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Status Updates posted by Prometheus

  1. Alright, tonight I'm gonna catch up on the English releases of season 9, been putting it off for too long now. :adorkable:

    Anyone know what episode we've reached so far? Don't know a lot of Dutch unfortunately. :laugh:

    1. Tacodidra



      I hope you enjoy them, my friend! :D

  2. Do normal dogs see police dogs and think "aw fuck there's the police"? :dash:

    1. Angle Alastor

      Angle Alastor

      haha probably xD

    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      I'd say so :laugh:

  3. Cute avatar buddy :mlp_smug:

  4. It's amazing how one thing can totally ruin your day :mellow:

    1. Tacodidra


      I hope things get better soon, my friend! :sunny: *hugs*

    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      What happened? :c

  5. Can't believe I've gone this long without saying, but RIP Benny Harvey. Missing you big man, gone but not forgotten. :(

  6. Y'know, I could easily get a job as a bouncer. I mean, take tonight for example, I'm a bigger guy than 90% of bouncers I've encountered this evening. Plus I've had years of boxing experience under my belt, not to mention that (in all honesty) nobody would start shit with me in the first place! I dunno, maybe it's just the copious amounts of alcohol I've consumed this evening talking, but it would be an easy source of income for sure.

    Furthermore, I really need to catch up on season 9... :lie: Who knows, I might just bring myself to catch up sometime tomorrow with my inevitable upcoming hangover, only time will tell I guess. :dash:

    Jesus, it's 4:25 AM and I really should get some sleep. I'll speak to you guys in the morning once I'm in a clearer state of mind lmao. :laugh:

    1. Angle Alastor

      Angle Alastor

      you could be xD and good night ^^

    2. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :D

    3. Brony Number 42
  7. Oh my god, I somehow found the old account I made back when I was 13...  :blink:


    Turns out that at some point when I was 16 I went back and completely yeeted everything from it to try and cover any tracks I left behind. I have no recollection of this whatsoever. :sunny:

    1. Xe__or


      Holly molly guacamole :blink: 

    2. Xe__or


      17 posts in three years? Not bad

    3. Tacodidra


      A blast from the past! :love:

      Looking at my old posts from years ago (the ones that are still available) always makes me cringe... :please: Just a couple of years ago, I could still find some posts I had made on a forum when I was nine – though the forum in question seems to have vanished a while ago after years of inactivity! :twismile:

  8. Today is a very special day lads. Today I've officially been alive for 6969 days. :orly:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prometheus


      @Lucky Bolt You could say that. :huh:

    3. PinkieShadow


      And how many days old are this planet? Just a thought >_> *lol*

    4. Tacodidra


      Happy 69versary, my friend! :P

  9. Thanks for the follow! :mlp_smug:

  10. Oh shit, it turns out someone has died at Bronycon. Came across this tweet from an attendee who said his friend suffered a seizure and subsequently passed away from it right next to him. Have any of you guys who are currently there heard anything?


    Rest in peace, Stormfall Drizzle :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PinkieShadow


      So terrible! Poor SuperGummying to see a friend go that way, we are all here with you in our minds. Rest In Peace Stormfall Drizzle

    3. AwesomeRainbow


      that must be sad to have a friend die beside you r.i.p stormfall drizzle

    4. Tacodidra


      Awful news! May she rest in peace. :(

  11. You know what I've found to be a great thing to do if you can't sleep? Go for a run.:P

    Think about it, it's the middle of the night/early hours of the morning, so it's very quiet and you don't have to worry about having to wade through crowds of people. Besides, coming back from it to a nice warm shower before heading to bed is indescribable. If any of you are having trouble sleeping, give it a try. :mlp_smug:

    1. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      i actually used to go for walks every night, (nut runs though) it's quite nice and peaceful

    2. Tacodidra


      That sounds surprisingly relaxing! :dash: I've never tried that, in spite of being a night owl – maybe I should at some point... :ticking:

  12. Can't decide which of these 2 avatars looks better, any chance you guys could tell me what you think? :dash:

     Avatar 1 (Current one)



