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Status Replies posted by Phosphor

  1. Such lovely stars in Luna’s mane tonight!


  2. The 10 day weather forecast... :unamused:

    My astronomy gear is going to be collecting dust

  3. I've had a lot on my mind lately, especially with my plans to buy some land in a couple years. I find moving to be stressful, since I moved a lot when I was a kid. I've lived in the same general area for about 2 decades, so it will be tough but I'm ready to move on.

    100 acres of pine trees and class 3 dark skies is calling my name.

  4. The show ending is kinda sad. I'm still on season 7. I guess all things come to an end eventually.

    But I've said it before, I'll say it again. I'm going to stay on this site long after the show has ended.

  5. Don't blink or you'll miss it!


  6. iT'S NoT A FaLsE FlAg tHiS Is jUsT A SyMpToM Of tRuMp's aMeRiCa yOu rAcIsTs


  7. If anyone was wondering where I was for the past 6 hours, I was at the hospital. I had an episode and had threatened to hurt myself badly. I'm better now though.

  8. Why are we still here? Just to suffer?


    It feels like every single year makes my life worseer, sadder and more depressing and 2019 does make a great start continuing that rythm

    Why even bother anymore´?

    First I break my foot just days after my birthday, which is still in healing, then we in Europe are closer then ever to kill the Internet with Article 13 with like 1 vote left to stop it and now S9 will be the last season too. Yeah, just kill everything left of happiness after my fave driver in F1 left 2016 and the MGS-Game series as good as dead too after MGSV, why not just take the last things that gives me a little joy left too? Guesds playing some games is feeled the last happy thing then left, because beeing an adult and work certainly ain't fun


    ew, whatever, Night

  9. Which is worse: Having a show end too soon or having a show drag on too long?

  10. Sugar Belle and Fleur arrived in the mail today!:mlp_yay: Fleur's mane is so soft!:wub:


  11. *doorbell rings*

    *opens door* Who's out there?

    *looks down*



  12. Today as I walked into physics class I overheard a classmate say something about Rainbow Dash, followed by another commenting, "isn't that the main character from My Little Pony?".

    I really wish I knew what started that conversation. I'm genuinely dying to know, is there a brony in my class? I kinda want to plant a Rainbow Dash image to see the reaction xD

  13. I've gotten 25 flowers so far, but that means I'm still five short of the total I need.

    A little help? :mlp_please:

  14. I know this is shameless, but I'm a few flowers short so I need some help. Flowers, please?


  15. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day everypony!

    Image result for mlp excited lyra

  16. I should probably stop eating Roseluck's flowers...  :twismile:

    Roseluck angry.jpg

  17. Happy Hearts and Hooves day to all you love birds out there 

    AND Happy single awareness day to all my single friends!!! (don't worry candy is CHEAP tomorrow) :D

  18. Im in the middle of cooking..(shocking I know..i can cook) phone rings..I walk off, forget the cake is in the oven....come back to find..and much darker cake....off to the store I go...ugh...:(

    Can I have some flowers??:sealed:

  19. *Gives Flower to everypony*






  20. Help me.

    Oh and Happy Valentine's Day by the way! 



  21. Happy Don't Forget To Use A Condom Day! :laugh:

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