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@Blitz Boom She almost giggled when he called himself a damsel in distress. "Well if you insist that. We can make sure Warlock and Athriel are defeated." She kept walking with Chow, thinking how if they did beat Warlock and Athriel they'd have to part ways. After that kind of feat they'd really have no reason to stay together. Not really much in common aside from both of them using magic purely for their own benefit, and causing trouble from it. Although that thought made her realize that they really weren't that different from the ponies they were fighting. "How far do you think the house is from here?" ================================================================================= Warlock looked around at the temple, it was astonishing to him. As he let go he raised a hoof and tried to feel for any magic in the temple, before attempting to take any. Although if there was he would steal it. "Which element was here again?" He asked looking to her. ================================================================================= Iron Wing stood straight when he was acknowledged, his wings extended outwards as he walked to Zhu. "The princesses aren't here. So they're safe." He said, approaching Zhu. "But if you are trying to hurt them, I'll have to act on it. but so far you've only harmed some gaurds and placed your claw on a glass case." He gestured to the guards as he spoke of them, and then the case around the egg. "Although I will have to take you in for harming royal guards." His look became more stern as he mentioned the last part. He didn't have cuffs on him, as much as he doubted that'd work anyway, but he had weapons attached to his body. one of his feathers slid out of place and flew behind Zhu, hovering behind his neck, although not intending to kill Zhu if he tried to escape. But if Zhu did try to escape, that'd let him know Zhu had more in mind than just touching a glass case. "Just follow me and I'll get you to somepony who can handle you." He turned his back on Zhu, leaving the room, hoping to not find Zhu taking advantage of this. Although if that did happen, he could let Dew know of it. ================================================================================= Nectar felt the love exit the room, feeling the hatred towards Chrysalis. "I understand." She found herself looking at Francis. "There's a reason I never told anypony that you know." Her wounds continued to heal from the minimal love she could get. Her army of changelings sharing some love with her that they gathered. Although the distance from her to the hive they returned to didn't help for her. "Might need to rest longer to heal, without any good sources of love."
@Blitz Boom Astral kept walking, thinking over their plan. If Chow knew magic they'd no longer have to protect him constantly. She could not worry so much over this, well not so innocent, pony. She'd finally be able to fight with Iron and Misty without also protecting him. Although ever since Athriel was freed, it did occur to her why Chow still stayed with them, could've been the fact she'd included him in the teleport each time, or the fact he may have had something to settle with Athriel. "So, have you ever considered staying behind before after Athriel escaped from you?" She asked, walking next to him. "Like, after she was gone you'd be fine staying behind, or is like, something else keeping you from doing that?" =========================================================================================== "We were fighting them, I was kind of distracted." He said with an bit of an angry look. "I had to leave it behind when the place flooded." He looked down, thinking he could use a omnipotence spell, but that'd waste magic, so he had to use his eyes to see something. "I suspect if this spire is overgrown, there will be a lot of mistaking branches for it." He looked down, looking for the spire still. =========================================================================================== Iron Wing looked to Zhu from outside, keeping his distance. half tempted to pull his razor sharp wings out after Zhu knocked the guards out, but he breathed, trying to remain calm. This dragon might be planning something to do with the egg, much like what he'd seen with Spike. "Hm." He stood his distance, hoping Celestia hadn't taken that egg from Zhu, as well as hoping he wasn't planning to take it even if that wasn't the case. Since he had no idea what the repercussions of either of those would be. =========================================================================================== "It would be of his variety, the color depends, or even the rank. But they tend to have a similar, design." She chuckled lightly as his not so subtle mention of Chrysalis. "Yes, her of all creatures you won't look past their old rivalries, not Discord or Nightmare Moon. Only her you won't do that with." She said with a smirk. "Little silly isn't it?" "Little biased since you're related." "Shush" She said with a giggle. "It's still odd, though since she is refusing to turn good, it's unlikely the rivalries will be forgiven."
