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Everything posted by retrobakon

  1. Quite honestly, I'm feeling lonely. I want nothing more than to cuddle with Princess Luna, Trixie, and Fluttershy. Nothing sexual, man, just friendly loving cuddles. Luna and Flutters could wrap me in their wings, and Trixie could entertain me with calming feats of magic. I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I'd enjoy some companionship...
  2. Both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia have asked you to become their personal assistant; however, the high responsibility and amount of work required to assist a princess requires your full attention, so you can only choose one. To whom would you pledge your service, and why? Now even though I enjoy Cadence and Twilight as much as the next guy, let's keep it in the realm of the OG sisters. :comeatus:
  3. COCA-COLA, COCA-COLA, COCA-COLA, COCA-COLA. CHANT IT WITH ME IF YOU THINK COCA-COLA IS KING (and also Pepsi's pretty good too, although mixing the two together can be pleasurable)!!!! AND DR. PEPPER SUCKS!!! also citrus and other exotic flavors are pretty good too.
  4. I believe Season 6 is going to be the deciding factor. They can either A) make the season a way to prepare for the movie, I.e. Wrapping up character arcs, etc. Or They could make it really kick ass and leave it open for at least a couple more good seasons after the movie. But as long as they know when to end it on a high note, it'll be okay. Which brings us to our next concern: Gen 5. Some big questions include; what will the art style be like, will we see any old characters, will it be set in the same universe? And if Gen 5 is drastically different, what'll happen to the fandom? I personally have no problem with the series ending on the movie, as long as it doesn't feel like they've pulled the plug too soon. And if they do continue it, I wouldn't mind as long as it still holds the quality characters and storytelling we've all come to love.
  5. You do bring up a fair point. Perhaps we could instead have another Mane 6 character in a more "prominent" role with Luna, with Fluttershy providing some sort of secondary support. However beyond the whole anxiety thing, I still think it would he a good idea for Fluttershy and Luna to interact in Fluttershy's nightmares. The interaction between the CMC and Luna was awesome, and I think we should even extend this to some other members of the Mane 6. Although I think we can all agree that we should not show too much of Luna, as it would sort of tarnish the mysterious nature associated with her.
  6. I believe there should be an episode some time in the future focussed on the relationship between Fluttershy and Princess Luna. These ponies have had very little interaction, and they both share a common trait in the basic way of social anxiety. What are your thoughts? Should they make an episode like this? If so, what sort of themes would it display, what events would occur, etc. Perhaps Fluttershy could have a nightmare in which Luna presents herself, who knows.
  7. Caesar Antonio Mozzarella
  8. I sincerely believe Discord orders pizzas and various other take out foods just to watch the delivery ponies get lost and frightened trying to make it to his house. Also, if they actually find a way there and deliver the food, Discord tips them in dollar bills with a big picture of Twilight Sparkle on them (with the same facial expression as that of the Twilight Scepter).
  9. Essentially all of the previous pony gens were simply created as a way to market toys. Seeing as the creators knew their audience would most likely be a bunch of little girls, they simply overshadowed proper storytelling and character development in order to create something that would simply grab children's attention. With G4, the plot and story are key. The characters we have today are genuinely deep, with backstories and personalities we can relate to on a very personal level. The season five episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep is a perfect example of how deep the characters are. Princess Luna is a character that people can relate to, wanting to make up for her past wrongdoings in a way she thought was right. What it really boils down to is the fact that the toys are secondary here, and the team working on the show really cares about the characters. It's not just a 23 minute commercial to brainwash kids into buying stuff. It's art, man.
  10. Well, the first thing I'd do is ensure Fluttershy had a blanket, since I enjoy keeping my room rather chilly. Next I'd prepare her a nice salad for when she awoke. Other than that, I'd probably just play some Halo 2 with the volume way low and partake in some snacks. As for when she woke up, I haven't the foggiest idea...
  11. All those in favor of a Princess Big Mac themed spinoff series say AYE!
  12. Is nopony gonna mention that sweet Back to the Future reference Pinkie pulled?
  13. We need some minor characters, no lie. I'd be excited to see some extended Pie family plushies (would love to see Marble Pie, just saying), and some extended Apple family plushies. Shoot, I just want every pony as a plush. :comeatus: But what we really need is a three foot or so tall Celestia plush...
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