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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Bacon

  1. Man I'm mad, mah I have to get my iPhone's battery replaced, cost me money I don't have.

    1. Skullbuster


      lol what did you do to the battery? cant you just recharge it?

    2. Bacon


      It's my friends used one i bought off him cheap and had to replace the screen, but the battery is n ot working correctly.

  2. Man I'm mad, mah I have to get my iPhone's battery replaced, cost me money I don't have.

  3. Wow the forum gain almost 1k members in like 2 months

  4. Man, I have been pretty depressed this week. A few days ago one of my friends died.

  5. Heeeyyyyy it's been a week

  6. Skype, what would we do without you?

    1. PegasisterTaco


      Mmm.. Die maybe? But that's just my opinion.

    2. Twilight Sky

      Twilight Sky

      or other free web chat services....

    3. Jadefire


      Go outside, possibly.

  7. I was gonna tell a pussy joke, but you wouldn't get any of it. GET IT!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bacon



    3. Bohtty


      lol everyone was like "omg he just said 'pussy' on a status update :o"

    4. WiponCat


      no wait... you said I wouldn't get it

  8. I can't stand cripple jokes.

    1. be my waifu

      be my waifu

      i c wut u did thar

    2. Nightfall


      I don't see the point of blind jokes.

  9. Angry Video Game Nerd Anypony?

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      Cowabunga piece of dog shit.

    2. Bacon


      God.. damnit.

  10. Angry Video Game Nerd theme song parody in teh making with ponyz! Yay.

  11. That awkward moment when you realize you have watched every single AVGN episode....

    1. Nas


      Up next: THE MOVIE. >:3

    2. Bacon
  12. Haha, at school, I sang with the people on almost everything and everyone around me asked why I didn't join the show. Win or fail?

    1. Whiteshade


      sorta fail, makes sense if you think about it. Congrats anyways though, you have outclassed Justin Bieber in singing talent

    2. Bacon
  13. Not sure if I want to post my best sketch when everyone is offline...

  14. Yay, now my brohoof status is EGGcelent. If felt nEGGlected, but now I'm EGGstremly EGGstatic. I didn't realize how many egg puns EGGsisted.

  15. NES destroys Sega!

    1. Nas


      Well, SEGA wasn't in the video game industry back then so. :P


      But basically, we do kinda owe mid 80's-present gaming to its existence.

    2. Bacon


      Yea, but not that much, nintendo kinda paved the way.

  16. Imma say something happy! I'm getting a NES!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Vaporeon


      And Sony and Microsoft.

    3. Vaporeon


      Sega is a third party company now. That doesn't mean their dead.

    4. Bacon
  17. I'm depressed.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. InfinityWhale


      Ah, that rule. It's a bit harsh, but necessary. Can you imagine trolls getting into the most sensitive part of the forum? That's where we pour out our hearts to the world! It would be disastrous!

    3. Bacon


      True true, posting powers ACTIVATE!

    4. Bacon


      20 more posts till I'm allowed in.

  18. Bacon. Om nom nom.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Flutter Pony

      Flutter Pony

      *swipes bacon from his frypan*

    3. MrL0LZ


      *Swipes Bacon From Epic Meal Time*

    4. Flutter Pony

      Flutter Pony

      That's some ammount of bacon O:

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