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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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  1. NavelColt's post in Doesn't show what topics i've been in was marked as the answer   
    Way too many of these guys, come on, look at the forum if there's an issue, don't just jump to making a topic D; If you're having issues and think to make a thread about it, chances are someone else already did, on a forum this size.
  2. NavelColt's post in Search bar isn't showing results for the forums was marked as the answer   
    Lol le solved.
  3. NavelColt's post in Search not working was marked as the answer   
    Le solved.
  4. NavelColt's post in Can't see members' content anymore was marked as the answer   
    8P Lavo has 398588374895848 other projects that do and don't have to do with Poniverse to deal with too though, plus a job in real life and other things going on. He cannot drop everything he's doing and jump on something whenever stuff breaks, especially when stuff breaking happens all the time and is rather expected. He's also our only tech outside Feld0 who's also always busy, because trying to find someone who's active, interested, skilled enough, fully trustworthy AND willing to work insane amounts of hours for free is like trying to find the perverbial needle in the perverbial country full of hay.
    He's fully aware of the issue going on with the search function, and the related issue of people's content not showing up, and will jump on it when he can x) Here's what was said yesterday in le admin Olmypian Chat Thing.
    I'm tempted to lock this because it will be fixed ASAP, but will leave it open for that chance of a person needing or having more information that'd be useful. Just try to cease with the freaking out, everyone x)
    Scratch that, things seem to be working now :3 Shows how well I pay attention. We are, in fact, done here x3
  5. NavelColt's post in Any way to find a list of every topic started by myself? was marked as the answer   
    Profile --> 'Topics' --> 'Find Content' --> 'Only Topics' :3
  6. NavelColt's post in Using "Auto-Save"? was marked as the answer   
    It's as you described, it's a built in auto-save thing that saves every handful of minutes. Just go back to the page cia your browser history or using the back or forward keys if it's only one page away, and you should have it there avaliable for you. I don't recall if it's already in the text box, or if you have to click the text where 'Auto saved' is to access the logs, but either or, it should normally be there.
    It's not full-proof though, there are always glitches and ways of it not working through any number of factors utterly out of anyone's control. If you're making big-ass posts, constantly copy your work thus far so it doesn't end up exploding into obvlivion. Ask @@Zoop, he knows all about the woes of deleted work from page jumps, and having to learn the hard way to be paranoid about saving constantly :3
  7. NavelColt's post in How to Delete Threads? was marked as the answer   
    Hiding' is the staff's way of 'deleting' things, locking is just locking The staff is willing to hide things for people just like we're willing to lock things for them, but in both scenarios you need to have a good reason x) 'Just cause' won't fly.
  8. NavelColt's post in Company Spam bots was marked as the answer   
    As Dawn said, Mods and admins have a magical button located on profiles that completely nukes the account. All of their topics are insta-deleted, as well as their statuses and they're auto-banned forever. It's called the 'Mark as Spammer' button :3 This is used when it's clear that an account is a bot. Fast cleanup. Not nearly as difficult to clean up as a problematic member who would need a staff to physically sift through their posts content.
    So, when it comes to accounts that are 100% clearly bots, report the individual post, or the account, it actually doesn't matter much. Just include 'Is a bot' or something along those lines.
  9. NavelColt's post in Claiming someones display name was marked as the answer   
    There's no official policy on it from how obscenely rare an occurence it is, and I'm not even sure all the staff have the same opinion on it. Speaking personally, I'd generally say anything beyond 8 months is at least negotiable, with over a year being certainly so.
  10. NavelColt's post in How to get quotes to appear in your signature? was marked as the answer   
    Highlight the text you want to quote inside a thread, click the 'Quote' button, and everything you need will get posted into your text box. Copy that text/code into your sig and hit save :3
  11. NavelColt's post in What happened to the old theme? was marked as the answer   
    Yup. Lavo killed the old theme, and the staff will be working to get the banner submission train rolling again now that we're back to the unconfusing land of single-theme-ness.
  12. NavelColt's post in Posting Links? was marked as the answer   
    That's fine, just linking to your page when it's appropriate in that kind of topic is alright. You can also include your DA on your profile as well, as there is a field for it, you could tell people to go use that too if you wanted. Be sure to just put your username in the field though, not the URL of your profile, as it won't show up properly :3
  13. NavelColt's post in Is a picture counted as a line of text in your signature? was marked as the answer   
    As the above folks have said, it does indeed count Your signature is embedded via a URL and coding tags, which both count as characters, just as much as written words do. I don't recall there ever being a change in the way signatures are run. What you encountered before may have simply been a fewer level of characters in your signature as opposed to now, or a glitch of some kind.