@Blitz Boom Astral paused her step, sighing. "Sorry." Hearing that from him reminded her how isolated she had to be because of her magic, talking about it openly might result in her having to hide again. Running there was their current option, not teleportation. She kept walking, since that's what Chow was suggesting. "Let's walk then." She said, perhaps checking again if he was following. ======================================================================= Warlock closed his eyes and felt for the element, finding it in Canterlot, with Misty. He opening his eyes. "The young zebra has the element of depression." He said, looking up to Athriel. "How do you suppose we'll take it if Iron Star is near her?" He looked back down, observing the landscape below for the spire Athriel spoke of. ======================================================================= Iron Wing followed him, trailing behind him rather far back. Seeing where he was going. Wondering why he'd head to their room of all places in the castle, curious if anything was in there he was looking for. All while making sure he wasn't seen. ======================================================================= "I'm used to it so I don't blame you." He said with a chuckle, and a shrug. "Hopefully though you can find new sources of love." Nectar nodded to his question, she was certainly awake now. "I am awake, yes." She looked at her condition, something that love magic legitimately wouldn't heal unless in excessive amounts. "And Francis, you could just transform, then you could share love with the other changelings." He chuckled and shook his head. "No way, the color scheme just doesn't suit me." "You can still change, just tweak the colors." He looked at her and put a hoof to his chin. "Just consider that at least." "Alright, I will after I have recovered."
@Blitz Boom Astral smiled slightly, she was glad to know she wouldn't be switching sides if they helped her, in fact they had been the one thing keeping her from turning for quite some time now. "Well, I'd teleport us but it might wreck the place, so heading outside to teleport would be a smart idea." She said with more of a smile as she walked down the hallway away from the hospital room. checking behind herself at least twice to see if Chow was following her. ====================================================================================== Warlock chuckled, he had felt pain before, limbs reattaching couldn't be any worse than them getting removed for him. He'd tried using magic to get them magic before as well, they fell apart, so he knew what it could feel like to try to retrieve them a third time. "Those metal legs were enchanted with the ability to move like normal legs, even when around the element of greed." He looked down and lifted a hoof to his muzzle. "Thinking about it, there was a pony who's enchantments looked rather, similar, hm." Suddenly his interest was peaked in Iron Wing, although just to find out who made his wings, he tucked that thought away as he noticed Athriel's mention of the element of depression. "Element of depression isn't with me, don't know why you thought it might be." He snickered a little. ====================================================================================== He eyed the dragon as he walked out, curious why he'd head to where he seemed to be heading, he looked to Dew, not sure if he should do something or not. The sisters where in ponyville, where they getting something from the throne room? Although as he considered this all, he sighed when he realized Zhu had already left the room. "Should we do something about where he's heading?" He quietly asked Dew. ====================================================================================== He rolled his eyes, partially glad this was the lowest form of judgment he'd gotten so far. "I may not be reformed but I don'y exactly attack ponies for love, it doesn't taste right if I do that." He looked to his queen. "After my legs are alright, I could just disguise myself as a pony and steal love like I normally do." Nectar glared at him, already awake now, she didn't exactly like his refusal to change. But the only thing stopping him was literally just his feeding habits. "I could though, not do that, with those containers. Probably would mean I can take magic without a pony needed, or without them directly there at least."
. @Blitz Boom Chow really would regret suggesting that later, although Astral knew it was stupid, but it might also work, she could make chains from the walls and just teleport away, although doing it so suddenly would end up convincing Chow she was turning evil. "I've avoided evil before, it's was when I turned away from trying to resurrect my mom with dark magic." She paused for a moment and looked away. "Although I suppose I'd be doing that now... depends how the horcrux works." She let out a quiet giggle and looked to Chow. "Yeah it might work, as for learning magic, the books for that would be back at our house I think." =============================================================== Warlock looked up to her with an evil grin. "Dear, I've dug up my own parents grave to resurrect them, I don't care about grave robbing." He said with a snicker. "But... I would have to figure out how to deal with the pain." He looked down and back to his hooves again. "I could wear my metal legs, but I need magic to make those since Sapphire destroyed the originals..." He said with a sigh. "I'd probably float even with legs though, It's a habit now." He said shrugging. =============================================================== Iron Wing looked down. "Hm" He looked to the window, he could use his metal wings to reflect some light to reveal Zhu, but he wasn't wanting to shine light in a dragon's eye, no idea what it would do to react. "Why are you on the roof?" He asked looking up to the ceiling. "If you don't mind me asking that is." =============================================================== Francis looked to the object, which is what he'd discribe it as. He sensed the love inside, but he could feel the lack of genuine love in there, he snickered, in his head somehow, he had felt that so many times as a changeling. "Might seem odd to you, in many ways." He said with a snicker, and took the gem and simply opened his mouth. His eyes closed as a pink magic flowed out of the gem into his mouth, his body seemed to heal of its smallest wounds, and a scar on his wing was even fixed as other small wounds were fixed too, he'd need more love to fix the major ones, like, a lot, same even went with Nectar, except she didn't need to open her mouth. He closed his mouth and cut the magic flow off, letting it drif in the air, he flicked his tongue out and took it into his mouth. "Hm, doesn't taste that bad, might just save it for later." He chuckled softly.
