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Status Updates posted by PlzDelete

  1. I was offered to make Minecraft videos with someone on youtube. I wasn't so sure if I should because I haven't played Minecraft in years and my mic SUCKS. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PlzDelete
    3. Miss


      Oh ok I was gunna say if you;re trying to find voice acting roles you could look on those websites, but I see you're familiar with them already.

    4. PlzDelete
  2. Are you a bee keeper??? Thanks for the follow btw!

    1. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      I am! It’s awesome!

      Thanks for accepting me:D

    2. PlzDelete


      Thats so cool! I love bees. I respect them as hard working animals that help our planet flourish. :3 

    3. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      They are awesome to have, for the most part easy to work with...but some days....not so much...lol:blink:

  3. Found a place that sells bigger and higher quality macaroons! Got three flavors: pecan, double chocolate and lemon. I'll let my mom choose which ones she wants.  After what happened today, she needs something to help. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shrug


      Once again, very sorry to hear about what happened. 

      I hope you and your mother enjoy those! :) 

    3. PlzDelete


      Thank you for your support everypony. It warms my heart. It truly does. 

    4. PlzDelete


      She chose the lemon. <3

  4. So... I gave a crazy driver a bloody nose today...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shrug


      Oh my God!!! Is your mother alright!? I hope she is! :o

    3. PlzDelete


      She is. The police took him away. We all have to deal with the court sometime soon. 

    4. Shrug


      Well, I’m happy to hear that you and your mother are alright. 

      Good luck! :) 

  5. Everypony feeling better today? I keep seeing posts saying their sick. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CheeryFox



      Flu season is here... Yes...make it disappear!

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I am sick. I have dance fever! *boogies*

    4. CheeryFox


      @Kyoshi - Pop and lock, cuz! :D

  6. I noticed that there are more new members on the forums since the movie came out. Thank you movie! :D 

    1. Shrug


      Yep! :D 

      I still need to see it though... XD

    2. CypherHoof


      Hopefully by raising awareness of pony, we will get more fans of the series, too :)

    3. Catsle


      I just stuck to double toasted for their input 

  7. I'M SO BORED....


    So I drew a chibi-ish Mehndi Heart. 



    I'm still bored though.



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      And I'm the exact opposite.

    3. Catsle


      Think of a event you would like to have happen then sleep always helps me

  8. So far the RP I'm in is super fun and interesting! I really hope more characters show up so the REAL fun can begin! Muahaha

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PlzDelete


      Ask @GoldieS if you guys are interested! 

    3. GoldieS


      Oh! Thanks XD i was just about to introduce two more! I hope you enjoy

    4. Libra
  9. Drew Mehndi Heart in her favorite (and only) Fancy attire! Sorry about the stupid background. 


    Fancy Mehndi.png

  10. Happy happy birthday! May all your dreams come true! You're really really great and I hope I'm not too late! WHOO!

    1. CheeryFox


      Thanks, kind lady. :fluttershy:

  11. Luna keychain I had for years. :)


    1. Frostgage


      You can tell it's old by the season 1 art xD

  12. I made an ask blog on tumblr just because I was bored. I wonder how many people will follow me JUST because I'm bi. Tumblr sucks that way but my bordem is killing me so here goes. 

    1. Johnny1226


      I like tumblr it's the perfect place to look up nsfw stuff 

    2. PlzDelete


      superthumb.jpg Already looked some up. lol 


    3. Johnny1226
  13. I WANT THIS SO MUCH OMG! Twilight Dress

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PlzDelete


      I would hope so. I only recently started wearing cute stuff. I used to wear a lot of dark cloths and had really long hair. I looked very unhealthy.  

    3. CheeryFox


      Glad things are looking better. :)

    4. PlzDelete
  14. Found this in the baking section at Michaels. :)


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CheeryFox


      I usually only get MLP stuff if it's reduced in price. :twi:

    3. PlzDelete


      It's only $20 so its no problem at all for me. I haven't had the chance to build a gingerbread house in long time. So I'm willing to pay for a really good kit. 

    4. CheeryFox


      Well...if ya do - post a pic when finished - hee-hee. :D

  15. My kitty Tailypo is sleeping. I decided to draw this inspired by his cuteness.  :)



    1. Johnny1226
    2. Catsle


      Nnnoooo my fatherly like heart for cats is hurting me with cuteness!

  16. No, I'm not gonna stop being nice to others just because you can't handle the fact that I'm capable of it and you think you aren't.  You aren't a divine being that can stop people from having empathy. You're human. The only power you have is to change yourself. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lightwing


      Well, he is not wrong in people being dumb... I mean, proving others that people is worth fighting for and being nice to them is a thing, don't you agree?

    3. CheeryFox


      The fuck? :lol: How toxic? :dash:

    4. PlzDelete


      @Lightwing There are dumb people yes but that doesn't mean they can't learn. Ignorance is not bliss. Who ever came up with that quote is either stubborn or entitled. 

  17. I love most of the bus drivers I see on a daily basis. They sometimes wave at each other when passing by. They also decorate the buses for Christmas. The best thing they do is stay clam and firm with disruptive people pretty well. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PlzDelete


      @Stormfury I'm glad the drivers here don't act like that. XD

    3. CheeryFox


      That's what a crazy bus driver looks like. :lol:

  18. Your move everypony! >:) 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PlzDelete



      @TempestShadow I guess so. XD 

    3. CheeryFox


      @Kyoshi I want that game. :lol:

  19. This cheered me up 

    I cant choose my favorite joke. XD

    1. CheeryFox
    2. PlzDelete


      I looked up a few more Dad Jokes. "How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boggie in it!"

    3. Miss


      I loved Mini Ladd!

      This had me dying the other day

  20. Though there are times where I think keeping silent is a good idea, this time is not one of them. I don't do this often but when I do, it's for good reasons. The thing below is a voice recording. 

    This is just how I interpret this .m4a

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sphinx-Ara


      My voice sucks and I saw the post you were talking about..It's..well quite disgusting to be honest. If you want to talk, please feel free to pM me

    3. PlzDelete


      Thanks for your kindness. :) 

    4. Sphinx-Ara


      Any time, kindness begets kindness after all :)

  21. I'm sure a few others had this particular user on the forums leave sour-blooded comments. People who have this kind of attitude on a personal venting thread are creepy as heck.


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. PlzDelete


      Neither do I but that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm spreading awareness of their bad behavior and giving my thoughts. That's all. 

    3. Black Sabbath

      Black Sabbath


      "Neither do I but that's not what I'm trying to do." 

      Yes, it is. Call it "spreading awareness" or whatever you want, you're still talking behind their back. 

      Besides,if it's such a large problem that you need to "spread awareness" about it, you should just report that member to the mods and leave it at that. 

    4. PlzDelete


      I did report them. I have only one more thing to say about the matter. If I can post it without problems then you may give it a listen. Though i have a feeling you won't even listen all the way through. 

  22. Just got these awesome bathbombs from my favorite store! Can't wait to relax in the tub with them. :)


    1. CheeryFox


      I like what I see. :catface:

  23. My name is Pudding Pete! I'm the queen of the rumba beat! When I shake my maracas I go "chick chicky boop, chick chicky boop, chick chicky boop"! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PlzDelete


      So would I! Especially the gun one. XD 

    3. TheRockARooster


      I feel like watching it now, lol.

      Hope you had a nice Halloween.

    4. PlzDelete


      Back at cha' :P

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