  14. NavelColt's post in Is Locked The MLP way of closing a thread? was marked as the answer   
    Locked, Closed, etc are all synonymous of the same thing, meaning the thread is set to no longer accept new replies by a moderator, yes
  15. NavelColt's post in Annoying, possibly malicious Android pop-up ad was marked as the answer   
    If you send a Support Ticket, our technology ponies can remove ads and their hosts from our site, for good. You'll just need to provide a screenshot if possible, or at the very least a clear description of the ad, what it's about, and who it's by :3
    --> https://mlpforums.com/index.php?app=nexus&module=support&section=new
  16. NavelColt's post in A Thing I don't really like was marked as the answer   
    Our website is centered around forum interaction and discussion, rather than blogging :3 Blogs were introduced half-way into our sites' lifetime, and as such, they can be considered an add-on. Like a few other things (access to specific sections, etc.), blogs require a minor amount of that forum interaction before you can use them, because obviously, use of the forums is the focus of our site, not blogs.
    Five posts isn't very demanding, and it's rather easy to get that many by simply introducing yourself in a new welcome topic, and having a few friendly conversations with some people. Something I would encourage one to do right off, anyway. To be honest, blog activity and views can be very minor and unsatisfying as opposed to topics.
  17. NavelColt's post in Does blog posts? was marked as the answer   
    To my knowledge, blogs do not function as forum posts, no Blogs are their own entity and do not fall under the same counter that topics and posts do.
  18. NavelColt's post in Princess Twilight Sparkle Forum? was marked as the answer   
    Moved to Site questions & Tech Support :3 Please keep in mind that's where all questions regarding the forum, go.
    Yup. It's 'outlived the majority of its' usefulness in being it's own section anymore', as many people have been talking more about over the past few weeks. Many of the cornerstone topics were moved to Show Discussion (General Discussion is not for anything pony related, keep in mind), and the rest was put in the Archives (an invisible garbage bin only staff can mess with).
    Hope that's answered your question
  19. NavelColt's post in Post Count was marked as the answer   
    Moved to Site Questions & Tech Support :3 All questiony stuff for the forum goes there. Can be found in the same group of forums as Canterlot Castle ^^
    There's an FAQ about this in the General Site Questions section of said FAQ, but there's actually a far simpler and easier method, that's pointed out in this topic. Just click someone's badge when viewing a thread, and a pop up showing the incrementations and ranks in order will appear :3
  20. NavelColt's post in Why is the site still Halloween Themed? was marked as the answer   
    Difficulties in finding someone to make a banner to use before S4 hit, difficulties in finally getting banners and the dimensions and transparency not working out correctly, difficulties in, upon finally getting banners for something, the one guy who currently knows how to venture changing the new banner couldn't come on.
    Weee for things not working out :3
  21. NavelColt's post in Search Bar Trouble was marked as the answer   
    Many things need fixing in the new theme, and they will all be eliminated problems at some point when Lavo finishes perfecting the skin. Until then, simply using the cog button to go to the full search or using the older theme are best. I'd say make a support ticket but, there's two or so already bringing this up as well, so I'd say it's not even worth your time It's on the list.
  22. NavelColt's post in Backgrounds? was marked as the answer   
    There's actually an FAQ entry about this :3 One should be sure to check the FAQ out, it answers a lot of things x3
    > http://mlpforums.com/page/faq/_/site-problems/i-have-some-questions-regarding-profile-backgrounds-r76
  23. NavelColt's post in I haven't been around for this new update about rarity was marked as the answer   
    General rule of thumb is to turn to Canterlot Castle :3 It contains all large announcements made regarding the site, including this one ^^ It's in fact MLPF's two year birthday anniversary, as the banner shows. You can read all about it, here.
  24. NavelColt's post in Question regarding the display name history was marked as the answer   
    Don't want it on your history, don't change it to begin with, mang!
    It's not an option, and as far as I know, it would require tedious amounts of dev work time that no one has to implement such a thing. Probably something that'd be easier to add when MLPF gets its' own board software to run off of instead of IPS, someday, as Feld0's been thinking about a lot :3
  25. NavelColt's post in Can you delete a topic that you have started? was marked as the answer   
    Members are incapable of moderating their own topics outside the obvious ability to edit them :3 That said, feel free to PM a moderator or report your own topic with your request to have it hidden or locked. Being detailed in your reasoning is better than not, as 'just cuz' isn't usually a valid reason
    Most of this is outlined here. Hope this helps!
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