@Blitz Boom Astral looked down. "Could pretend to join them, and once Sapphire comes back, we could turn against them, and with such a powerful force on our side, we'd surely win." She said looking to Chow, with a small smile. the plan did work as an excuse for her in many ways to finally stop Warlock. Maybe get on even grounds with Sapphire. No matter how she'd do it. "Of course, we'd have to leave this hallway for that." She snickered. "And you have no idea how to use magic so, you'd have to stay behind, again. Unless you'd like to learn magic properly." ==================================================================================== Warlock snickered as he looked down at his limbs, he was able to rebuild his body once before. But when Sapphire took his element, his body fell apart to the ashes he made it from, somehow he would need to build a permanent form that would collapse like every other time, there was really only one way to do that. "We both need our elements." He said with a sigh. "If only Astral wasn't the wielder..." He mumbled to himself, he had no proof but it was his only assumption when he was able to see her around it with no effect. Was she greedy too? "I was not restricted to one form either, not this weak torn form I ended up with. But I keep finding it fell apart every time my magic was gone..." He said with a grumble. "Have you ever discovered a solution to that, Athriel?" He asked looking up to her. ==================================================================================== Iron Wing turned around to the two ponies and looked down at the opened back as his back metal plates glowed, the feathers flew out in an orderly fashion, each one slotting into a place on his wings, eventually forming two rather large metal wings, which were only spread out before he drew them away to the sides of his body. "Thanks, I'll be putting your work to good use in the future" he said with a smile as he turned back to the dragons. "We do need information on the elements location, so we can know where they might strike, which would help with planning an assault, if they didn't take your trap idea you suggested." ==================================================================================== (10 minutes earlier) Nectar looked up and down the guard, smiling. "Thanks... love for us is shared, so it'd be far better that way." Some of her minor wounds were already healing, although the lieutenant wouldn't feel anything change with their current emotional state. "I'd need proper care for the major wounds." she said with a raspy voice while she struggled to keep her eyes open. "So getting me to proper care would be, a, good, idea..." She closed her eyes and laid down. ==================================================================================== Francis looked to Nectar. "Oh good." He said with a relieved sigh. "Well I'm not really like her, so you probably would fall unconscious trying to give love to me." He said with an awkward smile
@Blitz Boom Astral had been smiling for a little, before he started talking about his past, she looked away, sighing. "Well, don't feel guilty for any of this mess, Warlock was going to return anyway, without Athriel he'd be able to get to power faster" She said looking to him. "But just consider this..." She looked down. "I lost my mother only a few years after I was born, turned out immortality spells don't cure cancer, and it was just being held back the entire time she had the immortality spell." Her ears lowered against her head. "So it caught up with her, and she passed." She sighed heavily. "What you did can't be worse than failing to bring back your dead mom, and seeing the horror you made in your attempts, and having to kill it." You could hear her breath pause as she remembered the gem around Athriel's neck, quietly gasping. Sapphire had hidden the fact she could bring her back when she wanted to, which lead to her to failing to bring her back, forcing her to kill the monster she made, most of her experiences were Sapphire's fault, for not telling her she could just bring her back, her brows curled downwards as her face expressed her frustration at that fact. She softly sighed while she returned to an expression of peace, as she recalled her want to fight the two magic users head on, which she could do right then and there, without explanation, but she needed one anyway. "We both got horrible pasts, but we shouldn't let them get in the way of what's happening now." She said with a smile, although it wasn't real, it'd seem like it was. ================================ Warlock snickered at her comment. "Well just carry me then." He said as he floated down. "If we can get there faster if you use your wings, you should use your wings. just be careful with those claws, my warding spell isn't at full power yet." =============================== Iron Wing smirked a little and scoffed. "If there are wardens to protect the gems, how did Warlock get his hooves on the element of greed?" He asked tilting his head, rather curious how that'd happen. =============================== Francis looked to him, and you could see his wing twitching. "I-I'm not alright, I fell out the window as well and hit the ground without anything to slow it." He said as he laid back down. "Nectar is probably doing worse." =============================== Meanwhile Nectar seemed to had taken quite the fall, and the ponies that found her would see a pony clearly in a worse state, as she was further from the window, and was blasted out with greater force, both her wings spread out of her side, her tail starting to move as she just barely became conscious again, trying to find something around her she could use for a source of love, to heal. She let out a grunt as she opened her eyes as she glanced around, trying to figure out where she was. "W-where-" She stuttered for a moment and breathed in deeply as she collected herself. "W-what happened?"
