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Moved to Elsewhere

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    The Shipping Pinkie Fanboy

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  1. So, what are my thoughts on Hasbro potentially buying Dreamworks? I don't care. Dreamworks was practically dying in my opinion. They a few good movies, like Spirit, the frist 2 Shrek movies and How to Train your Dragon but the others like Madagascar just feel like bad copies of Shrek. I've heard about the movies before it but that's long gone.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Storm Shine

      Storm Shine

      I wonder what a MLP : FIM epsiode or movie would be like with how to train your dragon level/style graphics...?

    3. Megas


      If they put the effort they had in the How to Train Your Dragon movies to all of their other movies, maybe they'd be worth investing in, but for now...meh

    4. HeartFeltPuma23



      I didn't see the "mimic" things, the whole movie (the first) felt like it's own thing, it resembles nothing with Shrek, not even in the humor, seeing how Shrek is a more "adult" movie and Madagascar is more "childish"

      I love them both seeing how they were part of my childhood

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