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Everything posted by Sphinx-Ara

  1. She hugs him back and nuzzles him "I did, but it's kind of hard not to when you're snuggling in a certain Princess's tail with the two stallion you with love all of your heart snuggling up to you" she says with a soft smile before kissing Shade and then looks down to Rarity, "and in my dream, the foals absolutely adored Rarity" she says, gently nuzzling Rarity with a smile
  2. @@Denim&Venom, Elera smiles "Ooh sounds great Sofa, it'd be rather nice to see if she knows anything of my ancestors" she says as she quickly slips her book back into her bag and looks around "and you know that other fox Kyler...I don't know why but..he seems so familiar.." @@Unicorncob, Elera simply nods at the remark by Tyra, she was simply mesmerized by her beauty and blushes before shaking her head to clear it "O-oh, I m-may know her then" she says, still blushing somewhat, she sighs and looks around, trying to think of something to say.
  3. Both princesses climb into the chariot and sit down, waiting for Crystal to join them. Clare nods and grunts a somewhat thanks to Crystal as she takes her gear "Hopefully, Father will never forgive me if something happens to Celeste, and I wouldn't forgive myself either"
  4. @@Raven Rawne, Clare nods "Well..we can never be too sure, especially with what has recently happened, sooo Dragon Blade, but also bring my saber, I think I can dual wield" she says with a smile as Celeste tilts her head "Crys is just gonna grab our gear sis, don't worry, we are Knights after all, and knight should never be without his or her sword" she says as they go to the chariot station and got themselves a nice chariot.
  5. @@cwhip9, Lunaris smiles "Ah hello miss Cheerilee correct? my name is Lunaris Souls, my son night Song started today, he's told me quite a lot about how nice you are. You didn't stop him playing with the uh...bunny he had, and I thought I should actually introduce myself properly" he says with a slight bow and smiles "I know we may be a bit...eccentric, but such is the life of owning and running a carnival. Got to stand out and all"
  6. @@Raven Rawne, Clare smiles and nods "Of course father, Lady Onyx, it was a pleasure to meet you and hope everything fares well for you" she says as she gets up and straightens herself up a bit "And I'll keep that in mind, but after our trip, you know they're going to need...your special touch later on" she giggles and hooks her arm with Crystal's. Celeste giggles and gets up "Lets go then, I look quite forward to meeting Dusty..and little Rose, if what Clare has told me is correct, Rose is a real cutie"
  7. @@Raven Rawne, Clare chuckles but is then surprised by the passionate kiss by Crystal but soon closes her eyes, wraps her arms and wings around her and kisses her back, just as passionately. She then breaks the kiss and laughs "Well..that certainly was...spontaneous" she says and looks at Celeste "Don't worry baby sister, you'll soon be doing that with Dusty if things go well" Celeste blushes "D-do you really think h-he likes me?"
  8. @@Raven Rawne, Clare nods and sits down, she then looks to lady Onyx "Sorry about that Lady Pearl, I just had a lot on my mind and I was feeling overwhelmed" she says and begins to finish her breakfast, she then sees how she felt somewhat awkward with her father hugging her and smiles "Please, I'm very happy that father has found love again, he's been moping about a lot lately, or so Celeste has told me" Celeste giggles at her father's reaction "What? It's true, you have been!"
  9. She blushes and flutters her eyelashes "Thank you darling, I had the most wonderful dream. We had a family of wonderful foals,one was a changeling and you shared custody of the little ones with Shaded" she says "his name was Shadow, he gets bullied at school, but he never fought them and he was very proud of both his daddies.Even wanting to be a guard when he got older" she says with a happy sigh "and the little ones also adored their mummy Rarity and auntie Sweetie Belle. But of course, they loved Grandma Luna and Celestia"
  10. Shaded laughs "True, true" he says and nuzzles Rarity again "Crystal always manages to make even the most mundane things fun, I should know" he says as he closes his eyes but just then, Crystal yawns extremely cutely as she stretches, just as cutely. She flutters her eyes open and smiles lovingly at the two of them "Hello loves" she says, kissing them "How long was I asleep for?" she asks
  11. Shaded nods as he gently nuzzles the sleeping Rarity "And yet you're the royal one out of the two of us" he says with a soft chuckle and smiles "I avoided things like the Gala for so long, honestly I can't really stand all the uppity ponies that are there, but I have a feeling both our mares will find a way to drag me there, even if it's with me kicking and screaming."