@Blitz Boom Warlock let out a quiet scoff when she said she'd punch him. "Yeah, you're funny." He walked ahead of her, he could teleport, in an instant, she'd not be able to catch him. But he looked down to one of his lost limbs, smiling a little as he thought how this could restore him if he gained enough magic, his body started shaking a little as he struggled to keep standing, eventually he started floating upwards, now hovering inches above the ground. "But I'll keep my magic for other things." He said as he looked back to her. ======================================================================================= Astral stood still in the hallway, stepping aside. "I think we should talk, might give me a bit of relaxation from all of this, and might give you, a chance to get that thing off your chest." She looked to him with a smile, almost unaware of how Chow had been acting. "Oh, and yeah, I did met a pony with, black, hole, magic, as you say. They're pretty isolated from what I hear, they only came out to help with that big, creature thing that was in ponyville a while back." She paused a little, and then snickered. "Oh wait, now there's a new big creature thing in ponyville." She let out a sigh afterwards, now realizing how long it'd been since she'd been cheerful like this. "Anyway, what'd you have to say?" She said, looking to Chow with a smile, hoping he wouldn't decide not to say it. ======================================================================================= Iron Wind looked up, if he had his wings he could fly up to check who it was, but he remained on the ground, watching the voice from below. already knowing about the helper, although he didn't know much about who the helper was exactly, or what they were, but his attention was taken by the satchel, supposedly with the Element of Deceit "How'd you get that element?" He asked pointing to it. ======================================================================================= Francis had remained still before he suddenly started to move, his limbs struggling to move, as he tried to get up, before he fell backwards onto whatever surface he was on, his eyes struggling to open, looking around at his surroundings as he reached up to rub his head, wincing a little, looking a little panicked as he looked around. "D-did you find Nectar yet?" He asked one of the doctors, not even knowing if they'd been there to help him.
@Blitz Boom Astral sighed, she didn't have an excuse for it, she knew if she had it she'd only turn like Warlock did, very quickly too. But she had to say something... "It's properties involve forcing the user to be greedy with magic, don't want a magic pony like me to use it." She said with a pause and looked over to Iron Star, who almost clearly expressed that he knew that she was lying. "So I gave it to Null, a pony I met who can nullify magic, and thus the effects it has." She looked back over to Chow. "That's why I don't have it." =================================== Warlock took a moment to stand still, considering how he could defeat anything with the level of magic he had, somehow he would be able to get more. "How far is the island?" He asked, walking over to Athriel, almost wondering if he could do something to get there faster than just flying, like teleporting. =================================== "I'm Iron Wind, although most ponies call me Iron Wing, but I haven't gotten my wings back yet." He said, looking to the metal plates on his back, where his wings would be.
@Blitz Boom The magic flowed out with a very green red color, flowing into Warlock until Athriel stopped him, afterwards Warlock stood up and removed his hoof from Athriel's chest. "You need magic as much as me." He looked to the collapsed temple, lifting his hoof up and concentrating, seeing for a moment if there was any spells that survived the collapse that he could also take magic from, if there were he'd take the magic. "If we're to take this element from it's place, and there's a guardian there, we'll need magic to fight back." He extended a sword from his hoof, still struggling to hold together, but not as violently as earlier. Warlock kneeled down and flew upwards and looked around, landing back down with a thud. "Well let's hope you memorized the location." He said looking back to her with a grin, a flame in his hoof, ready to tear down the forest to clear a path. ============================== She chuckled a little at him and shook her head. "No I didn't catch either of them, we did get the element warlock had though , but it's not in my hooves." She walked over to Chow. "And since you've been worried sick, I'll stick around." She'd stand by Chow for a bit and would continue to if he decided to walk out with the doctors. ============================== General Wind paused in his step before entering the throne room. Letting out a scoff at the timing. Opening his mouth to speak. "Generals!" He turned around to Francis, who had been gone for quite a time, and seemed to had run up to the throne room on his own, and had signs of sweat, and cuts that looked like they were caused by shattered glass. "Nectar needs some medical attention." He said almost struggling to speak, panting heavily, shortly after coughing and fainting onto the floor.