    Avatar 2




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Oh man... I do love me some black and white. But I think for an avatar, I'd have to go with number 2. :twi:

    3. Tacodidra


      The second one looks good to me! :yay:

    4. Prometheus


      Well, looks like it's decided. Second one it is then. Thanks guys. :mlp_smug:

  13. Do people really think I'm a hardcore stoner because of my avatar? :laugh:

    I mean, I'm not saying I'm not but- :lie:

    Nah, but jokes aside, the reason why my avatar is smoking a blunt is because I just thought it was funny, that's pretty much it lmao. Haven't actually smoked any of the devil's lettuce in months, and even then, I only really smoke it with friends or family, I'm not really the "loner-stoner" type of guy, y'know? :dash:

    As long as we don't delve into the topic of edibles which I've definitely never taken before, I swear  I'd say that's that sorted. :adorkable:

    1. PinkieShadow
    2. Tacodidra


      Actually, I haven't given it much thought. :P It's just an avatar – I don't really expect people to assume I'm nearly as cute as Coco! 09Loo2b.png&key=edef9c62e68d4bed19b34242

  14. Well, it's official boys, I'm a complete moron. :unsure:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Prometheus


      Heh, sorry guys, did something really stupid earlier on. Ah what the hell, I'll face the consequences of it tomorrow, for now I'm not gonna worry about it. Life goes on. But thanks for caring guys. :) 

    3. Tacodidra


      *hugs* I hope everything turns out fine, my friend! :kindness:

    4. Prometheus


      @Tacodidra Thanks man, I appreciate it. :)

  15. Looks like I got another sleepless night ahead of me boys, see y'all on the other side. :BornAgainBrony:

    1. PinkieShadow


      I hope you got a good sleep, and welcome to the morning side.

  16. Thanks for the follow, my man! :mlp_smug:

    1. PinkieShadow


      Of course friend >_>

  17. Cover letters are the worst. :eww:

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Ugh.. don't I know it? :dry:

      "So, this really tells you nothing about me because I've basically lied about everything just to get you even remotely interested in my CV."

  18. It's honestly amazing how much of a difference that lifting some weights while listening to some music makes to your mood. Before you start, you can feel lower than ground zero, but afterwards you feel like a titan ruling the earth! :sneer:

    Been refraining from doing heavy workouts since I got my tattoo done in order to let the healing process (which can take anywhere between a week or two) settle for a while. And god damn did I need this workout. :love:

    I strongly recommend it to any of you out there who are having a bad day, it does wonders for your overall mood. :yay:

    Furthermore on the subject of tattoos, I'm seriously considering getting a full sleeve on my left arm! I mean, of course I'm not gonna get a sleeve in one sitting, that'll probably set me back about 2 grand! :yeahno: It'll most likely be an accumulator that'll build up over time, y'know? 

    Anyway, how's the day been treating you lot? :mlp_smug:

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Workouts do much more than provide a physical buff, they're surprisingly good for your mental health as well. Keeps the blood pumping, helps your mind focus, and just gives you that satisfactory sense of rejuvenation afterwards. :proud:

      I have it on my schedule to go swimming at least 3 times a week. Few dozens lengths or so each time, and try to better whatever I achieved on each subsequent visit. Works a charm! :dash:

      Best of luck with those tattoos! I've never really once considered them for myself. Just not my style, I guess. But some people do look great with them. :mlp_icwudt:

      Other than that, I'm just keeping it chill this evening. It's my 'weekend' from work, so I will be sure to enjoy the next two days of freedom. :yay:

    2. Prometheus


      @Dark Horse Yep! Exercise produces hormones called "Endorphins", these are known to help improve your sleep, confidence, and prevent things like anxiety and depression from taking hold of ya. Think it's also called the "runner's high". You're completely right man, it really does wonders! :yay:

      Welp, you're already doing a better job than me. :laugh: You've got a formula/routine set, a very effective one at that!