  12. @@Raven Rawne, Celeste smiles,and even though she was itching to meet Dusty, she put her own wants aside "There's a good chance you two will get along in no time, and not very likely that you'd drive a wedge into our family. Clare knows that daddy wouldn't choose a mare who would want to replace mother" Clare whimpers at the ear nip but smiles "I did indeed, and you will get it soon enough darling" she says, as she links arms with her and walks back up to the dining hall, "and you're right, I've kept her from meeting her dream colt for long enough" she giggles and eaves to Celeste, her father and lady Onyx.
  13. Shaded nods his head "I know, I just.." he looks to Crystal and smiles softly "you know, I've always wondered, how did two mercenaries like us land such a beautiful mare like Crystal?" he asks with a slight chuckle and kisses the tip of her nose, "I mean, yes she is centuries old, but she's just so..beautiful and cute" he then looks to Rarity and smiles "and Rarity, well..her generosity knows no bounds"
  14. "Ah yes, i found the ponies there to be quite friendly" she says, blushing a little at the pony who was batting at her braid, she looks down a bit, thankful that her spell book hadn't been noticed as she picks it up "I-I'm from the forest of the Highlands" she explains, her tail swishing somewhat in her nervousness. Geeze, Tyra is really pretty she thinks to herself as a small smile crosses her face
  15. Okay so...lord Dominator... youch she's hot! <3

  16. @@Unicorncob, Elera smiles but eeps a little at Tyra's vigorous handshaking "Uhm..nice to meet you Tyra, I d-don't think I have. I mean I specialize in Gaelic history, so you know places like Ireland and Scottland. W-where my ancestors come from" she says with a smile and tries to tuck her robes into her suitcase as they had somehow been poking out, but as she did, her spell book fell out of her shoulder bag.
  17. @@Hazard Time, @,@@Driz, Clock nods with a smirk "Well, if the others haven't gotten any plans with ya, why not join me for lunch?" he asks, "I also know a great shop that has pretty good leather jackets" he says, and looks to the others, who all seemed rather preocupied with their own wounds or checking out the dead bodies for credits or ammuniotn.
  18. @@Hazard Time, Clock chuckles "Probably upgrades on my arm and eye, possibly upgrading my firearms as well" he says with a smirk, wrapping an am around her "you're in a better mood Bronze, guess the firefight brightened up your day" he says and gives her a squeeze before looking over his arm for any scratches or dents. "Then there's food, I'm absolutely starved"
  19. @@Denim&Venom,@@Unicorncob, Elera smiles and nods "mhm, I'm Elera Frostpelt, i just graduated back home and transferred here to study Gaelic Language and History" she says, sticking out her rather dainty and otter like paw for them to shake "It's nice to meet you both" she smiles sweetly and flicks her fluffy tail
  20. 10/10 Rather soothing and calming Couldn't decide on this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYoH7BpVrnA or this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cx1WaoWQ34 so you choose
  21. @@J.R., Elera's ears perked up at the fox boy introducing himself to the dragonness that was close by, she tilted her head while trying to think of why his name sounded familiar. "can't be" she says to herself and shakes her head before sitting down on her suitcase looking at her map once more to get a feel of the layout of the campus and dorms.
  22. @@Raven Rawne, Celeste nods "It won't take too long though Lady Onyx, so I wouldn't worry about it too much" she says. Despite her being younger than Clare, she seemed to be the more emotionally stable and mature of the two sisters. Clare giggles and bumps hips with her "Oh really now?~" she asks with a slight purr
  23. @@Dynamo Pad, He gently strokes her mane as he holds her close to comfort her "shh, the weather cannot hurt you darling, and as for a performance, well...I will be performing but you don't have to be in the ring if you don't want to be.." he nuzzles her "though it'd be nice for you to sing, you have a beautiful voice and I bet it's an even more beautiful singing voice" he says as he looks down at her and kisses her nose gently. The thunder rolled outside and loudly,
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