@Blitz Boom @Dji Astral stepped back a little, now trying not to overhear the conversation, as it seemed to be getting personal very fast for all involved. Only looking up towards the dragon now, closing her eyes and opening them back up as red fire surrounded her again, only to completely engulf her as she teleported away., leaving no indication of her ever being there at all. Appearing back in the throne room, the fire etching a patterning into the floor. She looked around, her eyes glancing around, whisking away the sword in her hoof that still remained there as she walked to the doctors. "Are they doing alright?" She asked, her mane falling onto her head, now as messy as it could be, not seeming very well kept. "Just checking here before I head back to the town." Iron Star had been standing closely to the doctors as he looked to Astral, only knowing it was her from the sound of her voice. Narrowing his eyes as he still felt something off about how much magic she still had. Deciding not to comment on it. "I'm alright, just can't see so well, but Misty's leg is broken." He glanced back to Misty. "Best to let the doctor's handle it though." Astral nodded, watching as Iron Star followed the doctors. ===================================================================================================== Warlock reabsorbed the sword into himself, forming a bubble around him and Athriel as he teleported them away out of the temple and taking some rubble with them, o, although once outside, the temple burst into a magical explosion from the teleportation spell tearing apart. "Well let's hope that temple wasn't of any need." Soon after saying that he fell to the ground, his body sparking as he tried to levitate himself, reaching out a hoof to Athriel, almost as if he was going to hold onto her, before he retracted the hoof and sucked the magic out of the gem in the necklace into himself, and unless Athriel interrupted this he'd take nearly all of the magic inside it, only leaving enough for the horcrux and Sapphire's soul to stay intact. Of course even if he was interrupted he'd take at least some magic anyway, or none at all if Athriel was quick enough. ===================================================================================================== Iron Wing nodded and walked out of the room, hopefully with Dew following. "Alright, so will we be sending letters to Benny's cousin too, or are they already coming to us to discuss it?" He asked looking over to Dew.
@Blitz Boom Warlock felt the tingle of magic in him as the spell was partially absorbed, even though he stopped the amount he took would tear the spell apart and make it useless, but Warlock took the rest of the magic used in the spell, his mane beginning to float a little as magic smoke poured out of the wall and into him. His ears turning around as Athriel looked about, barely picking up the sound she had heard. "Could've been a trap activating..." Warlock said looking to her as he put his hoof down, his mane floating as he floated over to the origin of the sound, lifting out his hoof as he extended a sword just in case, constructed out of magic, but seeming very violent as it struggled to stay together, sparking out and lighting up the room around Warlock, surely to show them what created the sound. ========================================================================================== Astral looked up above herself, and out of her hoof slid a magical construct, almost as if it was exiting her hoof. "Dear Celestia I hope Warlock doesn't get that beast on his side." She said looking to Screecher. "But even aside that, How the heck does this thing trot in here without me noticing this entire time?!" ========================================================================================== Iron Star looked over to the doctors, his eyes faintly still having scars on them, but despite this, Iron Star did still have issues seeing. "Myself and this filly here." He said looking down at Misty, he then looked to Chow smiling a little as he stepped off of Misty's bed, almost indicating he had heard Chow's thoughts. ========================================================================================== General Wing sighed in relief, turning around from the scroll room, but then pausing in his step."We should check at least right?" He asked looking to Dew.
@Blitz Boom Warlock quietly grumbled a little. "Neither of us are truly wearing an element Athriel." He glanced at the necklace, the smoke inside seeming to tremble at his glare. "Actually if there is a trap behind this wall..." He lifted both his front legs up to the wall, and drew them back slowly, dust floating to his hooves as he attempted to drain any magic from whatever was in store behind the wall. "I'd surely hope this turns out to be something I can handle in my current state" He paused his attempts to suck the magic, glancing about as his ears twitched, sensing something off about the temple, then resuming his attempts ================================================================================= Astral just stood back and observed the conversation from her distance. Not really knowing what to say as they conversed, but her mane floated a bit as she idly gathered magic, with short deep red flames forming around her in a circle, almost forming a pattern as it moved inwards to her body. Something really anypony could notice if they looked her way. "Big dragon?" Astral asked as she looked around, having only just picked up mention of it, the circle of flames spreading outwards faintly as they dissipated. "How big are we talking here?" ================================================================================= Misty squirmed in her sleep a little, seeming panicked, mumbling quietly about something. Iron Star jerking awake as his ears popped up, he turned around to Misty, placing a hoof on her. "Calm down, it's just a dream." He whispered as Misty opened her eyes slowly, Star smiling a little. "W-what was that?" "Dream spell, picked up your dream while I was resting, didn't know you still remembered everything that happened at your village." He said with a worrying tone. "How long have you been affected by that?" Misty looked down. "Like, three months." She said as her ears flattened. Iron Star sat down on the side of the bed. "I could place a spell on you so you could rest without the nightmares." He said looking over to her. "No, the memories only came back because of the events today." she sighed, laying back down. "They'll probably be gone after everything is done." He nodded and closed his eyes. "Alright." He said with a quiet sigh as he opened his eyes. "Just let me know if you change your mind." ================================================================================= General Wind stood by Dew, looking around the area. "If Benny knows or can find anything out we should make sure he's around before any new encounters with the Warlock figure." He mentioned, looking to his back and the metal plates on the side of his torso. "Do you think they'll be finished fixing my wings yet?"