      Thanks man! Yeah that's completely understandable, tattoos aren't for everyone. Heh, of course I have to be the only one in my family with a tattoo, talk about being the black sheep. :dash:

      Sounds like a good plan! Enjoy your time off. :)

  19. Thank you all for the birthday messages yesterday! Sorry I'm only just responding to them now. :adorkable:

    Anyway, Imma be away all day today, so have yourselves a good one! :mlp_yeehaa:

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      Happy B-Day afteer :)

    2. Tacodidra


      I hope the day was amazing! :squee: See you later, my friend! :)


    Image result for dog drinking

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      I can practically hear it 

  21. Just watched the Bronies documentary for the first time since it came out, and honestly, it made me appreciate the fandom even more. I'm a sucker for wholesome stuff like this, and it really made me feel that despite our numbers going down over the years, we're still a tight community that has left a mark on the internet that will probably last forever. And to think, all over a damn cartoon... Honestly, who could've seen this coming? :yay:

    I do regret that I wasn't in the fandom during its prime, but hey, at least I'll be here at the end. :)

    Also, the kid's dad just cracked me up every time he was on camera. Just look at his face, that's the face of a broken man. :laugh:

    Image result for brony documentary dad

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CypherHoof


      I too wish I had been around for the early fandom - not least because I live in Manchester, UK, so could have walked to the pony conference there...

      I assume from the image you mean the De Lancie "Bronies - The extremely unexpected adult fans of My Little Pony" documentary from 2012. Have you seen The Brony Chronicles? [1,2]


    3. Prometheus


      @CypherHoof Yeah, the John De Lancie one was the documentary I watched. And no, I haven't seen The Brony Chronicles, not yet anyway, might check it out sometime. Jesus... I forgot all about Saberspark. :blink:

    4. CypherHoof


      "A Brony Tale" is supposed to be good too. The "Bronies II" thing wasn't though.

  22. Man... the weather today was just insane! I'm sure you've all heard about this major heatwave we've been having in Europe, well it was out in full force today, that's for sure. :BornAgainBrony: Just today where I am, the peak was 27°C (80°F), and tomorrow is supposed to be even higher! Honestly, don't know how you Yanks deal with these temps, we're getting burnt alive up here. But hey, at least I got some much-needed color. Every cloud, I guess. :laugh:

    Don't think I have the energy to cram in an episode or 2 tonight, sadly. Got a pretty hectic day tomorrow, so I'll hopefully be able to fit an episode tomorrow night. :adorkable:

    Oh, before I forget, I've added my Discord username to my contact methods. ;)

    Night boyss

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      80F? Ha. Try 105F :laugh: That's what we've been having the past two months here in Florida USA. I've really been enjoying it though. 

      But anyway, goodnight to ya. 

    2. The Kaeya Simp

      The Kaeya Simp

      It's the same here in Blackpool, just it's colder, 24C i think (always gets warm back home when on holiday lol)

      im fucking sunburnt all over 😂😂😂


    3. Tacodidra


      I hope your day goes well! :kindness: Good night, my friend! :rarity:

  23. Alright, not a bad start, just finished episode 5 there. Gotta say, it's looking pretty good so far! Think I'll continue sometime tomorrow, I could do with some sleep. :adorkable:

    Night everyone! 

    1. Tacodidra


      I'm glad you liked them! :) Good night, my friend! :kindness:

    2. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Goodnight! :LunaMCM:

  24. Right troops, I've decided. Tonight, I'm gonna catch up on some of the episodes I've missed. God knows I've been putting them off for the longest time now. :adorkable: I'll check back in later once I've watched a few, here's hoping that they're as good as people here are saying they are. :mlp_smug:

    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Good luck! :mlp_smug:

    2. Tacodidra


      Definitely a great decision! :yay: I hope you enjoy them, my friend! :D

  25. Never. Drinking. Again. :scoots:

    1. TheRockARooster


      I feel like a drink right now.

    2. Prometheus


      I'll send one to you via carrier pigeon. :mlp_smug: 

    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Heh. We'll see how long that vow lasts. :dash:

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