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  • Birthday 1991-01-11

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    CHA0SXIII (#4994)
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    Far side of Ohio
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    You know there's an imprint that looks a bit like my face on my desk...every time I see/hear something stupid I use my real face to make that imprint just a bit more accurate...
  • Interests
    Gaming, watching Netflix and YouTube, science, and talking with people.

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    AJ, Favorite pony is Twi
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  1. So, here in the US, the government is investigating loot boxes and on twitter, a large number of people are throwing a fit saying that if lbs/mts are banned/regulated that it will "destroy their artistic creativity" and that if people don't want lbs/mts that they can just "not buy the game". Here's what they fail to realize (or more aptly, just don't care about) -

    1: studies are starting to pop up that suggest loot boxes are getting kids gambling addictions early on in life.


    2: If allowed to do so, companies will put lbs/mts in EVERY SINGLE GAME, so "don't like, don't buy" in this case means "if you don't like gambling/pay-to-win, then you shouldn't play video games at all" which isn't fair. It's like saying "if you don't like that the isp's are against your precious Net Neutrality, then don't use them" which means don't use the internet at all.


    3: These companies brought this on themselves. They're the ones that started trying to put this stuff into every game and they're the ones who kept making them worse and worse. If someone is running around slapping people - including young kids - across the back with a switch over and over again and a cop tackles them to the ground and the guy hurting people gets injured, whos to blame? The cop, the guys' victims, or the guy who was hitting everyone? To quote Will Smith " Don't want noth'n, Don't start noth'n".


    Please feel free to direct all comments about me being an "entitled far-right sist male that hates women and I don't deserve to breathe" and/or a "far-left Marxist that wants the black helicopters to come take us all to the internment camps and that my kind need to be put down" down below. I'm starting a collection! :catface: Have fun! :)

    1. CypherHoof


      Cool - how many black helos do you have, and can you spare one for me?

      And do they have "please ignore" on them?

    2. PoisonClaw


      "Artistic Creativity?" That's a new stupid excuse for putting Loot Boxes in $60 games I haven't heard before. How is chopping up a game and ransoming it at random back to players "artistic?" 

    3. CHA0SXIII


      @PoisonClaw, I'm still trying to figure out how being against lb' and mts is sexist. That's the one that's got me stumped.

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