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Rhythm Red

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About Rhythm Red

  • Birthday June 22

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Ponyville, Equestria
  • Personal Motto
    It needs to be about 20% cooler.
  • Interests
    Guitar, saxophone, basically anything related to music, basketball, video games, and mlp.

MLP Forums

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My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
    Rainbow or Twilight
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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Phoenix (9/23)


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Single Status Update

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  1. Today I taught some classes

    And I think I did great!

    But I don’t need no glasses

    To tell the hour’s late!


    I’m very tired. But I’m also much calmer now, I have less to worry about. ;) 

    Also, I actually decided to do a forum trend for once. :ooh:

    I’m gonna sleep in like crazy tomorrow (at least I’m gonna try), so I’ll see you ponies in the morning!

    Good night! :D 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Johnny1226


      Good night nosotrose

    3. Tacodidra




      Good night! :D

    4. Wannabrony


      Congrats on the lessons today! Now you can finally get some quality sleep without any stress put on you. :yay: Also, you get a week of rest! :P Goodnight and sleep well, Rhyt- I mean Nosotros! :catface:

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