@Widdershins @Dji @Blitz Boom Astral couldn't help but roll her eyes at the banter, half tempted to shut them up with a spell. "Hey!" She said rather loudly. "We've had enough fighting today you two." She waved a hoof up next to herself, lifting up rubble from a building Warlock had sliced apart. "No species should be defined as what it is." She walked past the two as she lifted away the rubble, putting it into a pile. "Or what past experiences you've had with the species, which from what I hear, goes for both of you." She stopped walking and stood giving the two a glare, then looking to Kaltrop in particular. "Now, do you need any medical attention mister? or was that just a sarcastic comment about being injured?"
@Blitz Boom @Dji @Widdershins Astral landed with a thud shortly down the street, grunting in pain, growling at herself for using all her magic to propel herself, looking back, to see the little group nearly a block away from her. Astral deciding to walk over after spotting the arrival of another pony. Looking around herself at the destruction that occurred. "Actually I can just message Iron Star from here." She said, trying to excuse her sudden reappearance as she walked back to the group, at least close enough for them to hear her now, or at least screecher. Her eyes landed on the new pony when she got close enough. Scanning them for magic, before quickly realizing what they said earlier. "If you were hurt I could cast a healing spell." Astral sounded almost ignorant to the possibility to them not knowing what she meant by that. ================================ Warlock laughed for a bit, stumbling on his step as he transitioned into swinging his hoof forward to the wall, almost contacting it as his hoof glowed with some magic. "Have you thought of blowing the wall down?" He pulled his hoof back, glowing with magic. Inches away from the wall. "It might sound ridiculous but if they can hide the element, it could be right behind where they tell it was elsewhere, to trick ponies." He moved his hoof away from the wall and started walking away from the wall, the magic that was around the hoof fading quickly, almost giving enough space for Athriel to blast through if she decided to. "Or well, we could check the other temples." ================================ Iron Star nodded to Dew's words, making sure to walk closely to Dew. "I would hope they've been sent myself, and that this dragon isn't a threat, although it does make me wonder why the dragon is here."
@Blitz Boom @Dji Astral rolled her eyes in a heavy sigh as she stepped away from Null. "Surprised you don't know with all the magical objects you encounter Null." She reached out her hoof to point at Null. "And I have no problem, but that magic may release from it faster than you can contain it." she stepped further away, glancing at Dawn as she asked her question. "It's an Element of Disharmony, that's exactly what it is, representing a part of disharmony, and like I said, this one represents Greed." When she said that, it drew her attention a little towards the magic she sensed, it was still there, the aura of the element, wasn't just from Null. She shrugged it off again. "It has a lot of magic in store, so again, don't break it." She turned away, kneeling downwards. "Seeing as the element is secure with you guys, I better head off, the others will want me." The force she blasted off with would send a shockwave outwards, cracking the ground and leaving marks similar to Warlock's blast off, as well as putting out flames around her. ================================== Warlock put a hoof over his chest, sighing. "It was taken, some magic nullification managed to remove it's connection from me." He said with a soft growl. "Which means they have an advantage over us, best we find some non magic way we can defend ourselves, and more so, me." He looked at some dust on the floor, which smoldered as he lifted a hoof wards it, the dust forming into a small amount of molten metal; just a single drop, before it hit the ground and solidified. "And I need a source of magic to recover from losing it." He said, glancing at the gem, which immediately turned a deep red, swishing with rage and a tad bit of fear, since Warlock had the option to drain more than just the gems reserves of magic. ================================== Iron Wing stepped back a little. "Well I will make sure in the future." He said, following Dew to the scroll room.
