


    "Not really I mean she may of played with some one and the odd cake was thrown when I was younger but the wars you two now have is something she has only down with you, well at least in my service I can't speak of time before I worked in the castle." He then went back to eating his doughnut. He was not sure by her reactions how she'd taken his words.  

  8. The real Quill waited outside, but had cast a spell to see through the walls so she could both see and hear what was being said between her double ganger and Mindie, mainly so she was not in the dark on what she was supposedly saying to make amends with the wolf lady. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. She cursed herself internally. "Bugger I forgot earth bound ponies are good with their hooves..." She picked up the dart in her hooves rather clumsily and then took her time to somehow grip the bloody thing and tossed it at a balloon which by some miracle she hit. "Oh the maker I hit one!" 

  10. 58d8c4f3e53cf_MentissBanner7.png.cda248ba9c1a8709eccbee345427062f.png



    "I am well aware of the prank wars that take place between the pair of you yes, I've been on the receiving end twice... that bubble bomb spell last year covered the entire court room... all my notes were ruined it took me hours to rewrite them. Then there was the castle wide food fight the other month, I was pulling toffee out of my mane for a week, I don't have magic..." He seemed rather annoyed by remembering the events in question that caught him in their prank wars. "But it's fine I guess, hazards of being a scribe at the castle, not like it's really anything to complain about I suppose." Trying to dismiss himself.


    He took his doughnut and payed the server and started slowly eating it quietly. 

  11. 58d8bdcc7bc34_MentissBanner7.png.bcccf3fc48860e2546214a36cf6b4c7b.png


    "Um... can I have just a cinnamon one please, also I will pay for my own one thanks." He had no issue with Luna playing around with her sister in a game of spending money, that was of no issue to him. But doing it himself even if Luna wished it, that he could not do with a just conscious. "I am sorry Luna but I must pay for my own, I just can't in good conscious take things for free, especially when somepony else is paying without their knowledge." He was not sure how she was going to react to this but he rather hoped that she would understand his point of view on the matter. 

    • Brohoof 1
  12. "Not to be silly or anything but and I expected to throw darts with my mouth am I? This seems a little difficult..." I had to pick a skin with no freaking horn! "maybe you can throw for me or something I don't really know...?" She waited for him to respond but took a dart to just try and see how to actually throw the damn with with any degree of accuracy. 

    • Brohoof 2
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