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Everything posted by MachineGunLola

  1. Lilith could see Severus getting impatient. She, too, looked around for the teacher. He was coming down the hall, finally. She nudged Severus and shot a look at the teacher, then rolled her eyes. This one was always late.
  2. http://www.godhatessinners.com/content.php?185-5-Reasons-Why-My-Little-Pony-Friendship-is-Magic-is-EVIL ... let the LOLS and RAGE begin. People are so ignorant, it makes me laugh.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WhiteLightning


      Every religion has people in it who take their beliefs way too far. Even atheists (like me) have people who go way too far. So no, this doesn't make me hate Christians.

    3. Pinkie D Pie

      Pinkie D Pie

      I find it quite funny that some people take it this far. It also angers me because how they say eveything they say on that site is justified in the bible when it is not. That's why I made an account there to ask them questions, which they hate to anwser.

    4. WhiteLightning


      They do hate to answer them indeed, everyone defending MLP or questioning the article is banned right away. Also, the website is, unfortunately, American. I'm not saying every single American is stupid, but this isn't really improving my views on the subject.

  3. Lilith nodded. She sighed to herself, quietly, so he wouldn't hear. He was always so serious, unless he was around Lily Evans. She looked back at him and smiled to herself, she really liked him. He was so handsome..
  4. Well, he's bad enough in this form... But to make it worse, he turns into this... So. I'd probably scream, gouge my eyes out and then murder myself He's just so creepy..
  5. If any of them did, I'd have to say Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would be the two biggest ones to do it. D: Which is funny, because they're my least favorites. xD
  6. Am I going to Hell because I don't believe in religion, and I've had "mature" encounters with my fiancee?
  7. I hate when people refer to themselves as "me", as in "Me loves u!" or "Me is happy!" ...No. Just.. No.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MachineGunLola


      Nooooooooo. ;-;


      ^^^^Also- you have not replied to the role play. ;-; I NEED MY SNAPE.

    3. Finesthour
    4. go away seb

      go away seb

      Me, myself and I gonna own you.

  8. Alright, this is really really stupid... But I actually broke my very first DS's screen when I played "Feel The Magic, XY/XX" because, God damn, that game is fucking hard! ;---;
  9. Oh. My. God. Snape/Alan Rickman smiling? SO. CUTE. ;----; /dies / yes, I'm a fangirl, damn it!

  10. Lilith saw Severus smile and her heart melted. So cute! She then sat next to him, and heard Severus sigh. She turned to him. "What's wrong, Sev?" She asked quietly. She knew he didn't like to be bothered in class, but usually he was okay with a quick conversation. She bit her lip, hoping he wouldn't be too mad at her.
  11. I just smacked myself in the face with a bottle of punch. how the hell-...? Anyway. I'm tired. it's time for bed. night.

  12. Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/24837-sevy-rp/ Lilith took her seat next to her best friend, Severus. She smiled at him and waved, then continued on with her homework. She knew that in the eyes of Severus, Lily Evans was his best friend, but she hoped she was at least second. She also knew that Severus had a crush on Lily Evans. But Lilith hoped to change that. She'd had a crush on Sev since she'd met him first year, but never had the guts to tell him. It was a minor crush, but as she continued to spend time with him, she found that she was actually falling in love with him. This was their fifth year, and that meant they only had two years left at Hogwarts. She had to make her move soon, but she didn't know if Severus felt the same way for her. He was so handsome and quiet, she could never tell what he was thinking.
  13. This is a private role play between Crona & I. http://mlpforums.com/topic/24838-the-true-prince/
  14. If no one else responds, we can have a private role play.
  15. I wouldn't mind joining this. I love Marceline.
  16. Does anyone remember that show "Joan Of Arcadia"? D:

    1. Abaddon


      yes, but I never watched it.

    2. GrooveBroove


      I do as well but vaguely.

      I recall I didnt like it.

  17. Why do you like the color red so much? I never see you participate in any RPs, why is that? Why does a pony need to wear glasses? o3o
  18. Missing someone, but not wanting to tell them.

  19. The squeak sound when your nail or tooth rub against towels/cloth. Which also makes me cringe when people CHEW on cloth/towels. Just...ew... fuuu- And when you have caps or fillings and you chew on aluminum foil... And and and, when you're eating and bite down on the spoon/fork you're using.. GAH. ;.; The worst one is towels though.
  20. Allison Mcneil is a very unique girl. By the age of six years old, she could sense the dead. She could see their ghosts, and she even helped find a dead girls body. Now, at the age of seventeen, she can still see and speak to ghosts, but she hasn't found a dead body in years. And now, she's falling for her best friend, who she's known since first grade. He doesn't seem to feel the same, but then he sometimes does. She's confused, and soon, she begins to see horrible ghosts, evil things, and eventually, she finds another body.. Join~ Human OCs only. And please, put a picture of some kind for your characters image! Severusx- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/allison-mcneil-r1056 Allison
  21. Andy saw another female, and she walked toward her cautiously. "A-Are you, um. Who are you?" She asked.
  22. Do you think the world will end this year- 2012? Why? And if not, then why not? Most likely, there has already been numerous topics about this subject, but I wanted to start a new one/start my own.
  23. Just call me Sevy~ :3 Oh yeahh.

    1. null123456


      Hai Se- Wait..WHAT?


    2. MachineGunLola




      Severus Snape.


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