@Blitz Boom @Dji Astral looked to Dawn, then Null. "Well since you both want to know, it's an element of disharmony, in particular; the element of greed, and it absorbs magic, so don't break it." she said with a glare at Null. "It may cause it to release the magic in a giant explosion." She walked over to Dawn. "as for that strange energy you mention. I wouldn't know why you felt that, but it may be caused by the abundance of magic inside the element." As she got closer, Astral felt the energy from Dawn, and Dawn would feel a similar energy from Astral. But Astral deciding not to mention it. Hoping Dawn wouldn't. ================================= @Blitz Boom Warlock sighed and stepped out of the darkness, his chest lacking the element but with a scar around where it'd be located. "Strange, I can't sense anything but Cruelty." He glanced at the necklace. "But that was Sapphire's element." He looked at the hieroglyphs. "So do you suppose they could hide the aura from it?" ================================= @Blitz Boom Iron Wing looked to the right. "I don't remember, it's kind of blurred after the explosion." He looked back to Dew. "I'm sure we can find out if the messages were sent or not though, and if not we can send them." Misty looked around, noticing something off. "Where'd Nectar and her army go?" She asked looking to Dew. "Do you think she went into hiding after the explosion?" Her question causing Iron Wing's ears to perk up, as he looked around realizing she wasn't there too. "Let's hope she didn't betray us..."
@Blitz Boom & @Dji Something struck Astral deep about the gaze Screecher gave her, glancing over to the pony who questioned her. "Well right now it's harmless I presume." She said, creating a necklace out of the air, securing the element on it, and then on her neck. "Should keep it nice and sa-" She had a pause in her step, face hoofing. "Hang on, Null should wear this instead of me, that'd be safer." She said, unaware of the fact she used magic around an object that absorbed it. Taking it off, walking to Null and handing it over. "Here." =============================== @Blitz Boom Iron Star sat by Misty off the bed, sighing heavily, his eyes scanning the roof for almost no reason, looking down. "I might actually need a little bit of a rest, from, this..." He trailed off, almost falling over. Misty attempted to catch him, wincing as she bent her leg a bit. "A-are you okay?" "I need a break, I haven't really needed to use omnipotence this much and the magic blast took a lot away from me." He laid down on his side, his head poking up. "So I'll be resting..." He closed his eyes, resting his head down. "Well, probably should rest in a proper place though." By then he had already fell asleep, Misty sighing in frustration, and resting her body. "We probably should find some other omnipotent pony to help us along with him." =============================== @Blitz Boom Warlock walked down the hall, looking around at every disarmed trap, and broken wall. limping as his magic started faltering. "Gah!" He hit a wall from his anger, cracking it, sighing heavily and keeping his hoof to the wall as he walked. "Really hope there's an element here, or some magical object." he followed the little trail of destruction Athriel left, eventually finding her, but staying a little away, looking to his chest, if she saw him without his element, she'd surely stop praising him. Backing away and keeping his distance, staying hidden. =============================== @Blitz Boom Iron Star nodded. "We should exercise some caution, and let the other generals know when you can, so I can discuss with them about how to handle this." He looked to the lieutenant. "I'll be putting priority on this, so you may take the feathers to the forge, and make sure they know they are for the new general." He lifted the bag of feathers off his back, and handed it to the lieutenant. "be careful with them, don't want them to hurt anypony, and I'll need them back too."
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FanOfManyShows replied to Clod's topic in Forum Games
1 E is a common letter, so expect not to get far anyone who doesn't have it in their username.- 428 replies
@Blitz Boom Well that really just came from Warlock not expressing much greed at all despite having the element, although I am hoping with that being said, the twist could be seen, considering I came up with it on the spot. But I suppose it fits now if he's become some other element, and in my head it was cruelty, if you have another idea I'd still like to hear it. As for who is greed now, well that's up to me to reveal. Evil laughter =============================== @Dji @Blitz Boom I'd like to propose the obvious, the elements will not affect each other or each other's bearers. So if Dawn does come near Astral or the element, she wouldn't be affected. So if Dawn could use magic it'd be unaffected as well, which would be another give away to her being an element.
@Dji Well I may need a refresher on her character, but they could help in the fight, like noticing what just happened in Ponyville, and requesting to help in some way. @Dji Well I may need a refresher on her character, but they could help in the fight, like noticing what just happened in Ponyville, and requesting to help in some way.
