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Everything posted by Sphinx-Ara

  1. Here's what I got/am getting: Early: A Sword Art Online Shoulder Bag (from my older sister) A new pair of runners (from my parents) Pokemon Sun with collectors metal case, poster and pin (from my partner in Queensland) What I am getting: A ring (matching the one I got @@Dynamo Pad, I bought us each one) A tricolor cosplay fox tail and ears (from Dynamo Pad) A plush of Dynamo Pad made by Unicornia (from Dynamo Pad) (this and the tail are a combined xmas/birthday gift <3)
  2. Crystal sniffles as she looks up to see Indicus, she reaches out "Indi" she says, reaching out for him. Star Swirl smiles as he lets go "I think my little filly wants you, son" he says as he goes to return to Tia, nuzzling her lovingly "I'm just happy she has so many ponies to love her my dear, I was so worried that she might go..." he closes his eyes and shakes his head "In any case, should we tell them?"
  3. H-Hi everyone, we finally got a picture of the family together, o-of course Digital and Miracle are older in it than they are now, But you can just imagine how they look as foals ^^ Eeyup, thanks to LeftDuality for the wonderful picture
  4. @@Raven Rawne, "She's more resilient and tough than most would think, in fact she takes a lot after me. Never one to want to sit idly by in court looking pretty, we both wanted to get out and do something. Plus she absolutely adores to cook" she says with a small smile but then frowns a little "He's a good stallion sir, oh and it should take a week at the least for our organized materials and help to arrive, but the townsponies have done a good job regardless" she says then nods to Crystal "He's volunteered to help fix things up"
  5. @@Dynamo Pad, "Hey guys, everything all set?" the female member asks as she then sees Tara and Devin walk in, "Well, well, well, Devin you sly fox, it would seem that Derek isn't the only lucky one here" she says, crossing her arms with a smirk Zeke just chuckles but he then sees Jenny "J-Jenny...darling" he says as he slowly walks over to her then holds her close, he buries his face into her neck and hair "I've missed you so much my love" he says softly, he chose to be calm and collected with her so as to not startle her. He then lifts up her chin with a gentle finger and kisses her on her lips for a short moment and gazes lovingly into her eyes "I have a question I want to ask you, but later..once Derek is awake" Devin simply blushes but nods "I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend, Tara is the light of my life" he says and smiles as he passes Zeke "Sly dog, just ask her gently, I know what you want to ask, and I'd be more than happy to give you permission to marry my adopted sister, just..remember, I have fangs and claws that I will use on you if necessary" he whispers with a slight growl He then walks up to see Devin already awake "Good you're awake, come on, we've got stuff to do" he says Derek mumbles something and nods as he follows Devin down the stairs "Good we're all here, now before the two groups go on for the plan just yet, I believe Zeke here has something to ask my baby sister Jenny." Zeke nods and looks to Jenny "Jenny, I know we only just met recently and only just went on our first date, but I could not stop thinking about you, I could not stop thinking about your kind and gentle nature, the cute way you blush and hide behind your tail when you're nervous, the way you murr when I rub your ears and paw gently, the way..that you make me feel a way I thought I'd never feel in a million years, what I'm trying to say is..." he gets onto one knee and takes out a ring box and opens it to reveal a very expensive and beautiful engagement ring that had a gold band with a silver pattern of tiny little foxes engraved onto it and the jewel was the most beautiful sparkly pure sapphire to match her eyes "Will you, Jennifer Delaine, give me the honor of marrying me and becoming Jennifer Zanders?" Stella gasps and claps a hand over her mouth to stifle a squeal
  6. *Blushes but smiles as she holds Digital and Miracle in her arms** H-hello everyone, I just wanted you all to have the chance to meet our little Yule miracles, but please be soft and gentle, not to mention quiet, they're asleep.
  7. @@Dynamo Pad, Clockwork nods and smiles, "Ah so yes, he'd about the age where he starts noticing and liking girls" she says and giggles as she hugs Dynamo close to her "All though, even at that age, some colts are still pretty oblivious to us girls,such as Dynamo here" she giggles again, showing a light hearted side of herself. Spitfire nods and smiles "Soarin was too obsessed with his pies to pay much attention to me back then" she says with a chuckle "He still is, but at least now.." she looks to him Should I tell them? should I tell him? Buck it! She kisses him "Now, we're expecting twin foals"
  8. @@Dynamo Pad, Night chuckles as he helps Dew into the car and winks at his uncle "Smooth uncle, really smooth" he says with a half hearted chuckle then looks to him "Anyway, shouldn't you save your suaveness for miss Cheerilee?" he laughs "Oh come on uncle, it's plain and obvious you're smitten with her and visa versa, every time you two see each other, even across the street, you get all blushy and she giggles and hides behind her mane" Skully chuckles "Pleasure is all mine miss Dew, you've got a good stallion in my nephew, even if he is somewhat unstable" he says as he gets into the passenger seat Night nods and kisses Dew softly then gets out his phone "Here, listen to it, I am sure you will enjoy singing it" he says and lets her listen to it:
  9. @@Dynamo Pad, Orange blushes and looks to Celestia who nods "They have the right to know darling" she says and nuzzles her Orange blushes even deeper then looks to everyone in the room, including her other favorite teacher and the stallion known as Sal "W-we're expecting" she says with a blush "M-miss Tia just told me that I-I'm pregnant" she says shakily as she tries to shake Dynamo awake "S-sweetie, w-wake up, p-please. I w-want to s-show you my n-new swimsuit a-after breakfast" Candy gasps and clasps a hand over her mouth "Oh my sweet angel" she says with tears in her eyes and hugs her closely, "Mummy is so proud of you, and your daddy is too" she then looks to Chocolate who had this big goofy smile plastered over his face "I'm going to be a granddad! I'm going to be a granddad!" he shouts joyously, dancing around the dining hall, then he shoves his fit up in the air "Come on Quick bro! You're gonna be one too!" Night Dancer chuckles at the older stallion's antics, as did the others.
  10. Was married once, it was doomed from the start and ended after 3 years... but maaaybe way, way, way in the future, who knows what might happen
  11. Once upon a time..I loved a boy..then I fucked up..

