The show likes to introduce new things and immediately forget about them, or never expand on it. Celestia has Blueblood and Cadance as a niece and nephew, but we never hear about if there's a genuine royal bloodline past Cadence. Sombra comes and goes and his time stasis is like it never existed, Tirek and his brother's past are mentioned in passing, the origins and history of Equestria are terribly lacking, and the Buffalo are now entirely irrelevant. Heck, the only recurring species are the griffons, donkeys, and dragons. That leaves the zebras, Saddle Arabians, Yaks, and Breezies without a second mention. There are multiple settings, regions, and cities on the world map that are never seen, and the Everfree (castle included!) are even starting to fade out.
The writers need to come back and expand instead of just throwing out more promising-yet-abandoned ideas. I'm hoping these're covered by the movie, but that's a faint hope at best.