@Blitz Boom His rage boiled through him quite visibly when the dragon caught the sword in his claws, Warlock looking to the dragon with fury, although something struck him off as he hit a wall, his chest starting to hurt. "I will kill you all soon enough!" He swung his hoof at Astral, who dodged the swinging hoof, and flying away. As he had the weapon Screecher threw hit him in the side of the head, knocking him to the side. 'How did I not see that?' He wondered to himself as he ran towards Screecher filled with rage, with a dragon likely following him. Seeing all his sides covered with some pony of some kind, he suddenly blasted upwards instead of at Screecher, flying at an incredible speed. Growling in pain as his armor seemed to burn away into ash. Quickly realising his cruelty had overcome his greed, thus causing it to no longer be his element, realizing this as the element phased out of his chest. "My element!!" He yelled out as he turned around, reaching for the element as it was sent falling to the ground. which sapped at his magic as Warlock growled, teleporting away as it fell with the magic he had left, as the element landing near Astral. She looked at it with caution. "Well that just happened." She approached it, picking it up, seeming unaffected. "I wonder why." ============================================================================= There was a loud echoing thud could be heard from the top of the stairs, as Warlock tumbled down without his element, cloak, or most of his mane. "Gah!" He struggled to stop his fall, eventually succeeding. "Damn it!" He growled hitting the stairs, already able to sense the element he was. Hoping if anything, Athriel could find it. He stood up, rushing down the stairs, looking around for Athriel. ============================================================================= Iron Wing spent his time looking at them. seeming a little curious about the ones without markings. "Well I'll keep them just in case, they seem to be made out of the same stuff as the others, and I don't believe anypony else has similar blades to my feathers." He put them in the bag around his back. "I don't believe I'll need to by checked myself." He said, while having trouble walking, seeming unfocused with his eyes appearing blind again. "But I have noticed something odd, I can see Warlock again, he doesn't have his element anymore." He said, his eyes returning to him as he looked up to Dew. "It's almost like he's switched with somepony else, who that is we should find out." Misty struggled to walk, yelping in pain as she flopped onto her front, trying to sit as she looked to her front leg, trying not to cry from the pain. "I-I think, M-my leg is broken." Star eyed her leg up and down it. "Don't worry, it can be fixed."
@Blitz Boom His eye twitched, anger flowed through him, the ground almost cracked around him from the anger purely just coming off him. "Coward..." He looked around for a moment, thinking over his approach over all of it, starting to realize she was right, and made the brief decision, to change that. "Coward?" He turned to Null, with fury written on his face, Warlock growling with his teeth greeting, eyes emitting dark magic smoke, colored blue and green, with some red. He extended a sword creating it out of the air, a crude design for a sword still flaking metal from its heat, with a cloud of magic floating around it. "Is this cowardice to you?!" He shouted out, rippling the ground at them, charging at them, leaping far up into the air. Astral only at the last moment became conscious, seeing the situation they were in, grabbing Null and rushing over to Void as Warlock struck the ground, making a crater. "A coward gives up, a coward leaves before the kill, a coward leaves before he wins, because of fear." He swung his sword around, parts of buildings flying towards him. "I am no coward!" He said floating up as the rubble turned into new armor, a spectacle likely to attract attention, his intention (Heh that rymed). "Why don't you run now? You didn't run at me after I threw the cart." He said with a glare in his eye that spoke of his wrath about to unfold, very quickly. "Oh you're girlfriend would enjoy this." His eyes sprung away from Null to Astral. "We're-" he flew at her and struck a sword at her, as she flew away. "NOT!" He leaped to her, she moving out of the way, sending him into a building. "IN LOVE!" He flew out, burning with anger, slicing the ground with the burning sword, striking it into a building and igniting it, the fire spreading oddly fast, yet again something to attract attention. He almost fell down, deeply breathing, exhausted from anger. Lifting a sword to Astral, quickly throwing it to his right as he spun around, in Void's direction. ==================================== Iron Wing stood there, looking at the floor with about fifteen feathers across it, and a pile of ten just below both his wings, which he picked up, some of them floating inches above his hooves, the more scratches on them, the lower they floated, until they touched his hooves. he put them in the bag, being careful with them. looking at the ones in his wings, shaking the wings more, none more falling out. He walked around picking up the others. "If you see a blade like this;" He lifted up one of the feathers, with etchings on it that'd seem decorative to ones who didn't know their purpose. Making sure they could see the blade. "Bring it to me and I'll make sure it's the right one, and put it away."