  12. He smiles as he gently slides Celestia off of his lap and moves over to the sleeping Crrystal. He gently brushes a hand through her mane, causing her to slowly open her eyes to see him smiling at her "S-Starry? I-is it." he nods and she quickly lunges at him, crying into his embrace "I-I thought I-I'd never see you again" she sobs He simply smiles and strokes her mane "Shh, it's alright little one, I'm here now, daddy is here" he says softly to her. He then sees a look of query on Indicus' face "No, I'm not her actual father, but I was already a young stallion when she was born, and her first word she said to me was Daddy, I just decided to roll with it. She never actually had a father, so I took the role until I...I disappeared" he explains,still hugging his 'daughter' and stroking her mane and ears to help soothe her. Shaded opens one eye "Good to see you again you ol' coot, but yes Indi, what he says is true"
  13. Star Swirl nods "If I've been gone as long as I have, then that would make her over a century old.. what have I missed?" he asks, noticing a flicker of Crystal's ear then he looks to Indicus "and I'd be guessing you're her partner? Well congratulations, you've gotten yourself a really sweet mare there"
  14. I feel ugly

    1. TheRockARooster
    2. Snow


      Dont look in the mirror too long and obsess over you looks, it's really degrading to you mood, looks aren't important, dw


      And if your ugly and in a relationship I must be hideous

  15. Star Swirl nods "The ability to use shadow magic is rare indeed, mastering it, even rarer" he says then nods to Indicus "Well then, it is a pleasure to meet the adopted brother of the love of my life" he says with a slight bow, he then looks over to Crystal and smiles as he continues to hug Celestia "She looks so peaceful, and as cute as the day she was born, I remember that day well."
  16. Star Swirl sighs and sits down, pulling her into his lap "My love, I was sucked into the void. I was perfecting the time travel spell, but something went wrong and..i got sucked into the void of space and time. It was my love for you that kept me alive the whole time, that gave me the drive to find my way back" he says and wraps his arms around her, nuzzling into her neck and mane softly "Love is a powerful magic, as you niece Cadence could very well tell you" he says softly and sighs "I've missed you so, and if I could have found a way back sooner, I certainly would have used it, I swear"
  17. Should I do it now or on NYE?

    2. Sphinx-Ara


      Tell my first ex boyfriend that I miss him and want another chance..



      Hmmm kik message me.

  18. Star Swirl chuckles a little "Ah my dear colt, I am the royal unicorn known as Star Swirl the Bearded" he says "Lower your sword and I'd advice your voice as well, you wouldn't want to wake up the sleeping mares, now would you?" he asks before his ears perk at the familiar sound of Celestia's footsteps, he looks up to see her hurrying in and in a very soft yet clearly loving tone "Celestia.." he says "You look as lovely as ever" he walks over to her and kisses her on the cheek
  19. @@Commander Tangent, Clockwork l reached the Vega just as everybody else did, he didn't hear what Skyhopper said, but he could tell something was up. He waves to his other crew members as he goes over to Skyhopper's chambers and knocks on the door before poking his head in "Hey champ, everything alright?" he asks with a soft smile. He then walks over to the bed and sits on the edge "Geeze mate, you really ought to upgrade this thing, it's hard as rocks" he says then a mischevious grin crosses his face and he chuckles slightly.
  20. @@Blackshirt Brony, I feel a very strong connection to Bridgett and to Pan.. I know it may seem strange but I know I am the illegitimate daughter of those two. Because of which, I am under constant attack but mother has given me multiple layers of protection. I dunno if that makes sense, but this my connection to the Goddess and God. Bridgett often watches over me in my dreams as a black and white cat.
  21. @@PrincessOfCompassion, Thanks ^^ It means a lot to us
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