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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. full.jpg

    I don't know how this happened, must be Lyra's fault :please:

  2. my_little_honses___s1e22_by_julunis14_df

    Wanted for pet homicide :P


  3. wonderbolt_rarity_by_geraritydevillefort

    Wonderbolts Rarity. 


    1. Sparklefan1234


      That is seriously my favorite Rarity outfit besides her Pony Tones sweater. :D

  4. well, I used to buy CDs before, that way you could have make me listen to the whole album. Now days I will listen to the album only if I want to. I don't have LP records.
  5. hitch_taking_care_of_pipp_by_jaanhavi_df

    :P a sick day 


    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      A perfect type of day for soup. :3

  6. wogcphg46yca1.png


    my new favorite anime character :P

  7. zipp__look_at_this__isn_t_it_cute__by_ma

    Are those cute? :ooh:


  8. maxresdefault.jpg

    Those 80s AI sitcoms had gone too far :Rara:


  9. large.png

    Unicorn rides a bus, he he :P

  10. She went to school just like everypony else in the ponyville, at least I assume she did. Honestly, what kind of education they are supposed to receive, their education is based on idea that earth ponies farm, unicorns do magic, and pegasi are busy with weather duty.
  11. large.png

    Happy new year :P

    1. Astralshy



      and happy new year

  12. people could build desalination water plants if they really wanted a fresh water in California or anywhere else. New desalination plants are controlled by the Coastal Commission and the Coastal Commission is controlled by the environmentalists. So here you go California may or may not want more fresh water sources.
  13. 3030594.jpg

    She is cute. :P

  14. Wednesday Addams goes to the American Hogwarts, I decided. -- Netflix
  15. large.jpg

    Crystal empress.:P

  16. rainbine_2_0___speedpaint__by_greenmaneh

    She is awesome :P


  17. 3029775.jpg

    Sweetie Belle is a robot :please:

  18. if it was preschool show then it would be slowly brainwashing your kids because parents are too busy to parent themselves
  19. smol_correction_by_chopsticks_pony_dfn14'

    She is small and adorable :P

  20. They don't really have those organs in the tv-y cartoon, so it doesn't matter to me.
  21. 3028230.png

    Sunset Shimmer :P

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